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  The reputation of the Geyuan Chamber of Commerce is still very famous on the mainland, and in the auctions they have always held, many very rare and precious treasures will be born, so when they heard the news, not far from Jinsha City, Immortal cultivators set off one after another. come.

As the evening approached, the Golden Crow on the horizon was about to sink completely. I saw a figure quickly roll over a mountain in front, and reached the highest point of the forest in a blink of an eye.

Under the thin light, the person who came was dressed in a silver-white robe with a waistband and a crown of hair. He had been on the road for several days, but there was no sign of tiredness on his still immature face.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Lu Xiaowen finally stopped. When he raised his eyes and looked into the distance, he could see the scenery of a bustling ancient city.

The twilight is four, and the lights are on.

"Jinsha City, it's finally here!" Looking at the ancient city in front, Lu Xiaowen breathed a sigh of relief and muttered to himself a little happily.

Raising his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, Lu Xiaowen's eyes were full of smiles. He came here non-stop, naturally to participate in this auction.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lu Xiaolong didn't delay much, but when he just regained his energy, his beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"Huh?" In

the next moment, he quickly raised his eyes and looked in one direction of the woods.

At this time, in the depths of the woods, three figures of great consummation in the joint phase were staring at the figure on the hill not far away with a gloomy smile on their faces.

"After waiting for so long, finally a single person came." When one of them saw Lu Xiaowen appear, he immediately smiled and said to his other two partners.

Knowing that there will be many immortal cultivators coming to Jinsha City recently, the three of them ambush here for the whole afternoon, just to kill people and make money.

However, the people who came this afternoon were all in twos and threes, or it was the powerhouses in the transformation stage, they didn't find a chance to make a move, so when they saw a single immortal cultivator, the three finally got a little excited. .

The most important thing is that Lu Xiaowen obviously only has the cultivation level of the Great Perfection in the joint phase, and the three of them are completely determined.

"Boss, why did he look at us, didn't he find us in ambush?" At this time, the third child in the dark noticed something, and hurriedly said.

Hearing this, the boss looked into the distance, and said firmly: "Impossible, we are so hidden, even the powerhouses of the Void Transformation Stage, if we don't investigate carefully, it is impossible to find us, he A consummation period, how can it be possible?"

"Yes, he may have just happened to come here." The second child also raised his eyes and looked towards the top of the mountain, but Lu Xiaowen over there had already withdrawn his gaze, "Look, he Continue to prepare."

"Hey, look at what kind of young son of a noble family he may be wearing, maybe he is a fat sheep!" The boss stared at the voice in front of him, and said secretly with some malicious intent.

Although the people of the aristocratic family did not dare to offend them on the face of it, in this desolate place, even the most powerful family could not find the murderer.

Lu Xiaowen seemed a little helpless, but he didn't show anything, but continued to walk along the forest.

The next second of "Om"

, a burst of green light suddenly shot into the sky from all around, but in the blink of an eye, Lu Xiaowen, who had just stepped out, was slammed into the formation.

At the same time, three figures quickly emerged from the darkness. Without any words, they directly opened the formation and attacked the figures inside.

The three people who are in this line of business naturally know that there will be many invincible means of life-saving in the hands of children from such a noble family, so they cannot give each other any chance to breathe.

In an instant, I saw the three of them unleashing their most powerful magic weapon attacks. Normally, even if Lu Xiaowen has a life-defying means in his hands, he will be overwhelmed when faced with the heavy attacks of the formation and the three of them. of.

Any hit can absolutely inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

"go to hell!"

A roar came from mid-air, Lu Xiaowen felt the attack of the four formations, and couldn't help sighing. The next second, he saw that his mind moved slightly, and the formation under his feet was instantly disintegrated.

At the same time, Lu Xiaowen who was on the ground had no intention of evading the attack that slammed into him. He raised his eyes and looked straight at the three people who were swept up.


At this critical moment, the three people in midair suddenly seemed to have encountered an invisible barrier, tightly blocking their attack from the air.

With the sound of vibrations coming from the whole space, the faces of the three people widened their eyes in horror. In just a short moment, their attack was already bounced out.

