Chapter 201-210

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The stone pillar has become full of pits, and the chains on it are covered with rust. Looking closely, there is nothing special about it.

"It's a forbidden place, it seems that there is really nothing." Ming Xi retracted her gaze, and when she noticed the tranquility around her, she couldn't help but sigh.

When the words fell, Bai Yueli chuckled lightly: "If there is really something, we are too late."

Indeed, it is estimated that several waves of immortal cultivators have come and gone.

Around the array, apart from the two prominent stone pillars, there were no other buildings. There was only a barren lot left, with no vegetation at all.

"Let's go." Fu Yan took a last glance, and said with a calm expression. She has already carefully explored it with her mental power, but there is still nothing strange about it.

Hearing this, several people on the side naturally closed their eyes and nodded in response.

Perhaps because it was too long ago, this forbidden area in Shuanghua Palace looked very ordinary, so Fuyan and the others did not stay here for a long time, and soon turned around and went down to the summit.

It seems that no one has noticed that the two stone unicorn statues beside the formation platform, the empty stone eyes are watching the place that happens to be on the long suspension bridge below.

At this moment, the figures of Fu Yan and the others crossed the suspension bridge again and continued to walk outside the forbidden area.

And the stone statue on the top of the peak seems to be staring at the background of their departure.

After coming out of the forbidden area, Fu Yan and the others moved quickly and quickly swept back to the main entrance of Shuanghua Palace, where the main hall peaked up.

Now, except for the main hall, they have basically wandered the entire Shuanghua Palace. Although they did not gain anything, they also had a lot of emotions in their hearts.

At this moment, there are still many figures on the peaks of the main hall, but they don't seem to have much patience. After not exploring the treasure house, they left here in a hurry.

The preservation of the main hall is the best in the entire Shuanghua Palace. Although the outside is still full of traces of history, the main hall can still be said to be in the past. I did not think that those side halls were like ruins.

"Shhhhh!!" The

four figures quickly landed on Zhengfeng Square. There were a lot of immortal cultivators coming and going, but no one would pay too much attention.

Zhengfeng is actually composed of two peaks, both of which are straight among the clouds, and you can almost overlook half of the topography of the Shuanghua Palace from above.

After stabilizing his body, Fu Yan took the lead and walked through a front hall, followed by two long corridors that connected the tops of the two mountain peaks. Below the corridor, there seemed to be an endless abyss.

Just looking down, I can't help but look back.

"Wow, this place is really stylish!" When Ming Xi stepped on the corridor between the two peaks, she looked around in amazement, her eyes full of amazement.

Shui Liuqing on the side nodded his head: "It's hard to imagine what the most prosperous time of Shuanghua Palace would have been."


After passing through the open-air corridor, several people finally came to the official Shuanghua Palace. The main hall, the building in front of you is extraordinarily magnificent, and when you stand below and look up, it makes people a little solemn.

Many immortal cultivators walked out of the hall and shook their heads helplessly.

"Go in and have a look." Bai Yueli retracted her gaze, glanced sideways at Fu Yan, and said quietly.

Fu Yan nodded and replied, "Okay." The

main hall as a whole is a silver-white building, like a fairyland on earth, and every lifelike pattern has been poured into it.

There is a lot of space in the hall, and it can basically accommodate thousands of disciples. The rows of silver-white pillars are somewhat dazzling.

Standing in the center of the main hall, the skylight design is on the top. When you look up, you can see the sky outside, and a layer of soft light is also scattered from above.

"Let's go, let's go, it seems that this Shuanghua Palace is indeed an empty shell, and it really is a waste of time." Someone on the side muttered to himself a little helplessly.

There is nothing here. Fuyan stands in the middle and can see all the scenery at a glance.

For a moment, several people looked at each other and understood that it was time to go out.


However, in the next second, everyone suddenly felt a huge vibration under their feet, and the originally solid hall seemed to collapse soon. Before they could think about it, the surrounding crowd rushed out quickly.

"Go out first." Fu Yan glanced at Ming Xi and Shui Liuqing beside him, and said quickly.

After speaking, she was also conditioned reflex, reaching out to pull Bai Yueli's hand again, and quickly swept the other party out of the hall.

But at this moment, a faint white beam of light suddenly rose from Fu Yan's feet, directly through the skylight above, and rushed straight to the sky.

Fu Yan was already wrapped in the beam of light. When she stretched out her hand, she just touched the beam of light in front of her, but she couldn't get through.

