Chapter Three: Regrets and Memories

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Sighing I place the last paper into a binder and place the binder on the shelf. My eyes catch a picture frame on the shelf below me, turned so it faced the inside of the shelf. Interesting. Checking my watch, I realise I have 10 minutes before I am supposed to lock up the office. Gently lifting the frame I turn it around and gasp. In the frame I see four people. One of the girls has white blonde hair and golden eyes. Her lips are blood red and her shirt is almost too low to be appropriate. Her hand is entwined in another hand belonging to a guy with chocolate brown hair and a football uniform on. But it’s the other couple which capture my full attention. Adrian is there, smiling like he was the happiest kid in school, his hair ruffled and his eyes shining like glass. His hand is wrapped around the waist of a smiling girl with a tangle of brown curls and lighter eyes. Me.

I don’t know what to think of the picture, or the fact that he kept it here for so long. What did it mean? A pang of guilt hits my heart as I remember what I had done to him. Pushing it aside, I place the frame exactly the way I had found it. The past was the past, and there was nothing I could do about it now. I bite my lip remembering the way his eyes had grazed my body. The way he looked so much hotter than the last time I had seen him. He had gained experience and wasn’t the inexperienced boy I had dated all those years ago. I pick up the key out of the desk and leave the office. Making sure his door is locked the way it should be I wave to Victoria who smiles around a man talking to her. I pause as I step outside. I had thought I would be out of the office before now, and didn’t have enough fare to take the morning bus if I went on the bus now. Knowing how late I can push my mornings, I sigh and start walking. I can take care of myself, can’t I? My skirt protested the thought as it hindered my steps into small short ones.

I got home and sighed. Nothing had happened and I was safe. Looking down at the skirt I frowned. I needed a new one if I was going to walk home all the time now. Pants would be preferable better. Shimmying out of the day’s clothes, I put on a robe, too lazy to bother with clothes. Warming up some left overs, I have a small dinner and smile in spite of myself. I had a new job, a well-paying job to be accurate. One which didn’t threaten my dignity or my safety. Brushing my teeth, I walked over to the bed, falling asleep in just my underwear. My dreams included my new boss, Adrian Evans. Scandalous wouldn’t be a good enough word to describe them.

I wake at five to the loud ringtone of my cell. Getting up groggily I peer at the caller ID. Adrian Evans.

My heart jumps. Had he somehow seen my dreams? Don’t be absurd, Kayla. Was he calling to fire me? Taking a deep breath, I answer the phone.


“Kayla.” My breathing stopped and I suddenly had a rush of blood to my brain. He sounded so hot and - I completely missed his next words. “Ms.Wilde are you there?” his voice sounded humoured now.

“Y-yes I am, Sir. D-do you t-think you could repeat that?” I stammer out.

There’s a low chuckle which twists up my stomach, but in a good way. I am suddenly acutely aware of how much I’ve got on, despite the fact that there was no one here. All because of a phone call? I pull the covers up to hide my body.

“You will come in today, but I won’t be there. You should be able to let yourself in using the key I gave you yesterday. Try not to be late. Victoria should be kind enough to show you your task for today. I expect it to be done by the time I arrive from my meeting.”

“Yes sir.”

“Good.” He hangs up. 

I decide to get up anyways. Getting ready, I ditch the skirt for dress pants, which gave me more mobility but not much. Putting on a simple nylon shirt I look into the mirror. My hair was a little wavy from the bun yesterday but not the natural mess it was like in the picture. Pulling my hair back, I tie it back into a braided bun with some strands loose around my face. The bun is off to the side and I smile. I usually didn’t have time in the mornings to do my hair too stylishly. Grabbing my bag I leave for the morning.

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