A Day Out

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Both of them walked through the park again an hour later, hands held together firmly as they move to find a place to sit. Red glancing up to class to see he was glancing back at him, they made eye contact briefly as class laughed nervously "uh, there's an hour until the play, do ya want me to pay for some snacks while we're there?" class offered, red making a noise as he stared at a wolf on the other side of the park eyeing them off like a juicy treat, pressing himself closer to class "uh eatin' a snack this close to dinner don't feel right" he mumbled.

"Ah, well, you sure I can't treat you to dinner at least then?" class tried, looking to red hopefully. "Already said no, class, if ya want dinner with me I need enough time to tell cherry and for her to be able to make plans for dinner" red growled, class nodding in understanding

"Alright alright, consider it done" class said plainly, looking off to the lake to the side of them. Before suddenly stepping ahead of red and kneeling down in front of him, half bowing to red as he smirked, red feeling quite embarrassed as the air of skeletons got wired looks from other people in the park at the moment "th-the fuck is you doing class!?" he hissed under his breath. But class didn't answer, reaching to grab OK me of reds brittle boned hands in his "this Friday, you and me in the city. I'll treat ya to a nice dinner?" he offered, red making a face.

After being seated in the quaint little theatre in the town red found himself thinking carefully over reds offer. He had texted cherry to let her know about today, while also running the option by her. Of course, the small red skeleton had chirped and cheered and responded with every form of yes, she could think of in one text. He had scienced the phone when prompted by the speakers, before watching the play Infront of him the actors f-for the seven images were preforming the action to seal the barrier at the moment, but red hadn't really been paying attention or listening. He didn't know if he should accept though. Going back towards the city meant he could potentially run back into them, that he could end up compromising their location, their health and safety, he was bright back to the play when he felt classes hand on his shoulder. The other watching him in concern "ya okay?" his low voice murmured as he leaned to speak into his eye socket. Red responding with a brisk nod as he tried to focus once more on the play. All he could think of though was the dinner offer still.

The two of them filed out of the theatre during the intermission. Sans leading them down around a corner to an alleyway as red followed wordlessly "so, how're ya feelin' bout the play at the moment red?" class purred, looking to the blank expression, reds eyes hazy as he remained lost in thought "hmm? oh yeah yeah, it's okay" red responded plainly, flinching when he was a moment later, gently pressed against the wall of the alley, class smirking down at red as he repressed a chuckle "kid, red. Yer' not even watching the play are ya?"

Their skulls were dangerously close together, reds face erupting in the red blush classes pristine little fingers running up and down reds sides and spine, tracing the bumps in reds shirt from his spine as red purred and hisses out a "fuck that feels good"

"Would hope so, your bones are so delicate, so brittle, lacking so many vitamins and minerals they need. They deserve to be treated gently" he told red. Who begun to feel a little uneasy with the other so close to his bones When one of classes bones went from his rib cage to his shoulder blade, then traced down reds arm to gently massage the bones. He braced himself as the other paused right at the cuff of his wrist

"red" classes tone was serious as he gently rubbed a circle of reds bone. He knew what the other had found, squeezing his eyes shut he made a noise to show he was listening. "Where did all these little fractures come from red?"

"Theyre-theyre old, nothing to care about class" red mumbled out. Class however didn't let up, still glaring at them, gently pressing red against the wall again "red, I'm not letting you go with an answer as unsatisfying as that, who hurt you?"

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