Chapter 31-40

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Fu Yan never thought that she just took a random mission and went down the mountain to practice, but she would bump into such a team of Shura Field. Of course, the Shura Field is just what she thought.

After all, only she has the vision of God through books.

The banquet did not delay for too long. After everyone got to know each other, they simply ate something, and everyone left again.

Soon, only the Han family of Luan Jinbao remained in the huge hall. When Han Shangde saw Wang Qingyang and Bai Yueli, the joy on his face could not be hidden.

"I didn't expect Young Bamboo Prince Wang Qingyang and Shui Lingzong's Bai Yueli to come. It seems that this time we made a steady profit. No surprises, maybe we won't have a chance to make a move along the way." Han Shangde said loudly. After eating a bowl of wine, the melancholy of last night has long been thrown into the clouds.

As the young master of Fort Luan Jin, Han Shangzhi was much more calm, but the addition of Wang Qingyang and Bai Yueli really saved them a lot of trouble, and the security of this mission was also stronger.

"But..." Han Shangde seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on his face couldn't help deepening, "This Bai Yueli is indeed a first-class beauty in the legend, and this appearance is a man's heart, no wonder Wang Qingyang is willing to It's like the beginning."

Hearing this, Han Shangzhi couldn't help but look at the person beside him, his brows furrowed quickly, and he said in a warning voice, "The people of their sect are not something we can offend, if you have any thoughts, Hurry up and stop for me, otherwise

I won't be merciful." "Okay, I know what the big picture is." Han Shangde was obviously a little impatient with what he thought his cousin said. Only he knows.

We are leaving tomorrow, and Han Shangzhi still has a lot to deal with, so he quickly turned around and went to the back room in order to stay here longer.

At night, a large dark cloud floated in the sky at some point, obscuring the hazy moonlight, and the entire Luan Jin Fort seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, which was extraordinarily quiet.

As for what will happen along the way, everyone has their own thoughts.

The next day, the sky was bright.

After three hours, nearly ten carriages carrying Liukuang set off from Luanjin Fort in a mighty manner. Fu Yan and the others did not walk with their swords, but rode the wind horses provided by Luanjin Fort. Follow the team.

Because everyone belongs to different sects, it can be regarded as a kind of competitive relationship, so no one talked aloud along the way. The entire escort team plus the people from Luan Jinbao, at least 40 or 50 people, was really unusually quiet. .

There was nothing to say along the way, and no one thought it was strange.

In order to prevent people from robbing money halfway, the transportation route of Luan Jinbao has always been unstable, and each mission is not auspicious.

The route this time is also unknown, and everyone only knows that they will pass through the shadow forest and the quicksand Gobi Desert. As for the specific route, it is to take a step by step.

Fu Yan didn't think too much about it. She followed the team on horseback while trying to comprehend the last move of the No Illusion Sword in her heart. The only card she had now was a Taoist Talisman. If she could comprehend the third move, she would also One more life-saving hole card.

Because there are too many goods in the ore, the group of people's footsteps are not particularly fast, and it will be late in the evening. Although it does not matter to the immortal cultivator to take a rest, these ordinary guards who escort the goods are only in the foundation-building period. Naturally You can't drive around day and night.

So looking at the night sky, Han Shangzhi waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

"Shang De, go look around and see if there is a place to stay nearby?" Han Shangzhi turned around and instructed the person behind him.

Han Shangde seemed to be used to it, but he simply nodded, and with a "drive" sound, he quickly went to check on a horse alone.

"I heard that in the Shui Lingzong's inner door ranking competition a few days ago, Junior Sister Bai won the first place again. I think that Junior Sister Bai's strength should be even more unfathomable. If there is a chance, Wang would like to have a good discussion with Junior Sister Bai." Wang Qingyang slowly came to Bai Yueli's side, and said to Bai Yueli very naturally.

Bai Yueli raised her eyes and glanced at him, and said lightly, "In half a year, it will be the sect grand competition, Young Master Lu Bamboo doesn't have to be polite." What she

said was very simple and distant.

Wang Qingyang was naturally not annoyed, but still smiled and said half-jokingly, "Junior Sister Bai's temperament is still as cold as ever .


back. When she saw Fuyan riding the horse, she didn't seem to see a figure beside her. She looked at herself generously and asked, "Senior sister, do you have time? There is something wrong with my Magicless Sword. I would like to ask senior sister for guidance."