Soon, there was a loud noise in the air. The three of them just reacted, but before they could stabilize their bodies, they felt a terrible attack swept in.


They seemed to have resisted this attack, and finally fell to the ground with serious injuries, like three stone swifts, they fell straight down, actually breaking a towering tree.

But for immortal cultivators, although it is not a physical cultivation, the physical strength should not be underestimated, so it seems serious, but they have not suffered any substantial damage.

"This is..." The eldest of the three is obviously well-informed. He stared at the figure not far away with a look of horror, and even his voice trembled: "...It's soul power!"

Soul power , the so-called spiritual power.

And judging from the attack launched by the young man just now, his mental power is obviously above the third rank. In other words, regardless of his own cultivation, he only has the perfection of the Dao stage, but he has a strong man who can be with the Void Transformation stage. strength of resistance.

Realizing this, why can't the boss feel a burst of despair.

Under the oppression of this powerful mental force, the three of them felt that the blood in their whole body was going to flow backwards in the next moment, and there was no chance of any backhand.

At this time, Lu Xiaowen stepped forward, staring at the three people who had been beaten down by him, and said helplessly, "Why don't you cultivate well and do this kind of thing?"

"Yes, yes..." Three People hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, as if fear had clouded their minds, and their words were incoherent: "Yes... we have no eyes, please let your son... let us live!" After the

words were finished, Lu Xiaowen nodded truthfully and said: "I never kill people." Just before the three of them came back to their senses, they heard him say: "But in order not to let you hurt innocent people, I will not let you go."

This seems to be a bit of context . Contradictory, before the three had time to say anything, they felt a sudden pain in their minds in the next moment, as if their souls were about to be torn apart.


they raised their hands and hugged their heads in a conditioned reflex.

But after a while, the woods were quiet again.

Lu Xiaowen did not continue to say anything. He raised his eyes and glanced at Jinsha City in front of him. He quickly turned and left here, and continued to prepare to enter the city.

Only the three people in the woods tilted their heads slightly, staring at each other with silly faces.

Obviously, their consciousness was forcibly destroyed, and they have become stupid people without normal consciousness.

Surrounded by clusters of white clouds, it makes people feel as if they are on a piece of cotton, soft and ethereal, giving the illusion that it is not real enough.

Bai Yueli felt as if her brain was blank, her body was completely handed over to the other party, her eyes that were always clear were now full of confusion, as if she didn't know what happened in the present.

The end of those touching eyes was already dyed with a crimson.

"Senior sister..."

Fu Yan's voice sounded in her ear, and it seemed that she finally pulled her thoughts back a little. She looked at the person in front of her, and the other party obviously swallowed and suddenly leaned down again.

Fu Yan carefully kissed the corners of her red eyes, as if she was treating some treasure with piety.

"Senior sister..., it's still early."

The speed of the passage of time in Xu You's jade seal is not consistent with that outside. Even if it's been a long time here, it's only half a night outside.

The words fell, and the figures of the two on the cloud layer slowly overlapped again.


When Bai Yueli woke up again, it was in the restaurant's room, and the sun outside had already dazzled half of the sky.

She opened her eyes slightly and stared at the eaves on the top of the bed. Her thoughts seemed to be still a little bit lost. It was just like that. I don't know how long it took before her eyelids finally moved.

"Senior sister, are you awake?"

The familiar voice sounded from her ears again, Bai Yueli's thoughts on the bed finally returned to the cage, and when she turned to see Fu Yan's figure, the picture on the clouds could not help but instantly emerge.

"Yeah." Although Bai Yueli's eyes were a little loose, and the tips of her ears seemed to be red with blood, she still replied softly, as if nothing happened.

As she said that, Fu Yan, who was on the side, quickly stepped forward to help Bai Yueli to sit up slowly from the bed, but the latter wanted to stretch out her hand to push it away, and said calmly, "I'm fine."

But when the words fell, the voice But a little hoarse.

Looking at the appearance of Bai Yueli in front of her, Fu Yan only felt that her heart was throbbing again, but she held back, the latter didn't seem to notice anything, but rubbed her waist calmly.

