Chapter four - Remember it all now...

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Aubrey looked first at Antonio, Mia, then at Kevin, then Emily, Mike, and then Jayden. Her six friends... Well, she got two friends, but soon, they will all be fantastic friends. And they will always help each other through their hard time. Everyone had hard times, sooner or later. And when they got a hard time, they were gonna help each other...

"Well, my parents left me when I was-" just a baby. They left her on the street, when suddenly a man found her. If he didn't have found her, or taken her to Ji, -her master, the Rangers mentor- she wouldn't be here now. Probably not. The man couldn't take care of her, because he was a hero. He saved humans from the nighlok and moogers. He gave her to Ji, so he could take care of her. And so he did. She learned a boy to know, who was son of the man who saved her. They became friends, best friends. But she couldn't know his name. Ji wouldn't let her, because if some of their enemies got her, she could tell them much. It wouldn't be safe then... The nightlok, master Xandred was defeated, her buddy's father didn't come back. He had to pay a price, that he didn't survive. Her buddy had a hard time, but as he always cheered her up when she had a hard time, -which she always had- she tried cheering up him. She would ask him what was wrong, she would ask if they should play a game, she would ask if she should do anything for him, but he refused. He didn't wanted her to do anything for him. He was growing up to be a man, a hero, a samurai ranger soon, so he didn't needed help. He always trained, but refused to get help. It was so hard for her, to "-see him that way. He was my best friend, and I would do anything to make him happy." Aubrey finished, as Jayden looked at the ground. When he was a child, he didn't knew he had hurt Aubrey, by ignoring her, not talking to her, and just being by himself. But done is done. Now we can only change the future.

What she had just told, wasn't the saddest part yet, and it was not even near the end of the story. There were much more behind it. Many more stories inside the frame. Some stories are still untold, and maybe are never being told.

"The saddest thing, when I was a child, was when I had to say goodbye, to the only friend I had. I found out, when I-" was walking past her masters room, she heard a talking. She though that it didn't matter if she heard it or not, but she was very curious, so of course she listened. The sentences stunned her. She gasped for air, as she felt like someone punched all the air out of her. She never though her master would say such a thing about her. Like, never. "I need to send Aubrey away. She won't do any good here. It's for her best. She will never be the fighter I trained her to be, and that was just waste of my time-" she didn't wanted to hear more. She just ran into a corner where her master would never look, and sat there. She had her arms around her legs and knees, as she sniffled. She closed her eyes, and wished to get away. To get away, to a place without bullies, without her master, with only her, and her buddy. He was her best and only friend. Ever. She didn't even know that she was crying, until she felt a hand whipping away her tears. "Aubrey, what's wrong?" This time he knew something was wrong. Something really bad. "My master is s-sending me a-away. I heard him myself, saying that I can not be here any-m-more." She stuttered, as she closed her eyes, just wanting to be with her buddy forever. After he had whipped away all of her tears, he gently lifted her chin, to look into her eyes. "You didn't do anything, to make this happen. You are as perfect as you can be, Aubrey." Then she smiled. Because she knew, that although her master may send her away from her best and only friend, he would always "-be in my heart. And i would always be in his." Jayden smiled big, and looked at Aubrey. It's been so long since they've seen each other, and talked. It finally happened again. And he loved it. How she spoke, her voice, how her mouth opened and shut. He maybe just caught himself thinking of her. Maybe not. Obviously, yes.

"What then happened after he let you go?" Mia asked Aubrey. "Well, he gave me a kind of phone." Aubrey answered, and showed a thing, that looked like the Rangers samurizer. "Wow, it sure looks like a samurizer." Kevin said, as he looked at it. "Keep telling please." Emily surely liked the story, and wanted to hear all of it.

"Okay, after I got this phone-thing, and got out, I didn't do much. I just trained a lot. There isn't much after he let me go. All the stories are from when I was taken care of by my mast- I mean, Ji." Jayden smiled, obviously still at Aubrey, and Mike saw that. He maybe got a bit jealous, but Aubrey haven't proved that she prefers Jayden instead of Mike, yet.

"Tell another story please, I really like your history Aubrey!" Emily squealed, and hugged Aubrey. Aubrey hugged back, she really liked Emily. "What if Jayden could tell a story this time? He was in the stories too, right?" Mia asked, and Aubrey nodded. Jayden looked at all of them, and then he agreed.

"Okay, I'm gonna tell about that time, when Aubrey kidnapped me-" Aubrey made an innocent face, and looked at Jayden like he had just let her down. Everyone began laughing, so Aubrey made a puppy face, and crossed her arms.

"Okay, it started when I-" was walk sleeping. He walked outside, and that woke her. She stood up, and saw him walk sleeping. She though she could make some fun, so she took his hand. She lead him into the basement, and closed the door. She then went to sleep again, after locking the door. When he woke, a paper was taped onto his hair. He pulled it of, and began to read it. "Well, I see that you have woken up. Then let me start telling you how we tortured Aubrey, and then let the crocodiles eat her. Well, at first she screamed, and tried to get free, but the rope was to strong for her, then we- no! No, no! Noooooo!" He shouted, he believed what the paper said, and was trying to get out of the basement, so he could get revenge. But when he saw her walking towards him, yawning, he knew what had happened... When she opened the door, he lay on the floor. He had something red on his white pajama shirt, and on his hand. It looked like blood, and she believed it was. She ran to him, and stood wide eyed, and didn't knew what to do. She began to breathe heavily, and a panic attack started. He couldn't stand it any longer, if he didn't help her, she would maybe faint. He got up, and said, "Aubrey it's okay!" Aubrey's panic attack stopped, and she began to laugh. "Yeah yeah, I may have tried to trick you, like you tricked me, but soon I told you the truth." He said, and looked at Aubrey, who "was nearly dying, because she was laughing so hard. Then, I began laughing a little too." Jayden finished, as the Rangers tried their best not to laugh. Then they couldn't stop it. Because when they looked at Aubrey, all the saw was a girl pouting, with a sad puppy face, who made weird noises with her mouth.

"I didn't kidnap you!" Aubrey argued, as she kept pouting, and making the weird noises. "What are you laughing at?" She asked, as she looked at all the Rangers. Jayden laughed too. "It's not funny!" Aubrey protested, and crossed her arms once again.

During the day, the Rangers kept irritating Aubrey. About she's becoming a kidnapper when she gets older. That she will use her weird noises to give small children nightmares. That she will turn even more wicked, than master Xandred.

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