Chapter 161-171

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 "Shh! Shh!"

As Bai Yueli took Fu Yan past a fork in the ground ahead, the latter couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

At this moment, Fu Yan could clearly feel the sea of ​​​​qi that began to churn in her body, and countless spiritual powers flowed outwards. She felt the signs on her body, and it took her a long time to react.

At this critical moment, she actually has signs of breaking through to the Great Perfection of the Harmony Stage.


After careful calculation, it's only been a few months since Fu Yan reshaped the sea of ​​​​qi. Before that, she hadn't noticed that she had any breakthroughs.

It should be that he just ate a bunch of exotic fruits and spiritual liquid in the shadowless guard's treasure house, which led to Fu Yan's rapid increase in power.

It is precisely because of this that Fu Yan is now showing signs of breakthrough.

When Wei Wei came back to his senses, Fu Yan didn't know whether to be happy or worried for a while. After all, being able to break through is indeed a happy event, but for the current situation, it is so out of place.

Just when Fu Yan didn't know how to choose, Bai Yueli in front of him naturally found something, and there was some surprise in her clear eyes: "Are you going to break through?"

Hearing this, Fu Yan nodded truthfully, and then He explained aloud: "Don't worry about it, if we make a breakthrough here now, we will definitely be trapped here today."

Although it is a pity to give up the breakthrough, Fu Yan knows that the overall situation must be taken first, after all, not to mention Bai Yuelina After that weird heart was gone, even if he and Xiao Yaodanzi swept their treasure house into a mess, Wuyingwei would definitely not let them go easily.

So in any case, she can't break through here. There will always be opportunities to break through. If she is caught today, it is really over.

When the words fell, Bai Yueli in front of her frowned slightly.

"Huh! Huh..."

At this moment, I saw that several stern arrows flew from the hole in front of me in an instant.

Seeing this, Bai Yueli quickly pulled Fu Yan slightly to the side, and shuttled through the arrows like a ghost. Due to the large number of them, she could not avoid them one by one. The next moment, she directly raised her hand and swept out.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and a huge explosion sounded from the long hole.

Because of the breakthrough, Fu Yan's aura has already been leaked out, and her anger is even more torturous, so now she can't help Bai Yueli at all, and can only let the other party pull her. a dodge.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fu Yan and Bai Yueli dodged again and swept towards the hole on the right, with a speed that was unmatched.

At the same time, even though Fu Yan's true essence couldn't attack, she still had mental power, so when the two of them flashed through a narrow place, she was moved, and the holes on both sides began to collapse in an instant.


A large swath of dust was stirred up.

Looking at the group of people behind him who had to release their True Essence for defense, Fu Yan took out another talisman with his backhand.


was only a moment's effort, and a raging flame spewed away like a flood.

Of course, there are powerhouses in the Void Transformation Stage in the group of shadowless guards. Naturally, this method cannot cause any harm to them, but it is enough to delay a few breaths.

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