When Fu Yan saw it, she hurriedly reached out her hand to help lightly rub it, and then said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Senior Sister, it's all my fault."

Bai Yueli raised her eyes, and when she was about to say something, Fu Yan's fair neck Those traces came into view in an instant. Once again, her delicate face was quickly congested with blood.

Looking at some red fluttering, it is very pitiful.


Bai Yueli coughed a little unnaturally, and then asked a little distracted: "What time is it outside now?"

It seems that he didn't expect the other party to ask this, Fu Yan gave a slight pause, but it was also very Said quickly and truthfully: "It's not noon yet, senior sister, would you like to rest for a while?"

Bai Yueli shook her head.

Hearing Bai Yueli's hoarse voice, Fu Yan hurriedly got up and poured a glass of water, hurriedly brought it over and handed it to the other party, and said tenderly, "Senior sister, drink some water first."

Looking at the person in front of him Bai Yueli also felt that her throat was a little dry, so she reached out to take it, lowered her head and took a sip.

I felt a lot more comfortable when I got a moist throat.

Seeing this, Fu Yan was also cautiously relieved. She looked at the white Yueli whose blue silk was naturally falling, and suddenly felt that her throat was also a little dry, and she swallowed her saliva subconsciously.

Taking the cup that Bai Yueli handed over again, Fu Yan asked again, "Senior sister, is there any discomfort in your body?"


In fact, when she just woke up, Bai Yueli really felt There was a little soreness in her waist, but she secretly ran the exercises that she cultivated a little bit, and now she has recovered.

Fu Yan also did not dare to look directly into the eyes of the other party, but just lowered her eyes, folded her hands unconsciously on the corners of her clothes, and said sullenly: "It's also the first time for me, if I don't do well, senior sister must tell me ."

Hearing this, Bai Yueli first felt a heat in her ears, and then she raised her eyes to look at Fu Yan, who was just like her, just wearing a layer of simple underwear, and the long blue silk fell like a waterfall.

"No." Bai Yueli paused, she heard her own voice ringing in her ear, and said word by word, "You did a good job, I'm... very happy .


Fu Yan raised her eyes quickly, her eyes were very agile, and she stared straight at Bai Yueli: "Really?"

"En." Bai Yueli's voice was as light as a mosquito.

Fu Yan had a smile all over her face. She suddenly sat cross-legged, looked at Bai Yueli's black and thick blue silk, and said slowly, "Senior sister, come here, let me comb your hair for you."

Bai Yueli paused, but Also did not refuse.

Soon, she saw that Bai Yueli was also sitting cross-legged with her back to Fuyan.

Fu Yan also took out a comb from nowhere, stretched out his hand like a treasure, and gently covered the blue silk in front of him.

"Senior sister, do you know? In our place, the bride has to comb her hair on the day she gets married." Fu Yan's hands kept moving, and then said aloud.

"Huh?" Bai Yueli replied somewhat unresponsively.

Fu Yan chuckled lightly, holding the comb and combing slowly from the beginning to the end, also reciting something in her mouth: "As soon as you comb through your hair, you will be free from illness and worry."

Bai Yueli seemed to be listening to it for the first time, but she continued to listen curiously. Fu Yan's voice was as clear as spring water.

"The second comb is combed to the end, and the case is raised to the eyebrows." Fu Yan's fingers shuttled between the soft blue silk of Bai Yueli, and the smile on his face has not been reduced by half.

"Three combs to the end, and they will always be tied together."

After combing Bai Yueli's hair, Fu Yan suddenly found that the other party seemed to have suddenly silenced, and there was no movement for a long time, which made her stunned for a while.

"Senior sister?"

Because Bai Yueli was sitting with her back to her, Fu Yan couldn't see the other party's expression clearly, so she stopped her movement and called out cautiously.

The next second, Bai Yueli, who was in front of her, finally turned around slowly, and saw that she reached out and took the wooden comb in Fu Yan's hand, raised her eyes to look at Fu Yan, and her face was full of tender nostalgia.

"Come here, let me help you comb too." Bai Yueli looked at her and said word by word.

Hearing this, Fu Yan couldn't help but smile instantly, then quickly turned his back to the past, and then responded crisply.


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