Chapter 21-30

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Before that, Fu Yan never thought that one day, a girl would grab the crocodile's tail and throw it up, so when she saw the picture in front of her, Rao, who had always been calm, had to eat it hard. Startled.

Fu Yan felt that her young heart was deeply hurt, and the cute loli girl she said was good, but now she has taken the wrong script.

Xu was because Tong Zhen's movements were too shocking, not only Fu Yan on the shore was stunned, but even the saber-toothed crocodiles in the lake seemed to be stunned, and even forgot to attack the figures still on the water.

So soon, Tong Zhen slowly walked over from the lake. Seeing her leisurely appearance, Fu Yan had no doubt that she could take out another chicken leg to eat the next moment.

Fortunately, Tong Zhen came to the shore safely.

Just as she was walking towards Fuyan, Fuyan had just recovered from her shock when she suddenly heard a loud "bang".

The two of them turned their heads in unison.

I saw that the saber-toothed crocodile that Tong Zhen had thrown onto the tree branch just now had struggled and fell from it at some point, and had a solid close contact with the earth.

Fortunately, the saber-toothed giant crocodile was rough-skinned, and didn't suffer any substantial damage, but when he felt Tong Zhen's gaze again, it almost jumped back into the lake without looking back. , and never missed the head again.


Although the body has never been hurt, the trauma in the heart will last a lifetime, Fu Yan thought to himself.

Suddenly there was some pity for the saber-toothed crocodile.

"Senior Sister Fu, your Qinggong is so powerful that you can skim across the lake in the blink of an eye." Tong Zhen didn't seem to care about the psychological damage suffered by the saber-toothed crocodile, and looked up at Fu Yan with envy on his face.

The picture just flashed through her mind again, if Fu Yan could not see that the other party's praise was really sincere, she would have suspected that Tong Zhen was deliberately telling herself.

"Cough cough!"

Fu Yan coughed uncomfortably and calmed herself down. Then she looked at Tong Zhen and said, "Junior Sister Tong...'s strength is also very good."

Tong Zhen just threw the saber-toothed giant crocodile At the time, Fu Yan didn't feel a trace of spiritual power or real energy fluctuations, so she was completely relying on the power of her own body, which was really scary.

"Hey!" When Fuyan said this, Tong Zhen touched his head embarrassedly, and then explained, "I'm just a little bit stronger, but I can't do it at all."

Hearing this, Fuyan wanted to shake a little. The urge to wake her up, can this be called just a little more strength... a little?

In fact, normally, the physical strength of the immortal cultivator is limited. Even if he cultivates a high-grade body training method, it is often not so exaggerated. Of course, the world is huge, and there are also "freaks".

Tong Zhen is a living example.

Although Tong Zhen's cultivation was only in the initial stage of consecration, and his strength was half-hearted, but relying on his physical body alone, Fu Yan felt that if he wanted to beat her, it might not be that simple.

"It's alright." Fu Yan smiled embarrassingly, and then said directly: "Then let's continue to pass the level."

Tong Zhen nodded repeatedly: "Okay."

Soon, the two continued to walk towards the woods, followed by The giant crocodile lake behind him was getting farther and farther, and Fu Yan also understood that the second level was about to begin.

If it was said that Fuyan was a little worried about Tong Zhen before, but now he has no worries at all. After all, as long as he doesn't encounter a monster of the third or fourth level, Tong Zhen's body is not afraid at all.

I don't know how long it took, and Fu Yan noticed that something was wrong around him, and he couldn't help frowning slightly, and then stopped.

"What's the matter, Senior Sister Fu?" Tong Zhen, who was beside him, didn't seem to notice anything, and when he saw Fu Yan suddenly stop, he couldn't help asking inexplicably.

"Shh." Fu Yan made a quiet gesture, and then gestured, "Did you hear anything?"

When the words fell, Tong Zhen didn't suspect him, stopped quickly, and then listened attentively. The huge forest instantly regained its tranquility, but the tranquility was a bit scary.


The sound of something slipping through the grass was small and seemed to fall on the nerves, making people involuntarily tense up.

"Is it a snake-shaped monster?" Tong Zhen looked at Fu Yan in front of him, and guessed a little boldly.

Fu Yan still didn't make a sound. The smooth voice just now was a bit like the sound of a snake crawling, but she still felt something was wrong.

Suddenly the next moment, Fu Yan, who was originally frowning, instantly widened his eyes, then stretched out his hand to push Tong Zhen away, and his body also fell to the other side.

At this second, a green vine flew straight over. If Fu Yan hadn't reacted too quickly, the two of them would have been strung into a barbecue by the vine.

Tong Zhen was also startled by the sudden attack. After reacting, she quickly reached out and grabbed a section of the vine, and then the green vine was torn in half by her.

Fu Yan: "..." Forget it, keep calm.

"Let's go." Fu Yan knew that there was definitely not just one vine of this kind, and he didn't have time to worry too much, so he grabbed Tong Zhen and ran forward.

Sure enough, at this moment, countless green vines rushed out of the woods like arrows and stopped them directly.

Knowing that escaping is useless, Fu Yan can only let go of Tong Zhen, holding her exquisite broken sword tightly, ready to fight against these vines: "Be careful yourself."

After speaking, she took the sword to greet her . up.

For a time, sword lights erupted in the huge forest, and the vines fell like raindrops, but despite Fu Yan's fierce swordsmanship, he still couldn't hold back the number of vines.

When one turned over, a vine quickly wrapped around Fu Yan's ankle, and then they didn't give her any chance to react at all, and quickly wrapped around Fu Yan's limbs.

But within a breath of time, Fu Yan felt that he couldn't move at all, and even the Linglong Broken Sword in his hand slipped from his hand in an instant.

Soon, Fu Yan was tightly surrounded by dense vines, she couldn't even see the light outside, and she was alive like a vine mummy.


"Senior Sister Fu, are you alright?" Seeing Tong Zhen below, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

The situation on Tong Zhen's side is much better than that of Fu Yan. Although the number of these vines is large, they cannot hold back her strength. As soon as she is entangled, the vines are directly blown off by her.

Seeing that there was no movement on Fuyan's side, Tong Zhen was still a little scared. She thought that if Fuyan was entangled by vines, she would probably not be able to crush the beads given by the elder if she wanted to give up.

Thinking of this, Tong Zhen could only move little by little in the direction of Fu Yan.

In the darkness, Fu Yan couldn't see any light, and couldn't hear any sound, as if she was the only one left in the world.

There are no phantom swords, phantoms are virtual and real, there are illusions all around, and there is no sword if there is a sword... It's like a drop of water dripping into the water.

In the darkness, Fu Yan opened his eyes instantly.

"Linglong Sword!"

Linglong Broken Sword, which had been tightly covered by green vines on the ground, suddenly rushed out as if being guided by something, and landed firmly on Fu Yan's hand.

Fu Yan couldn't help but smile.

"No Illusion Sword Second Form, Illusory Form!"

With a burst of shock, Tong Zhen saw the sword light re-light in the green vines, and in an instant, the air seemed to turn into sword blades, cutting directly at the on all the vines.

The white light flashed, and Fu Yan, who had not been tightly entangled just now, broke out of the "shell" and landed steadily not far in front of Tong Zhen.

There were vines falling all around.

Seeing that Fu Yan was all right, and the surprise on his face had not yet been revealed, Tong Zhen suddenly felt dark in front of him, as if something had swallowed him.

As soon as Fu Yan looked back, he saw Tong Zhen being swallowed by the big food flower that appeared out of nowhere.

Fu Yan: "..."

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