Chapter 251-260

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 Outside the snowy mountains.

After Shui Liuqing took Yuan He and the two away that day, they did not leave completely, but still carefully hid in the dark. Fortunately, although the reopening of Shuanghua Palace attracted many people to come, it did not cause any problems. too much attention.

That is to say, a small splash was stirred up in the Northern Territory, and most immortal cultivators did not take this matter to heart at all.

After two or three days of work, there was no movement on the snowy mountain anymore, and as for what happened inside, no one knew.

During this period, Shui Liuqing did not leave either. She and Yuan He Yitu were at peace when they were on the spirit boat.

"Several days have passed, so there shouldn't be an accident." Shui Liuqing stood on the bow of the boat, raised her eyes unconsciously to look at the position on the snowy mountain, and muttered to herself with some worry.

To be honest, Shui Liuqing had no doubts about the strength of Fuyan and Bai Yueli, but it was really strange that the Shuanghua Palace was suddenly closed, but they were blocked from the outside and could not do anything.

White snowflakes floated slowly in the sky, and the cold wind finally stopped at this moment, and the surrounding snow fell silently on the entire mountain.


Just as Shui Liuqing slowly retracted her gaze, a loud noise suddenly came from the snow not far away, and something came to her mind instantly, and she almost raised her head suddenly.

I saw a strong beam of light quickly passing through the snow, and the surrounding space trembled slightly, but in the blink of an eye, Shuanghuagong finally appeared again.

"This is..." Looking at the Shuanghua Palace, Shui Liuqing was suddenly very surprised, and even blinked in disbelief.

She never thought that the ruins of Shuanghua Palace, which were originally barren, had completely changed their appearance after reappearing. The eye-catching picture was full of vitality, and dozens of mountain peaks were floating in the air.

It was snowing heavily outside, and the scenery inside the Shuanghua Palace was pleasant, like a fairyland on earth.

Although Shui Liuqing was still a little unbelievable about such a change, she didn't care too much at this time, she hurriedly controlled the spirit boat and flew towards the snow-capped mountain again.


the midair of the Shuanghua Palace.

Fu Yan and Bai Yueli were also a little surprised when they looked at the changes in front of them, and they slowly recovered after being stunned for a while.

Needless to say, the current situation should be caused by Lu Xiaowen. He should have reactivated the original grand formation of the Shuanghua Palace, but even if the grand formation can still be used, it must consume a lot of spirit stones.

Just thinking about it, I saw Lu Xiaowen's figure flying over quickly from a distance.

After stopping in front of the two of them, Lu Xiaowen first looked at Fuyan carefully, as if he could see her strength at a glance, and then said, "Sure enough, he really survived the calamity of karma."

"Of course." Said After he finished, he turned around again, staring at Fu Yan and continued: "The calamity of karma is just the beginning. When you ascend to the heavenly tribulation of immortals, I am afraid it will be more difficult."

Indeed, the heavenly tribulation of every immortal cultivator is not In the same way, in a situation like Xiang Fuyan, as his own strength becomes stronger and stronger, the future catastrophe will only become more difficult.

Fu Yan responded, she couldn't be more clear about this truth, and now she must make adequate preparations in advance for her ascension to transcend the calamity.

"Okay." Lu Xiaowen knew that Fu Yan wouldn't get carried away because of this, so he didn't continue to say anything, just looked at the current Shuanghuagong and said lightly: "I just took a look, the Protector Array is still temporarily. It can continue to be used, but after such a long time, the formation has been seriously damaged and must be repaired as soon as possible."

"Okay." Fu Yan replied.

Fortunately, she had saved a lot of resources before, but it was enough for them to support them for some time.

At this moment, Bai Yueli, who was beside her, suddenly looked into the distance and said, "They are being blocked from the outside."

Fuyan paused for a while, and when she looked at the situation, her own spirit boat quickly came into view. Thinking that Yuan He and Yi Tu had heard the sound, she asked Lu Xiaowen to let the spirit boat come in.

When the spirit boat approached, Fu Yan saw a figure on it, it was Shui Liuqing who had not seen him for a long time.

The spirit boat belonged to Fu Yan, and the three of them couldn't shrink it, so after they jumped back and forth, Fu Yan in the air raised his hand and put away the huge spirit boat.

So far, a group of people are gathered together.

In addition to Zhengfeng, there are twelve other peaks in the entire Shuanghua Palace. After Lu Xiaowen and Fuyan made some things clear, he turned around and flew towards a mountain in mid-air.

Obviously, that was also where he lived before - Wen Zhifeng.

Another point is that although the Shuanghua Palace is now "alive", the previous buildings and mansions have long since been annihilated into ashes and no longer exist.

However, Lu Xiaowen seems to have a small fairy mansion in his hands. In just a moment, a shining mansion had already appeared on Wen Zhi Peak.

The Shuanghua Palace has just been completed, and now everything needs to be rearranged. Fuyan has also gathered a few people together in the past few days and planned it well, and then he is slightly relieved.

The main hall was handed over to Yuan He and Yi Tu, and Shui Liuqing was naturally not idle, but spread the news of the rebirth of Shuanghua Palace.

However, in two days, the entire Northern Territory was aroused by huge waves.

"What? Someone obtained the inheritance of the Shuanghua Palace and rebuilt it?"

"Your information is out of date. I heard that a two thousand-year-old immortal from the Shuanghua Palace was reincarnated. The sect was in ruins, so I thought of reviving the Shuanghua Palace."

"I went to take a look from a distance yesterday, and the Shuanghua Palace has really restored a blessed holy land, and the main hall is being built. It seems that it is indeed preparing to recruit disciples. and the twelve peak masters."

