A Day In

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Red woke up groggy that day, rubbing his face as he shifted around in the blankets on the couch. His personal little cocoon for his sleep. A luxurious scent filling his nasal cavity as he roused from his sleep. Opening his eyes to allow his senses to fully wake. With a grunt and painful protests from his body he sat up. taking in his surroundings again- right, he was in Class's house. So, the shit that happened last night was real. Looking to the kitchen to the quaint little cabin, however. He was graced with the presence of a complete stranger.

The skeleton was tall and lean. Features soft and rounded and his sockets small and wide. There was no light in the eyes but even without them the skeleton carried a cheerful and excitable aura. He was busying himself cooking something, red tilting his head as he looked over the activity. Muffins? Perhaps? No clue, Red shrugged, giving up as he went to turn around and sit back down.

"I had been curious as to when you would be awake!" the skeleton cheered, Red squeaking in shock, whipping back around to see the larger skeleton beaming in delight at him "brother has gone out to work already, meaning if you wish to stay it will be just you and me for the day!" the other cheered cheerfully before gesturing to a plate on the bench of pancakes "heated it up just ten minutes ago! Should still be good!"

"Mmnh- thanks Sir" Red uttered sleepily. Stifling a yawn as he wandered over to the plate. Scooping it up "looks delicious" he added. And that it did, the pancakes perfectly fluffy and golden, cooked to perfection. The larger skeleton letting out a giggle of delight. The expression warming Red's soul.

"Nyeh! Of course! My name is papyrus by the way." He introduced himself, flashing Red yet another smile. The smaller skeleton making his way back to the couch. Sitting down as he begun to eat "nice t' meet ya papyrus, m' Red" he responded. Papyrus bounced on his feet, laughing happily "such a nice name! I was worried you were going to be scary with that scar on your head. I am really glad this was not the case!" he cheered, putting the muffins in the oven before untying an apron, flashing Red another reassuring smile as he hung the apron up and Skipped along the cabin to the stairs "I will be vacuuming upstairs then I would love to further meet you if this is quite alright? My brother has taken quite a liking to you!"

Red had gone to sit out on the Front porch when he finished his food and rinsed his plate, the vacuum blaring from the upper floors of the house as papyrus remained busy with his work. Red however just took this time to take in the glorious surroundings of the location, Class and papyrus liked in a log cabin out in the middle of the forest, the trees thick enough Red couldn't tell how far out of the town they had been. Looking down the stairwell that trailed down the hill the house was poised on. There were rows and rows of well organised newly planted plants. flowers and fruits, Red had assumed.

He was too busy looking at the view from the porch to realise the vacuum had stopped from inside the house. Too engrossed in his own sight seeing to notice as Papyrus approached him from behind. Red jumping when the large skeleton sat beside him. Papyrus staring as Red in shock "I am sorry Red, I believed you had noticed me before I had approached. I can now see this was incorrect! I am sorry for startling you as I have!" he dipped his head as a means to apologise, Red waving it off dismissively "eh, fuhgeddaboudit. Happens and that" he said flippantly. Shrugging as he went back to looking at the place.

"It is quite the immaculate view is it not?" Papyrus's voice had dipped low, catching Red off guard once more, Papyrus uttering a quiet apology. Red shrugging it off "you know. My brother had me pick the house we would move to. I felt this house had potential for the price it was. Do you think I was correct in that judgement? Red?" he asked, Red scoffed quietly, looking down to the growing plants "f' course Papyrus. Look at this place! This is the kinda location I could dream of but never achieve y'know?"

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