Chapter 61-70

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 After Fu Yan's figure came into view, Bai Yueli in the pavilion did have some surprises, but thinking about it carefully, in terms of Fu Yan's character, it was not so unexpected.

"Fairy Bai, the two people walking in front seem to be disciples of your Shui Ling Sect." Shen Chanyi saw the figure in front of Killing Intent Road wearing the clothes of Shui Ling Sect disciple, and couldn't help but look back at Bai Yueli beside him , said somewhat surprised.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at Bai Yueli, who had not spoken much.

"I didn't expect that there are quite a few geniuses under the Shui Ling Sect this year. It seems that Fairy Bai's strength should be even more powerful." Lin Xun raised his eyes to look at Bai Yueli, and said indifferently.

Bai Yueli returned to her senses and looked at everyone's relaxed expressions. She didn't say anything, but nodded politely.

"The one in front seems to be unable to hold on, but being able to walk a distance of 800 meters is already very powerful. At least more than half of our Fengling Sect's disciples can't do it." Ouyang Xun looked at the already trembling face in front of him. After the figure, he could not help but say lightly.

These words are actually a bit intriguing, as if to say that walking out of 800 meters is actually nothing.

When the words fell, everyone nodded casually. It seemed that they only talked about it on a whim. Seeing that the disciple who stopped at 800 meters had given up, they were too lazy to pay any more attention.

In the huge pavilion, Bai Yueli was soon left alone, raising her eyes from time to time to look at the familiar figure on the road of killing intent.

At this time, Fu Yan was naturally unaware of their group's challenge. She had already been dismissed after a few words. She had already walked out of the distance of nearly 600 meters, and the killing intent around her was getting more and more terrifying. Can devour people.

However, Fu Yan's mind is still firm, so he still lifts his feet and walks forward.

When he raised his eyes, he saw that Dong Chenghui in front had actually reached a distance of 800 meters, but at this time he was obviously reaching his limit, and his whole body began to tremble, as if he was in a terrifying place.

Wei Wei stayed in place for a moment, and Dong Chenghui finally gave up the idea of ​​moving forward. He turned around quickly, the sweat on his face had already soaked his temples, and he was a little out of breath, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle of life and death. generally.

The moment he turned around, Dong Chenghui almost didn't hesitate, he went back the same way and walked towards the entrance of Killing Intent Road, his pace was getting faster and faster, as if he wanted to escape from here quickly.

When passing by Fu Yan, Dong Chenghui didn't look too much, and he didn't look at her sideways. It can be seen that if he continued to stay here for a while, he would likely be affected by the killing intent here.

After Dong Chenghui returned, there was no one in front of Fu Yan. On this huge killing intent, apart from the challenged disciples who were 100 or 200 meters behind, she seemed to be the only one left in front of her.

After a slight pause, Fu Yan knew that she had not reached her limit yet, and naturally she would not turn around and leave like this, so she quickly moved on again.

Seven hundred meters...

eight hundred meters, when Fu Yan was also standing at eight hundred meters, she finally understood why Dong Chenghui was so difficult, because she was facing the same situation at this time.

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