Chapter Six: Demon of the Past

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Kayla’s POV:

I frowned as a greasy looking guy came to take the spot Adrian left in a hurry. I smile an apology as I step out of the throng of people moving against each other in search of Christie and Tyler. Finding Christie and Tyler about a foot apart, I join them, unsure about everything all of a sudden.

Why was Adrian here? And why did he dance with me? Was I being too slutty?

A yank on my wrist caught my attention and I focused on Christie’s face. She smiles and waggles her eyebrows at Adrian, who was at the bar, and had just slammed a glass down. I gave her a half smile, and yelled into her ear,

“That’s Adrian!”

She squealed back, “Oh my god! I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this with your old ex, but damn woman, he’s so…So HOT!”

I look down at my phone and my face scrunches up as I see the 1:30 cut across the screen.

“Christie! It’s one thirty!” I yell into her ear. She looks up at me apologetically.

“I’m going to Ty’s house. Do you think you’ll be able to get home on your own okay?” she looks up at me with the biggest cute apologetic eyes ever. Rolling my eyes as my heart melts, I growl out an affirmative.

“I’m so sorry!” her arms wrap around me and I pat her awkwardly. As soon as she’s done the hug, she flounces off in pursuit of Tyler.

I contemplate things. If I go home on the bus, I would have to use the only change I have. A cab was out of the question, I didn’t have enough money to waste on a cab. I look over at the mass of men standing by the door of the club, ogling what they could, in hopes that a girl would come out so they could stick their tongues down their throats. Definitely not going there if I could avoid it. I could walk home, but I wasn’t wearing something too practical and I didn’t think the neighbourhoods were too kind during the day, much less the night. Seeing no other option, I decided to take my chances and walk home. There was a ball of something lodged in my tummy, knowing if I was taken or killed, no one would know. Glaring down at my phone, I decide to go to the bathroom before setting off on my walk home.

I had just left the bathroom when I crashed into a guy, with the front of his black and blue plaid shirt open to reveal smooth muscle. I steady myself and say a sorry, but my voice gets stuck halfway through my apology as the piercing blue eyes look coldly down at me. There’s a warm smile on his mouth, but it’s the eyes that give away his evil. Eyes I had seen before. Louis. Images flash across my mind and my heart begins to race, and I want to be anywhere but here, even in a dark alley with a knife against my throat.

“It’s okay, sweetie.” His voice is deep and dark, goose bumps break out on my skin.

His eyes travel my body, resting on my bare legs. An eyebrow goes up as he inspects them further. Grabbing me by the waist he hauls me off to the door, telling me to keep quiet and follow him. As soon as we reach the cold of the night air, he turns, and in his right hand is a bottle of alcohol. His eyes are not cool, but slightly livid. His body is shaking, eyes unable to fully focus at times. He takes a swing of the bottle, and I take a quick step back.

His eyes follow the movement and he grins. I shudder in horror as he comes forward. His hands grasp the bottom of my dress and lift it so it lies in line with the lowest part of my panties.

“Where did they go?” he slurs. I don’t bother to answer. If I open my mouth, I may start screaming.

He looks down at the bottle in his hands stupidly and then at my legs. My underwear is on display now and some men at the door have noticed. Their eyes latch onto the red revealed by Louis. Suddenly, before I can register what has happened, a white hot pain explodes on the left side of my face and I am shocked to see Louis looking down at me in satisfaction. My knees have been scraped by the ground, drawing blood. He comes closer as I crawl away from him backwards.

My back hits the dumpster and I grimace. How stupid could I have been? There was no one to see, to stop Louis if he decided to kill me. I look around frantically. My eyes land on a broken bottle.

“Sweetie, come on don’t be like that. I have something for you. All these years I waited. You don’t know how much I missed you and your body. Come back…”

My hands tighten around the neck of the broken bottle. His footsteps come closer. I get ready for Louis to turn the corner of the dumpster I ran behind and I pause. It’s quiet. Too quiet.

A laugh feathers across the back of my neck and his hand grips my neck.

“Ah. Ah . Ah. Why you little dirty bitch. The only good you can do me is be a good vagina for my dick. You’re lucky you can make me want you…..bitch.” his hand holding the bottle swings down and into the back of my skull. Stars explode in my brain and my grip on the bottle slackens. There’s another blow, a little higher than the first, and I slip into unconsciousness.

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