Chapter 91-100

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The sun didn't know when it had already set, and it was extraordinarily quiet in the silent night. There was a thin moonlight and then the window sneaked in, faintly pouring out the broken light all over the floor.

In the huge wooden house, Bai Yueli was wearing a light gauze white dress and her long hair was hanging down slightly behind her. She stared blankly at the black box in her hand, and something was clearly flashing under her calm eyes. write.

Because Bai Yueli clearly remembered that she never got this black box anywhere.

That is to say, this black box appeared out of thin air in Bai Yueli's storage spirit ring, and even stayed in it for at least nearly a year. Thinking of this fact, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Although she was very uneasy in her heart, Bai Yueli still tried her best to force herself to be calm, and then carefully stared at the black box in her hand.

Although the black box is only the size of a thumb, the lines on it are lifelike, and the overall appearance is a kind of wooden brown-black. When you hold it in your hand, you can't even feel the slightest weight. People have to sigh, the creator's hand is skillful.

After a slight pause, Bai Yueli gently stretched out her hands, as if she was about to try to open this small black box, but at this moment, the voice came to her mind again.

"You can't open it." After she finished

speaking, Bai Yueli's finger on the black box couldn't help but stop. She tried her best to suppress the surprise in her heart, took a deep breath, and finally raised her eyes to look around: "Who are you... who are you?"

Soon, a chuckle came from his mind, and then the man said casually: "You don't have to be nervous, if I want to kill you, you won't live much longer. One second."

Although Bai Yueli has not yet broken through to the middle stage of He Dao, but he is already infinitely close, and it would be extra ridiculous to say this without a cultivation base above the Void Transformation stage.

But for some reason, Bai Yueli knew that the other party was not lying.

Maybe it was because this person had helped her before, and the fear in Bai Yueli's heart didn't make her lose her mind. She paused for a while before saying again, "Thank you for your advice last time, senior."

"It was just a boring experience . In my eyes, fighting with children is no different." The man's tone was very casual, and he didn't seem to take it to heart at all.

A very simple sentence, but it caused a storm in Bai Yueli's heart. The last battle between several elders and Wang Qingyang's three evil spirit guardians was worthless in this person's eyes.

I am afraid that even the powerhouse of the transformation period will not say such words. She didn't seem to care about whether

Bai Yueli believed in herself. She only heard the man in the black box say again: "It's really interesting, there should be thousands of years of pure yin bodies that haven't appeared in Tongxuan Continent."

With regard to her physique, Bai Yueli will no longer be surprised. Instead, she realizes with hindsight that it is probably because of her pure yin body that she attracts this person.

"This junior is a pure yin body, what's wrong with it?" Bai Yueli put the black box in her hand back on the table in front of her, and asked aloud.

In fact, the pure yin body has not appeared for a long time, and it is precisely because of this that there are very few records of this physique, and Bai Yueli does not know much about her physique.

I remember the last time in the Demon Miasma Canyon in the Northern Territory, when Bai Yueli knew that her pure yin body could absorb the power of the yin demon flower, she still knew it from Fu Yan's mouth.

In addition to making her practice more effective, Bai Yueli really didn't know what direction she should work hard in.

Hearing this, there was another chuckle from the black box: "It's a smart person who knows the secrets about the pure yin body from my mouth."

Indeed, this person obviously knows the pure yin body very well. , so Bai Yueli would naturally want to know more.

"Actually, it's nothing. You will feel that you are talented when you are in the Void Transformation Stage, but when you break through to the Void Transformation Stage, you will find that the pure yin body is nothing, and it will even become a burden to your cultivation." That person The voice sounded faintly in Bai Yueli's mind.

When the words fell, Bai Yueli's body froze slightly.

In fact, she saw this incident from an ancient book in the Book Collection Pavilion as early as the year she worshipped the Shui Ling Sect. At that time, she even took the ancient book to ask the Sect Master for advice, but the Sect told her not to put it on the Sect Master. In his heart, he said he had a solution.

Therefore, Bai Yueli was relieved to concentrate on her practice.

Her thoughts returned, Bai Yueli stared at the black box on the table, opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end she just said: "There will always be a solution."

"If I say, there will be no Any solution? Because the body of pure yin is the best cauldron physique."

"Luding?" When she heard this word, Bai Yueli couldn't help showing an unbelievable look. Said, how could she not understand this word.

What she never thought was that the body of pure yin was also a kind of furnace physique, so why didn't the sect master tell her this fact?

Bai Yueli was stunned in place, she had the urge to refute her rationally, but after swallowing her saliva, she didn't say anything after all.

