Chapter Seven: A Good Morning from the Devil Himself

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warning to my readers: this is a little disturbing, and I am sorry about that, so if you do not want to read it, or know you are affected by things you see/read, DO NOT READ THIS!

as for the brave souls who decide to read it, let me know what you think, too much? too fast? thanks guys :)


Groaning, I open my eyes slowly. The light filtering through the blinds stings my eyes. My head pounds something fierce. I slowly prop myself up on one arm, and realize under the covers, I’m completely naked. Panicking I wonder where I am. Looking around the room twice the size of my little apartment, I spot my clothes and shoes in a pile on the ground. Grimacing at the sore spots on my body, I pick up the clothes and slip into them quickly. The room is large, but it’s also furnished with expensive things. One vase or chair could pay my rent for half a year. Walking over to the first door I turn the handle and push it open. I’m greeted by a bathroom the size of my apartment. My eyes are drawn to the toilet and I decide to relieve myself. As soon as I was done my business, I go over to the only other door in the bedroom. Rattling the knob, I find it locked. A panic sets into my body. Where the hell was I!?

I turn around from the door in hopes to find some way to leave the room when the sound of a key turning in the lock sounds behind me. I turn around again, wondering whose house this was. The door is thrown open to reveal a shirtless, blond haired, blue eyed man. Louis. He chuckles at the expression on my face.

“Don’t look at me like that, Sweetie.”

I scrunch up my face.

“What do you want?” as soon as the words are out of my mouth I regret them. Louis shuts the door behind him and his playful expression is gone. His hand closes around one of my wrists, tight enough to make my eyes water.

“Honey-buns, you know better than to speak to me that way. I just wanted to wish you a very loving good morning.”

“G-g-good M-m-m-orning to y-you t-to.” It takes all my will not to break down and cry right now. But I already know what’s coming.

He grins slowly without humour. His eyes are hard as steel, and cold. Pulling his hand back he slaps me across the face hard enough to make my head spin and my ears to ring. Before I have a chance to recover, his arm swings around to punch me in the jaw. I feel the darkness threaten to come back. I am pushing away from the darkness as Louis reaches for something in his pocket. Just as I have gotten control of my body, I look up in time to see him open a switchblade. The colour drains out of my face as he steps into the light filtering from the window. His pupils don’t constrict. He’s high.

I scream as the blade makes its way to my upper thighs. He slides the blade under my dress and under the side of my panties.

“This is such a flattering colour on you.” He breathes in deeply from his nose. Applying a little pressure, the blade cuts the lace of the panties. He moves the blade to the other side, and closes his eyes. I feel the panties fall off, and my eyes tear up as the air touches my most intimate part. I can feel his hungry eyes down there.

I don’t give away anything, just remain still. My eyes go over to the clock on the wall. The date written on the inside of the clock makes me stop breathing for a moment. I’ve been out for a whole day and a half. It’s the pain on my inner thigh which makes me draw in a deep breath and look down. The blade has cut across my thigh, red dripping onto the wooden ground. It’s like the blood has awakened something in Louis, who pushes me roughly to the ground and makes another cut below the first. His other hand holds my waist tight enough to hurt. A whimper leaves my mouth. The third cut is a little deeper. He looks down in satisfaction.

“You’re mine. That proves it bitch. Don’t think you can sneak away from me.” he growls. He brings the blade to his lips and licks my blood off it.

“Come.” He orders. I follow, holding a hand at my leg to stop the blood from dripping onto the ground. He leads me to the bathroom and puts me on the counter. My dress has ridden up and the feeling of the cold counter makes me flinch. Spreading my legs, Louis stands, just watching for a moment. Then he sprays the cuts he’s made with something which stings. Then pulling out a bandage, he wraps the cuts carefully.

His fingers trail up my leg and caress my vagina. I want to move back, shudder, maybe even cross my legs, but if I did, he’d hurt me. Louis’ hand winds behind my head and pushing down on the bruise, he brings my face close to his and kisses me roughly, his tongue entering my mouth. I don’t move my lips; just let him take what he wants. Our crotches are pressed against each other’s, and I feel something. My heart sinks as I realize where this may go. It’s the insistent vibrating in his pocket that makes him grumble and pull out his phone. One look at his phone screen makes an evil grin spread across his face and he grins at me before answering the call.

“we-e-ll hello man.” he pauses as the person on the phone says something. “Of course I’m free! I’ll be there tonight.” His eyes stray to me suddenly. “Of course I haven’t forgotten, that bitch needs to get her punishment.” He laughs. “Anyways, I got to call you back, I’m with a girl. She’s fucking gorgeous.” He closes the phone and looks at me form the side of his eyes.

“You’re lucky. Go on. Make yourself to the office. Cover up the marks, sweetie. You don’t want them to find anything, or your new boss will have to pay the price.” My eyes widen and he takes satisfaction. His tongue licks on the skin between the neck and shoulder. “Still love the bastard don’t you?” his teeth bite down suddenly, and I can’t help myself. I let out a scream.

He licks the blood off and presses a tissue to the new wound.

“Eat something before you leave.” Then he strides out of the bathroom.

Sighing, I lean into the mirror behind me. My face is wet from tears, and my body is tired, sore and in pain. Sliding off the counter, I wipe the counter of my blood, and place a band aid on my neck. Pulling my dress down, I step out of the bathroom slowly.

There’s a meal waiting for me in the kitchen. I sit and slowly eat it until it’s done. Closing the door behind me, I leave the mansion and lead towards the taxi which was waiting at the door. Sliding into the back, the cab driver takes off, already told where to go, and paid. I guide him to my house before stepping out and go to my house. Entering, I place my purse on a table before breaking down in sobs.

Why was my life so fucked up?

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