An Attack

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H-how- how had he found him!? Had this had something to do with Class?! Edge's grin grew larger. His golden fang glinting in the light "speechless ya' little shit?" he scoffed, Red squinting as he looked to the others chest, his vision continued to dance and speckle as the throb grew more and more painful. Fuck, he was dead, wasn't he?

"Look at me asshole!" Edge growled. Pulling Red forward as far as he could before slamming his body back into the chair "I'm fucking talking to you!" he screeched. Class tilting his head "I coulda' bashed him too hard y'know Edge. Could be too concussed to see properly" he explained "or however the fuck it works"

"Well, I guess I'll just fucking ramble then" he growled, gripping Red's throat tighter as he leaned in closer "hope yer fucking listening you pathetic excuse for a skeleton" he hissed. Red grunting as the others claw pressed his sensitive bone, a drip of his Ruby Magic flowing out under the grip, Red hissing out a slurred curse.

"ya knew what ya fuckin were doing didn't cha? Fuckin running off on me like that. Ya knew we were tha spitting fucking image of each other fucking didntcha?" he growled. Eye lights narrowing to slits as Red begun to cough and sputter. Trying to breathe past Edge's grip as the other only held him tighter "ya fucking left me to clean all your fucking dirty work y'know? You disappeared and all that fucking drug trafficking you did under my damn roof was traced back to me. Oh, but they had never seen my younger sibling so I was shittin them" he shouted. Throwing Reds head back into the back of the chair "THREE YEARS. I spent doing time for your fucking crime! Three! Fucking! Years!" he bellowed. Proceeding to shake Red. Throwing his skull into the chair again, and again, and again.

Honestly, the pain was beginning to go numb by this point.

"you know what I got doing your time in prison? Little shit?" Edge prompted. Class tilting himself just enough that he was in Red's line of sight. Stepping closer to his lover "I got to meet my soulmate in all his damn glory. Better then anythin' I ever fuckin' imagined, and here I was thinking Cherry was just demented for thinking it was so damn good" Edge's eyes trailed off to the side mere moments later, Class's own meeting his. A Smug look gracing Edge's face as Class shot him a sadistic one back. Edge rolling his eyes as he muttered "lose the glasses, they make ya look stupid."

Class immediately took off the glasses, folding them up. It was that, the final accessory. That the skeleton Red had thought he got to know this last month completely disappeared. Replaced by a smug, aggressive, partner in his brother's crime and abuse.

Edge however. Seemed to love this look more as he Reached out and pulled Class in closer. The two skulls bashed together as the two kissed heatedly. Class letting out a gentle whine as they only furthered the kiss. Fucking gross... Red gagged as he rolled his eyes and tried to angle his attention away from them. Off to the side, out the window back to the ocean, out to the door that had been broken in only to be slammed back into place as they carried out whatever sadistic plan Edge had Concocted over these ten whole fucking years. Seriously, this guy was now twenty-eight and he couldn't just leave them alone?!

And now class was Grossly making out with his brother, well- he could deal with that part, it was more the issue of only last week HE had been just like this with class and now his arms were all over the fucker! How dirty was Class to fuck either brother? was it all for the act?! Surely he didn't need to go that damn far!!

The two broke away after what felt like three whole lifetimes of Red just watching them. Edge stepping back far enough to give Class centre stage, Class kneeled down in front of Red. Pulling the others skull so Red had no choice but to look down to him. Class's grin growing larger and larger "wanna know what I was in for when yer brother met me sweets?" that nickname ran like ice in Red now as he stared down at Class in terror. He had a sense he already knew, he didn't WANT to know.

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