Bai Yueli paused for a while, and instantly understood that Fu Yan was deliberately helping herself to stay away from this atmosphere, so she nodded: "Okay."

Although Fu Yan deliberately interrupted the conversation between the two, she did have some I wanted to ask Bai Yueli about the swordsmanship, so the two came to the side, and Fu Yan humbly asked his doubts.

Bai Yueli also expressed her views one by one.

The third form of Wuhuan Sword is called Wuhuan, and Fu Yan really doesn't understand what it means. Bai Yueli has not studied it, so he can only give some ideas and suggestions.

Seeing Bai Yueli being pulled away, Wang Qingyang, who was behind, looked at Fu Yan's figure. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes darkened a bit.

Soon, Han Shangde, who went out to investigate, hurried back: "There is a small village nearly a hundred miles ahead, which should allow us to stay overnight."

In this case, everyone did not continue to delay, and soon set off towards the The village that Han Shangde said rushed over. Fortunately, before the sun went down, everyone finally saw the figure of the village.

The village is very small, and there are only a dozen households at a glance. There may not be as many people in the entire village as they are in their team, but Han Shangzhi and the others have no choice.

In fact, Fu Yan noticed at first sight that there was something wrong with this village. This area was deserted for hundreds of miles. How could there be a village here? Besides, what do the people in these villages rely on to live?

Although there were some doubts, Fu Yan didn't say anything. She believed that other people also saw that something was wrong. Although she didn't say it clearly, everyone knew it.

Soon, the group slowly walked into the village.

I saw that the houses in the village were somewhat ruined, and the sun had just set, but the whole village was extremely quiet, there was no sound at all, and every door was open, and many people even sat in front of their own houses.

It's just that these people didn't even have the slightest doubt about Fuyan's unfamiliar faces, and they still sat there quietly.

"Hello old man, we are from Luanshan. Can I stay in your village for one night?" Han Shangzhi was also a little surprised, but he politely found a seemingly amiable old man and asked slowly. road.

When the words fell, he saw that the old man was still sitting there quietly. After a long while, he raised his eyes and stared at Han Shangzhi, but he didn't say anything, and then continued to sit in a daze.

Seeing this appearance, Han Shangzhi couldn't help frowning slightly, and his expression was also a little serious.

Next, Han Shangzhi asked a few more people, but the other party was just like the old man at the beginning.

Everyone stood in the center of the village, looking at the dazed figures around them, and couldn't help thinking to themselves.

"What's the situation? Why are these people acting like idiots and talking ignorantly, are they trying to drive us out on purpose?" Han Shangde was used to shouting, and naturally he glanced at all the villagers with a bit of anger.

At this time, a disciple of Zilanzong also came out, he looked around and said: "Why do I feel that something is wrong, these people are too weird, and I just detected their breath, it is indeed ordinary Ordinary people, there is no major problem with the body."

At this moment, just as everyone was in deep thought, Fu Yan suddenly received a line of sight that fell on them. As soon as she reacted and had time to find the line of sight, she saw Fang Yu who was behind suddenly move. .

The next moment, in just a breath, he came back again, but he was holding a young girl in his hand.

The girl was about eighteen years old, wearing a delicate pink dress, but her hair was a little messy. Perhaps because she was frightened by Fang Yu, her collagen-filled face suddenly became full of horror.

"Ahhhh!! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

As soon as Fang Yu let go of his hand, the girl hurriedly backed away in panic, but accidentally fell to the ground, but her mouth was still desperate. He begged for mercy, as if he was afraid that he would die.

Qianxun from the Green Bamboo Gate walked over and comforted: "Don't be afraid, girl, we are not bad people, let alone murder, don't worry."

After hearing this, the girl finally recovered her mind slowly, but Still a little timid, he shrank his neck, and then looked up at the group of people in front of him.

"You... who are you?" The girl took a long time to calm down, and then quickly asked.

At this time, Han Shangzhi also came over: "We are passers-by who are going to Chaoyang City. Seeing that it is getting late, we want to stay in your village for one night. There is no malicious intent."

Hearing this, the girl seemed to relax. With a sigh, she looked at the people in front of her, then slowly got up from the ground and said, "Then...then you come with me."

Han Shangzhi was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the most powerful Wang Qingyang, the latter nodded, and he signaled everyone to follow.

The girl walked around the other side of the street, pointed to the two or three wooden houses next to her, and said, "No one lives in these houses. You can rest here for a while."

