Chapter Seven - New ending, part 2

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*WARNING: contains mature scenes (fight scenes A.K.A blood)*

"Bad decision." The nighlook girl, whom was playing an instrument Aubrey did not know what was, said. "I know." Aubrey replied. "I can already feel the regret, the salty tears of my friends on my face, and the pain." The nighlook stopped playing on the instrument, and turned her head around, to look at Aubrey, who was silently sobbing. "Don't cry, girl. There is always a way, always a way that love can defeat the evil. Don't you know any fairytales?" Aubrey nodded. "Yes.. I know about the sleeping beauty.. She touched a needle and fell into a deep deep sleep." Aubrey dried away some tears. "Then her prince came, and woke her up." The nighlook smiled at Aubrey, if possible, and nodded at her, too. "The day," Aubrey swallowed a big fat lump in her throat. She was scared. "Your doom will come, your prince will be there to save you. Now, remember to chose wise fully. Do not chose the wrong one. Chose the one who'd save you, from any other people. A prince, who would save you, instead of his best of all friends. Do not chose the leader, he will do everything he can to save everyone. And if only one is in danger, the others he will save." Aubrey nodded, as she in her mind shook her head. "Buddy." She thought. She knew he'd be the leader. But she did also have faith in him. Hopefully he'd chose her, but also be able to save everyone else. Aubrey did not want only herself to be saved, and no one else. She did not want to be selfish, so if her buddy wouldn't be able to save everyone, she'd gladly be the one to leave.

As Aubrey had stood up again, she remembered. "He won't be able to save everyone." She mumbled, trying to recover from her little blackout.

"He won't save you." The nighlook master whispered again. "Get out. Of my mi-" "Aubrey!" Mike warned, as he ran in front of Aubrey, and got hit in the stomach himself. Aubrey's eyes widened. "M-mike? Oh my god, Mike!" Aubrey ran to Mike, and sat down next to where he was laying on the ground, bleeding out.

Aubrey was speechless. Suddenly random memories flashed inside of her head. Aubrey was dizzy, but did not want to blackout again, in fear that Mike would get even more hurt. "A-Aubr-" a little blood splattered out of Mike's mouth, and he tried to breath. Which was hard.

"Hey you," Mike whistled as he swam towards Aubrey. The team had gotten a day off, and was currently at the beach. Aubrey giggled. Mike had been very flirty the latest couple of days. "You. Look. Amazing", he smiled at Aubrey, and she flashed a smile back to him.

Rain was hitting the stone path outside, and Aubrey sat out there, meditating. Mike ran to her, trying to get her inside. "Well.. If you can't hear me then.. I can maybe practise confessing to you.." He mumbled, as he fumbled with his fingers. Aubrey did hear him, but did not want to break her meditation. She also was very curious, so of course she wanted to know what that confession was about. "I kinda.. I maybe, sorta, kinda, like you.." He swallowed a lump in his throat. "A lot." Aubrey smiled as Mile ran inside again, in fear that she might've heard him.

The team had gotten a mission by their master. He had told them that there were nighlooks several places of the city, and that they were attacking fast. Therefor he split the team in groups, so that they could also practise working in groups. Mike and Aubrey were a team, and as they were fighting the nighlooks, Mike wanted to confess. Or.. Tried to. "Aubrey I really- r-really li-like-" Aubrey was focusing hard on fighting the nighlooks. "Yes?" She asked sweetly, looking at him for a split second, and then turning her head to look for the nighlooks next move. "I was just saying, that I really like pizza." He faked a smile, as he, yet again, had lost courage. Aubrey laughed. "Me too."

"You're the prince.." Aubrey mumbled, and then turned her head to look at Mike. "Wh-what?" He laughed, but then coughed up blood again. "Aubrey, Mike? Team, only focus on fighting the nighlooks!" Jayden shouted, as Aubrey tried to cover Mike's wound, to make it bleed less.

"Aubrey, it's o-oka-" "no it's not!" Her sweet voice echoes through his head, full of worry. This was what he wanted. Aubrey to be worried about him. Kind of.

"I- I think I've got some- some band aids here!" She said as she fumbled angrily with the pockets of her costume. "Here!" She said happily, though the stressed and worried face quickly returned. She tried to put the band aids on, but Mike pushed them away.

"I fought my fight.. Now- A-Aubrey.. I've always w-wanted t-to c-confess to y-you-" Aubrey shook her head, breathing heavily. She felt so much stronger.

"Th-this was the right choice.. The d-deal was g-good-" "wait what?" Was Aubrey's thoughts. "The d-deal?" She swallowed a lump in her throat.

"That's right, Aubrey. He agreed to a deal with me, too."

Authors Note:
Sorry for making you guys wait so long.. But if you have tried writing stories too, you might know that writers block sometimes may stop you. I have written the start of the next chapter, but there might be 1-2 weeks until I update again. Hopefully you liked this chapter, lovelies.

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