For these news, many people still sneered and said indifferently: "Even if it is a reincarnated immortal, who wants to go to their Shuanghua Palace without a reputation, just watch it, what kind of Shuanghua Palace, it is impossible. developed."


Fu Yan ordered Shui Liuqing to secretly disseminate all these news. There is no way that her reputation has no influence at all. In order to slightly increase the popularity of Shuanghua Palace, she can only use it. Look at Lu Xiaowen's name.

Of course, she also understands that even so, there is a high probability that the current Shuanghua Palace will not be able to recruit anyone. Even if there are people who have ideas, it is estimated that they will wait and see for a long time before making a decision.

Fu Yan is not in a hurry, after all, there are still many areas in the Shuanghua Palace that need to be gradually improved.

After that day, Bai Yueli quickly returned to the Demon Domain because there were still things to deal with in the Demon Domain. As for Xiaoyao Danzi, Fu Yan didn't have time to take good care of it now, so he simply asked Nijuan to bring it back together.

In less than half a month, the huge and majestic main hall was finally successfully erected.

For immortal cultivators, it is still very easy to build a hall. The only important thing is the material. Fortunately, Fuyan was already prepared and took out a very rare jade stone.

Now, some matters within the Shuanghua Palace are finally on the right track.

During this period, Bai Yueli also sent two small immortal mansions, one Fuyan deliberately stayed on the Xingyue Peak, and the other was placed on the other twelve peaks by her.

Xingyue Peak is directly behind the main hall, and it was named by Fuyan himself. Lu Xiaowen said that this mountain is where the previous palace masters lived.

As for the remaining ten peaks, they will be named by the future peak owners.

To Fuyan's surprise, a few days later, three immortal cultivators came to the Shuanghua Palace. The three of them were actually Lu Xiaowen's former disciples, two in the Dao period and one in the Huaxu period.

Of course, since they can enter the eyes of Lu Xiaowen, their qualifications are naturally one in a hundred, and they are likely to enter the Mahayana period in the future.

For their joining, Fu Yan was too late to be happy, it would not be of any significance, and the three of them successfully entered Lu Xiaowen's Wen Zhifeng.

Since they were going to recruit disciples, how could there not be a deacon hall, so Fuyan asked Yuan He and Liu Wei to establish a deacon hall together, mainly to manage the disciples who came to worship the Shuanghua Palace.

Liu Wei is one of Wen Zhifeng's three members.

In the main hall, Fu Yan sat right above and looked at Yuan He and Liu Wei, and after thinking about it, she said: "Although it is time to recruit disciples urgently, the test of entering the palace is also indispensable. As for how to test, Liu It's against you to ask the respected master for advice."

It's one thing to need someone urgently, and for the sake of future development, it's naturally impossible to just come and accept it.

"Yes, Palace Master." The two responded before turning around and leaving the hall.

Only then did Fu Yan's eyes fall on Shui Liuqing, and after a while, he asked aloud: "Liu Qing, what kind of strength can you achieve with your current life puppet?

" There are a few tricks for the great perfection." Shui Liuqing has nothing to hide, her puppet skills have become more and more exquisite over the years.

Hearing this, Fuyan above couldn't help falling into contemplation.

To be precise, Fu Yan was a little surprised that Shui Liuqing could achieve this achievement. She thought about it carefully and made a decision: "In this case, you are the first peak master of Shuanghua Palace."

Fu Yan is The Palace Master, Lu Xiaowen, has a special status, like the Supreme Elder. The two of them cannot be regarded as Peak Masters in the true sense, so Shui Liuqing is indeed the first Peak Master.

"I..." Shui Liuqing was a little surprised. Her own cultivation level was only in the middle stage of Void Transformation. She never thought that Fu Yan would actually be willing to let her sit on a peak.

In fact, in Fu Yan's expectation, the position of the peak master requires a monk in the Mahayana period or the Great Perfection of the Void Transformation period to sit, but Shui Liuqing is different, not only she is the first to follow Fu Yan's side.

Shui Liuqing itself is a puppet master, so naturally she can't just look at her own cultivation. With her current puppet skills, she can become a puppet by herself, and it is indeed not a problem to sit on a peak.

"That's it." Fu Yan confirmed again.

Shui Liuqing made up his mind and did not continue to refuse, but cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Palace Master."

Soon, Shui Liuqing went out to choose his own mountain. Seeing that Yi Tu was in the hall, he stared at Fu Yan with anticipation. , the idea in the eyes is obvious.

"You also want to be a peak master?" Bai Yueli looked at him and said with a smile.

Yi Tu nodded embarrassedly.

Yi Tu never thought that Fu Yan was planning to establish his own sect. If he could be a peak master, he would naturally be hundreds of times stronger than in the Mu family before.

Fu Yan did not expressly refuse or agree, but said indifferently: "Wait until your cultivation base has broken through to the Great Consummation of the Void Transformation Stage."

Although he was a little disappointed, Yi Tu also understood that he had no room for bargaining. Nodding quickly in response, he secretly vowed to go back to practice hard and strive for an early breakthrough.

Soon, only Fu Yan was left in the hall.

...that's not right, another head floated up slowly and slowly, it looked around, then looked at Fu Yan, and said with interest: "How about you also give me a peak master?"

Fu Yan Yan Ni glanced at the demon spirit: "Are you going to teach ordinary immortal cultivators to absorb the magic energy of the world?" The demon

spirit: "..." Early the

next morning, the news that the Shuanghua Palace officially recruited disciples quickly spread throughout the South In the domain, almost everyone is talking about this matter.

On the morning of the first day, Fu Yan didn't have much expectations. I thought that there would be a lot of stupid and stupid people who would make up for it, or people who wanted to make some money for the elderly. It would be good to recruit one or two normal immortal cultivators. .

I just didn't expect that one person would pass the palace entrance test soon.

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