"Thank you girl!" Han Shangzhi Thank you, then look at the girl and ask, "I'm under Han Shangzhi, what do you call the girl?"

"Chunhua." The girl said in a low voice, "You can rest here for the night, but...but before dawn tomorrow, you must leave."

As soon as these words came out, the guards behind them all looked at each other, not knowing why.

"Why is this? And what's going on in your village?" Han Shangde, who was beside him, couldn't hold back his curiosity, and quickly asked.

Chun Hua didn't answer, turned around and ran away.

"Let's go first." Bai Yueli, who had never spoken, suddenly said.

Afterwards, Han Shangzhi quickly asked the guards to pull several carts of Liukuang into the yard. Although the others were confused, they followed Wang Qingyang and Bai Yueli into the wooden house.

Xu is because Wang Qingyang and Bai Yueli were the strongest among the group, and they were involuntarily acquiesced by everyone as the backbone.

After entering the house, a guard specially helped to light the candle, and the yellow candle light immediately illuminated the entire hall.

Soon, Han Shangzhi, who had arranged the Liu Mine, also entered the room. He looked at Wang Qingyang, and after thinking about it, he stepped forward and asked, "I don't know Young Master Qingzhu, do you know what's wrong here?"

Han Shangzhi thought that over the years, he had It can be regarded as a traveller, and he has encountered everything, but the situation outside just now was the first time he saw it. He didn't worry about anything else, only worried about whether his shipment would be affected.

Wang Qingyang sat on the side calmly, and said calmly, "Young Master Han, don't worry, tomorrow will set off as usual."

After speaking, Wang Qingyang's eyes fell on Bai Yueli, and he asked with a smile, "I don't know. Does Junior Sister Bai also..." Before

he could finish his words, Bai Yueli interrupted as if she already knew what he meant, "No need.

" fog.

Although Han Shangzhi didn't understand, since Wang Qingyang had reassured himself, his worries were naturally reduced, and he said, "In that case, everyone can find a room to rest at will, there may not be enough rooms here. Please everyone squeeze together."

As soon as these words came out, everyone had no objection.

However, when I recalled the situation in the village outside again in my mind, I had been standing quietly by Fuyan, but it seemed that I suddenly remembered something, and my heart was suddenly shocked.

If you guessed correctly, then Wang Qingyang and Bai Yueli's words will have a reasonable explanation.

This village was actually kept in captivity.

In this huge Tongxuan Continent, in addition to the human race, there are naturally other species, and the demon race is one of them. For thousands of years, the relationship between the human race and the demon race has not been harmonious, but it is not so dire .

In those famous sects, there will also be monster disciples with extraordinary talents, so monsters are still very common on this continent, and their physiques have always been more suitable for immortal cultivation than humans.

Of course, there are also many people from the demon clan who are mediocre in strength.

These demon clans will bring back an ordinary mortal, and then treat them like animals, secretly keep them in captivity, and regularly suck the blood of mortals every day, and mortals who lose their blood will gradually become stupid and sane. Those who are not clear will eventually end up with a dead end.

This is a very cruel method, so the major sects will definitely use all means to kill this kind of monster.

Over the years, with the prosperity of the human race immortal cultivators, such means of captivity have been almost impossible to find. Fu Yan never thought that their group would encounter such a picture.

However, the demon clan who use this kind of captive breeding method are usually not stronger than the cultivation level of the joint stage. It is also aware of this. Wang Qingyang is so sure, and what he wants is the demon of the demon clan. Dan.

Among all the people present, only Bai Yueli can compete with Wang Qingyang's spear and demon pill, so he only asked this question just now.

However, Bai Yueli didn't seem to be interested in Yaodan.

The demon pill is the foundation of the demon clan, which is equivalent to the sea of ​​air of the human race. It contains very strong spiritual power. A consecrated demon pill is worth hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones.

Thinking of this, let alone Wang Qingyang, Fu Yan felt a little moved.

Fortunately, Fuyan is still rational. Even if she really grabs the demon pill with her current strength, she can't keep it, so she doesn't think much about it.

In the hall at this time, everyone seemed to have gone back to their rooms to rest. Fu Yan looked at the empty surroundings, and only later realized what Han Shangzhi had said.

Two people sharing a room?

This is a bit difficult to do, Fu Yan naturally can't go to Shui Liuqing, is it not that sheep enter the tiger's mouth, after thinking about it, Fu Yan finally went to the second floor.

So, that night.

Fuyan knocked on Bai Yueli's door.

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