Chapter Twelve: Groggy Mornings

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Kayla’s POV

I wake to a feeling of loneliness coursing through me. Well that was just silly now wasn’t it? My head felt a little heavy, and my throat felt dry, clear signs I had been on some drug.

“Ma’am?” a soft voice came from the doorway of the room. Standing there was a young woman who was so small, I wondered if she was even past the age of 18. She had vivid blue eyes which pierced right through you, with pale ginger hair. She walked over, handing me some papers.

“We were not sure how you had come to get those cuts, however we would prefer it if there was a reason, or compliant filed. You are by all means able to leave these blank, but it would be helpful if they’re filled out. Someone will be here to talk to you shortly, and you can probably leave in a few days.”

“Thank you.” I answer my voice groggy and dry.

I take a sip of the water on the table beside me as soon as she leaves, going through the papers. One was a complaint slip, which would be sent to the police station, another was a checklist and any additional information, and lastly was an information sheet with a psychiatrist recommendation. I frown. They thought someone had either attacked me or I had begun to self-mutilate myself.

“Feeling better?” his rough voice sounded from the doorway.

I look up into the warm eyes of my boss, who was dressed in the same clothes as before I came here. His suit jacket was hanging on his arm, his shirt tight in a good way, while he held up a tray full of food. I nod, placing the papers on the table beside me.

“Here’s some food. I have to clear the room in about twenty minutes; a lady is coming to talk to you. I believe she’s a psychiatrist?”

He places the tray in front of me, snatching a muffin off it. Picking up the papers, he goes through them, as I begin to nibble on a muffin. He scoffs at one of them, before ripping one out of the stack.

“This wasn’t a suicide attempt or cutting problem. I believe this is what you need to fill out.” He puts the police complaint on the table and taps it, before crumpling the other papers and tossing them out.

I take a sip of the coffee, frowning when I realize there’s not enough sugar. I liked my coffee saturated with sugar and milk. The bitter taste of coffee never pleased me, but the caffeine kept me awake when I don’t get enough sleep. Adrian grins at my expression before pulling out sugar packets from his pockets. I reach out and take some, opening three packets and dumping them into the coffee. I take a large sip, smiling at the sweetness.

“Want to tell me your story now?” he asks me, and I pause, wondering how much I had already told him.

I remember him asking me, and me telling him how I had left the club and something had happened. Things after that got a bit loopy, but one thing I remembered vividly was the kiss. I had pulled him down and kissed him. My heart beat faster with embarrassment and something a little more. Pushing the thoughts aside, I decide its best to pretend I don’t remember that, since I don’t recall anything else after that.

“It’s the same as before, after I left the club, I was – I got hurt.” The end of my sentence stuttered, and I winced.

“No, I want the truth. You told me I wouldn’t believe you. I doubt that. No one cuts themselves the way you are, nor has handprints which look more abusive than a little rough sex.”

I look away debating this. I knew Louis and Adrian were close friends, so telling Adrian would be out of the question, not to mention the very obvious threat Louis has over Adrian making me keep quiet. Looking back at Adrian, who still had his gentle green eyes on me, I decide he needed to hear something, so he would back off.

“Okay, you’re right. I was attacked. But I don’t remember too much.” I shift nervous on the bed, watching Adrian take in my words. He shifts his jacket to his other arm, calculating what to say. I watch as he nods sharply once, knowing it’s all he’s going to get. We say nothing more and eat our breakfast in silence.

A soft knock sounds on the door, before it is pushed open.

“Hi, Kayla Wilde? I’m Ms. Stein, and I’d like to speak to you for a little bit in private. Would that be okay with you?” a woman with dark blonde hair tied up in a small tight bun. Pearls hung around her neck with a golden chain, and her lips were painted rose. Her eyes were a simple chocolate brown, ringed with long light brown lashes.

I nod at her, sending her a small smile. Adrian comes over and takes the tray from the table. Before he fully straightens, he kisses the side of my head. I look at him, surprise clear on my face. As soon as he’s gone Ms. Stein sits on the chair across from the bed.

“Boyfriend?” she asks, opening her bag and leafing through the contents.

“Ah, no.” I answer, wondering how much to tell her.

“Then?” she asks, pulling out a folder and a pen. She puts on some glasses, and looks up at me.

“Boss.” I mumble, looking down. Heat floods my cheeks and I twist the blanket between my fingers. Despite speaking softly, she had heard and both eyebrows went up.

“Your boss? He just kissed you. I don’t think most bosses show that type of affection to their employees. Perhaps there’s something more going on between you two?” she asks, jotting something down on one of her papers.

“We used to date in the past, but then things happened.” I shrug, looking up at her. She smiles at me thinly.

“Interesting. Well do you still like him right now?”

“I don’t know” I say half honest. I certainly felt sexually attracted to him, but I don’t think lust counted towards having actual feelings for him.

“Does he treat you well? Has he ever hurt you in any way?”


“It says here you’re a waitress, a secretary, a bartender and an …exotic dancer?”

“Stripper. Yes, I was. I was a little short on money at the time.” I sigh.

“Anyone who could be back for revenge?” she asks, her eyebrow up in the air.


“Alright, Kayla. Well is there anything you wish to talk about? Any difficulties, any troubles? Remember whatever you tell me stays with me, and in this room.”

“No, nothing ma’am. I just had a small accident. I remember my mother always told me never to be careless with sharp things near me.” I smile warmly at her, thinking of sweet things so it would look genuine.

She smiles back, before packing up her things and standing. Coming over she shakes my hand.

“It was a pleasure to talk to you Kayla. Please do call me when you wish you talk to me again.” She hands me a card before opening the door. Adrian walks in, smirking.


“Ms. Wilde, you can be checked out the day after tomorrow, I have permission as well as proper adequate care will be given to you at my place.”

“I can?” I pause, his words sinking in, “Wait, what do you mean your place?”

He grins down at me, “Well, you don’t think I would leave you anywhere where you would be in danger again would you? Besides, I have employed the finest staff who can look after you until you are well again. I’ve called your friend, Christie; she’s going to drop some things off for you tomorrow. But until then..”

He tosses me a bundle of clothes that I catch easily. “You can wear these.”

I open them and realize they’re men’s shirts with a pair of shorts and another pair of loose sweatpants. A bra and panties were rolled up in the bundle, and I didn’t even want to know how he knew my sizes. I look up to thank him, but instead am greeted by the click of a closing door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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