A Past

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"Red, Red! C'mon please? Red! Ya gotta get up!" came the Voice of his sister rousing him from his sleep. Upon opening his eye sockets, directed up to the mouldy ceiling cracked and warped. He slowly pushed him up to his feet, his spine cracking as the bones clicked together awkwardly, snapping into place. Where? Oh...

He was sleeping on the floor of the latest abandoned apartment the three had managed to be able to find the wood was worn in, the tap had sprung a leak a year ago easy and the pipes were clogged. the radiators were beyond broken. And impossible to fix, and the rats were loud in the walls.

He looked off to his right, giving his youngest sibling a small smile. Cherry's magenta eyes flashing warmly as she smiled back. Holding out his pair of glasses. Pieces of the lenses were cracked and missing, and they had been bent when he landed on them weeks ago. He glanced down and sighed softly. His young sisters magic looked more and more painful every day, but under his brothers care he didn't see it ever getting fixed before his sister crumbled to dust.

He shifted a little bit and stifled a wince, pulling the shared blanket between him and cherry off his leg to look over all the hairline fractures on his femur, tracing a couple of them... no that wasn't his issue, shifting the blanket further down he found his issue. Littering his entire tibia were large breaks, it would be a wonder if he could walk on it today really. But he had to, they couldn't stay a day more under the tyrant's care. Red chanced a look at the idiot's face. The other looked just as stupid in his sleep as he did awake. But at least the oldest couldn't argue and beat him if he was asleep. Red sighed as he traced his latest mark from the other along his cheek. His tongue rolling over his missing fang after.

"Are you ready t' go Cherry?" Red asked as he brought his attention back to his sister, the pink skeleton nodding, hands in her laps. As she spoke in a barely even audible voice "I... suppose so, did you pack everything last night?" she asked. Red scoffing. Glancing over to his half-destroyed bag "not like there was much to pack" he pointed out with a grunt. Getting to his feet as he scooped up his pillow and blanket. Folding it up and slipping them in behind the straps. Slipping the bag onto Cherry's back. Red probably would never audibly admit it. But he was thankful, so, so thankful. That the other had never had to withstand Edges feral temper first hand.

"Not too heavy?" he murmured, cherry shaking her head to him, gently nudging his hand before looking to her own wrist, relaxing. Cherry had been fixated upon the papyrus font words since she was first told what they meant. No matter how many times their brother shot them down and crushed their dreams, Cherry remained hopeful. If the words hadn't been spoken to her. She knew she would live on longer yet.

With Cherry's help Red was at the front door with little noise, the limping he had to do to effectively get around without further breaking his leg in any of these other fractures would've made too much noise and roused his brother, and if they did not leave now Red feared they would never get this chance again.

This just wasn't something he could allow to pass up, the both of them wouldn't be able to handle more of this treatment. And Cherry especially wouldn't be able to survive through much more neglect like this, the concentrating magic could protect a monster's soul, yes. But for a skeleton it could be detrimental if the magic grew too thick, and now? Cherry's magic was approaching a size that was a health concern to her. Her stores were low and she could only go so long before needing food and a break. If this all continued much longer, Cherry wouldn't be able to walk around a street block without running the risk of dusting. Reds eye lights darkened as he produced a piece of blank paper torn out of a library book, writing on it in his brothers Ketchup. His writing crooked and barely legible since no one had properly taught him much more then to read.

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