I just wanted to close!

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Red froze, stairing up at the new character in shock

Those words. Why had he used THOES WORDS?

The blue, the voice, his cute face. Red didn't know weather to laugh nervously or run

Was this guy his fucking soul mate?

They didn't seem to be having the same idea it seemed. He looked up at the other skeleton a moment before shakily getting to his feet, this other skeleton was about two inches taller then him. But it felt like so much more to red. Maybe that was just his glasses. He shook off that feeling though. Taking the skeletons hand in his.

He was honestly shocked when he heard the whoopie cushion sound between them, enbaressed even though no one was there! It was just him and this skeleton! And he was the one with the whoopie cushion for Pete's sake!

The skeleton was laughing hysterically, all sense of seriousness that red had expected had evaporated. And despite the lab coat, small glasses and neatly tucked sweater. He did actually seem like a laid back guy. The skeleton swept a nonexistent tear from his eye-socket before revealing his whoopie cushion on his hand "sorry kid,I can't help it. Somethin, told me we needed to lighten this mood" he said, shooting another charming smile at red. Red stared at the other skeleton a few moments before he hugged himself and faced away "yeah, whatever" he said, scoffing quietly.

Shit... he killed the mood. The skeleton above him seemed hesitant now. Why did he let himself act that way? He had to fix this, this skeleton didn't deserve to be treated poorly! Even if he HAD came in late, and HAD used a whoopie cushion on him and HAD Him rethink if he did want to continue being single and-

Why the fuck was this guy giving him that face? Red didn't remember kicking him?

The skeletons face was curved into an incredibly nervous smile as he looked down at red, he appeared hopeful of red didn't know any better. But that only had his guard heighten itself

He readied his magic. The other reached for his pocket. And red felt his eyes beginning to burn as they grew brighter slightly.

Why was he doing this? This skeleton didn't deserve to suddenly be judged when all he did was walk into a closed place and pull a prank on the owner. It was all in good heart, surely.

He couldn't have been pulling a gun out, surely?

Red watched as the skeleton slowly pulled out a small flip phone from hi pocket, sticking his ocea blue tongue out playfully as he begun to mess with it. Was this an attempt to look casual? Why was he using a brick when those shouldn't even EXIST in this day and age, they stopped production for those three HUNDRED YEARS AGO.

"'M looking for any books at all on any scientific subjects, I couldn't find any at the library but there's a very specific one I'm looking for" he told red, who seemed utterly shocked.

Why the fuck was there a scientist five hours away from the nearest lab?

Instead of asking that out loud though red nodded and lead him to the back. And as the skeleton looked through the books he took the moment to dial cherry. As always? She was right beside her phone. And almost immediately red knew what she was doing

There was the furious clicking of a controller. As well as her soft voice barking out quick orders.

Of course she was playing her game right now. Was she even aware the phone had dialled?

"Uh, hey cherry? If you're listening I'm gonna be a little late home" he murmured into the speaker. There was a random one worded reply from cherry and red sighed and hung up

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