Chapter two - Remember my friend...

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A boy and a girl came running towards the mysterious boy. The girl had blonde hair, and blue eyes. She wasn't to tall, but she looked like she was doing great. The boy had brown hair, and grey/silver earrings. He had blue eyes, and when he saw Aubrey, a smile was plastered to his face.

That made her remember once, how her buddy always used to smile at her. She smiled of the though, as she began to laugh. It wasn't a fake laugh, but it was neither the realest. "Jayden! The nighlok has attacked. We need your help!" The girl shouted, as she patted the mysterious boy on his shoulder. So his name was Jayden.

"What's wrong Emily?" He asked the girl, who obviously was Emily, and then he turned to look at Aubrey. "Why are you laughing? You just got bullied, punched, and kicked, by some people." She shook her head, as the laugh ended. "I was just thinking. Of my only friend." She said, as the other boy smiled even more over her.

"Mike stop looking at her! We gotta fight the nighlok!" Jayden shouted, to the boy who looked at Aubrey, stunned. Mike shook his head, as he blinked multiple of times, before speaking. "Coming Jayden! I just gotta," he shouted, as he handed Aubrey a piece of paper. At first, she was confused, but after he ran away, and shouted, "You're the most beautiful and stunning girl I've ever seen, so call me!" She understood a little. He may have a crush on her, or not. Obviously, yes.

Aubrey now though of when she was going to say goodbye to her buddy. She was never crying, but this time, she was... As she walked past her masters room, she heard a talking. She though that it didn't matter if she heard it or not, but she was very curious, so of course she listened. The sentences stunned her. She gasped for air, as she felt like someone punched all the air out of her. She never though her master would say such a thing about her. Like, never. "I need to send Aubrey away. She won't do any good here. It's for the best. She will never be the fighter I trained her to be, and that was just waste of my time-" she didn't wanted to hear more. She just ran into a corner where her master would never look, and sat there. She had her arms around her legs and knees, as she sniffled. She closed her eyes, and hoped to get away. To get away, to a place without bullies, without her master, with only her, and her buddy. He was her best and only friend. Ever. She didn't even know that she was crying, until she felt a hand whip away her tears. "Aubrey, what's wrong?" This time he knew something was wrong. Something really badly. "My master is s-sending me a-away. I heard him myself saying, that I can not be here any-m-more." She stuttered, as she closed her eyes, just wanting to be with her buddy forever. After he had whipped away all of her tears, he gently lifted her chin, to look into her eyes. "You didn't do anything, to make this happen. You are as perfect as you can be, Aubrey." Then she smiled. Because she knew, that although her master may send her away from her best and only friend, he would always be in her heart. And she would always be in his...

Aubrey looked at the piece of paper the Mike-guy gave her. She unfolded it, and saw some numbers. What had she expected? a message from her buddy where he had written, that he missed her, and that he was going to find her?

Mike looked sweet, and kind of cute. His smile was the most kawaii smile she'd ever seen. Her buddy's smile was kawaii too, but it was more like a gentle smile. She liked that too. He could always make her happy, and make her smile again.

Aubrey didn't know if she should call Mike or not. He looked like he could be a new friend of Aubrey's. Like Jayden and Emily could too. Well, Aubrey haven't talked with Emily yet, but Jayden helped her, when the bullies attacked her. Maybe they knew her old buddy? At least she could give it a try.

Aubrey had gotten a phone from her master, when she had to leave. She didn't have any contacts, so Mike would be her first. She pressed the number in, and called him. She waited some seconds, and then Mike took it.

"Hey it's Mike. If you're a nighlok or mooger, please let me be." Aubrey had no idea, what she should answer. "Um, I'm no nighlok or mooger, I'm Aubrey. If you remember me..." She answered, and Mike jumped of happiness, but she couldn't see that.

"Hey! I didn't knew you were going to call me back. No one actually does," Aubrey nodded, but forgot that he couldn't see her. "Well, I don't have any friends, so I though I could give us a chance?" Mike though for a second. 'Us'. Aubrey was the most beautiful and stunning girl he had ever seen. He also wanted to give them a chance.

"Wanna meet? The same place Jayden saved you from those bullies? Or..." "It's okay, when?" "When do you got time? Now?" "It will be okay right now. I don't have anything else to do." Aubrey answered, and got a little happy, for almost getting a new friend. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute, or 5." "Okay, bye." Aubrey's voice rang through Mike's head. He just couldn't stop thinking about her.

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