The people in the black box were not in a hurry. They seemed to be quietly waiting for Bai Yueli to digest this fact. I don't know how long it took before the latter finally gradually recovered to the calm look.

"Thank you senior for telling me." Bai Yueli said calmly, as if she didn't care about her pure yin body at all.

This time, the people in the black box were a little surprised, and he smiled again and said: "Actually, there is no solution, but it is certain that sword repair is not suitable for you, I believe you have felt it yourself."


" Knock Knock!"

Before Bai Yueli could say anything, there was a knock on the door, and then a familiar voice came in: "Senior sister?"

After recovering slightly, Bai Yueli got up and opened it slowly. The door of the room, under the faint moonlight, the figure of Fu Yan appeared in his sight like this.

Seeing Bai Yueli open the door, Fuyan couldn't help raising her eyes and asked with a smile, "Senior sister...haven't you rested yet?"

Bai Yueli nodded, then turned her body sideways, leaving enough space for Fuyan to walk in. In the gap, the latter also walked in knowingly, and then took out something from his arms.

"Senior sister, this is the sword-shaped grass that I accidentally discovered. It is because of these sword-shaped grass that I can successfully comprehend the initial sword intent. There are still some left. I believe it will also help senior sister." After speaking, Fu Yan reached out his hand. He handed the remaining five or six sword-shaped grasses to Bai Yueli in front of him.

Bai Yueli didn't seem to have expected that Fu Yan would give her the chance. The geocentric essence was very precious last time, but this time it was sword-shaped grass. Although a warm feeling flowed through her heart, she was still Still ready to refuse.

However, Fu Yan obviously did not give her a chance to speak.

"Then senior sister, rest early, see you tomorrow." Fu Yan stuffed the sword-shaped grass into Bai Yueli's arms. Regardless of whether the latter reached out to catch it, he turned to leave.

As soon as the words fell, Fu Yan was out of the wooden house in the blink of an eye. It can be said that he came and went in a hurry.

Soon, only Bai Yueli was left in the huge wooden house again. She looked down at the sword-shaped grass in her arms and smiled helplessly.

"The cultivation of the Great Perfection in the consecration period has already realized the sword intent, but he is a good seedling."

The voice of the black box came to mind again, and Bai Yueli realized that there was another person in the room, she slowly closed it. The sword-shaped grass that Fu Yan brought, then sat back at the table again.

"Yes, she has always been very good." Bai Yueli said quietly.

"It's only a matter of time before she surpasses you in terms of sword attainments. As I just said, you won't be able to go very far in sword cultivation, and you won't be able to comprehend the meaning of sword.

" A half-length figure suddenly appeared on the top. Although he still couldn't see the face of the man, it could be seen that the figure was a woman.

The voices that sounded in Bai Yueli's mind before had always been relatively neutral, but now that she saw the person behind her, she couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

In fact, what she said was right. When Bai Yueli was consummated during the consecration period, she clearly felt that she was not suitable for sword cultivation. She had learned many sword moves, but she could not use them easily and flexibly, and even felt a little laborious.

Not to mention Sword Intent, Bai Yueli even tried hundreds of times, but she still didn't have any clue. She seemed to be entangled in a huge net, and she couldn't figure out the direction.

Sighing lightly, Bai Yueli realized that she might not really be suitable for a sword cultivator, but she has been practicing hard for ten years. Efforts are in vain.

Starting from scratch is far from being as simple as it sounds.

"Senior said that I may... never reach... Fu Yan's height when I am a swordsman." Bai Yueli suddenly smiled relievedly, looking up at the dark night outside the window, her clear eyes were a little bit Obscure.

"However, the pure yin body is what I love. The female figure that appeared on the black box also smiled. She fixedly looked at Bai Yueli in front of her, and continued to explain word by word, "Because... only a pure yin body can perfectly carry my mantle." . Hearing this ,

Bai Yueli couldn't help but give a slight pause, because the meaning of the words was very clear, this person actually wanted to accept her as a disciple and accept her inheritance.

The strength of a woman might be above the Earth Immortal. Her inheritance was a huge opportunity, but Bai Yueli was not carried away by the huge excitement.

Looking at the phantom of the woman in front of her, Bai Yueli always felt that things were not that simple. After all, the identity of the woman could not be confirmed. Although all her words were not necessarily false, they could not be completely believed.

"Senior wants me to give up Jianxiu?" The

female shadow in the black box nodded and shook her head: "It's not that I want you to give up Jianxiu, because the body of pure yin has always only one way, which is also the most suitable. "

What?" Bai Yueli asked.

Hearing this, the woman couldn't help but slightly curled her lips into a smile, and spit out two words lightly.

"...Cultivation of demons."

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