Obviously, Fu Yan's whole body has been isolated from the surrounding by this beam of light, she can't get out, and others can't get in.

Sure enough, it seems that because of the conjecture in his heart, when Fu Yan just reacted, he saw Bai Yueli on the side anxiously trying to penetrate the beam of light, but there was still no reaction at all.


"Sister Fu! "

Seeing this, even Ming Xi and Shui Liuqing on the side were startled. Just as they wanted to come over to help, a huge building had already fallen from the front. If they hadn't reacted quickly, they might have been smashed by now. Arrived .


Bai Yueli had already started to attack the beam of light, but the beam of light only heard a slight vibration, which was as firm as ever.

"Boom! Boom!"

The entire hall continued to collapse. After using the Constellation Sword to no avail, Fuyan had to shout anxiously: "Senior sister, don't worry about me, you go out first, this place is about to collapse completely. It 's over."

Bai Yueli turned a deaf ear, but looked at Fu Yan in the beam of light and said, "We will attack a place together, attacking from inside and outside."

Seeing this, Fu Yan could only let Shui Liuqing take Ming Xi out of the hall first. Go out, and then start trying to attack a spot of the beam of light together as Bai Yueli said.

At the same time, I saw that the beam of light under Fuyan's feet suddenly began to shrink, but in the blink of an eye, it took Fuyan inside and turned into a tiny ray of light.

Soon, the beam of light faded, and Fu Yan's figure inside disappeared.

The surrounding halls collapsed more and more rapidly. Bai Yueli frowned and raised her hand to support the falling stone. The moment Fuyan disappeared, she could no longer feel the other party's breath. .

This means that Fu Yan no longer exists in this space.

It was too late to worry too much. One second before the entire hall completely collapsed, Bai Yueli's figure finally turned into a cloud of black demonic energy, and flew into the air with ease.

"Senior Sister Bai!"

When they appeared again, Shui Liuqing and Ming Xi quickly rushed over, but they didn't see Fu Yan's figure coming out, and both of them sank.

At this moment, the entire building in front of him had completely collapsed into ruins, and the gray dust had raised half of the sky, and everyone who escaped from it was full of doubts.

"What just happened?"

"Could it be that a treasure trove was finally born?"


When the dust dissipated, the surroundings returned to quiet again. However, the treasure house that everyone thought was not born, and there was not even a trace of spiritual energy everywhere.

"Come out, don't worry about Fu Yan."

At this moment, a voice transmission sounded in Bai Yueli's mind, she was slightly taken aback, and soon she was the master who recognized the voice.

It was the reincarnated immortal Lu Xiaowen whom Fu Yan and Bai Yueli met at the auction.

"What should I do, Sister Bai, is there any danger for Sister Fu?" Ming Xi on the side was anxious, looking at the ruins below, and asked aloud.

Bai Yueli paused for a moment, and then came back to her senses. She then looked at Shui Liuqing and Ming Xi, and her lips slightly opened: "Go out first."

"Ah?" Some didn't respond.

However, Bai Yueli didn't have time to explain anything, but directly took the two of them and quickly swept through the air together, and swept straight towards the exit of Shuanghua Palace.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the three finally flew out of the Shuanghua Palace.

Bai Yueli quickly locked on Lu Xiaowen's figure, the other party didn't seem to have any intention of hiding, and just stood quietly on the periphery of the snowy mountain.

The wind and snow outside did not know when it had completely stopped, and Bai Yueli saw Lu Xiaowen on the other side. Without delay, he moved again and appeared in front of the other party in an instant.

Since Lu Xiaowen is a member of Shuanghua Palace, he must be clear about the sudden situation just now.

"Senior, what happened?" Bai Yueli stared at each other closely, as if she would not let go of the small expression on his face.

When the words fell, Shui Liuqing and Ming Xi also followed. When they saw Bai Yueli respecting a young man as senior, they couldn't help but be puzzled, but it seemed that the young man knew Fu Yan's whereabouts.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaowen smiled to himself, and looked at the Shuanghua Palace again, and seemed to be talking to himself: "It seems that Fuyan and my Shuanghua Palace are indeed related."

Bai Yueli He didn't rush to continue to ask, but quietly waited for his later text.

After a long while, Lu Xiaowen finally withdrew his gaze, set his eyes on Bai Yueli again, and explained lightly, "Don't worry, she just triggered the test of my Shuanghua Palace."

In fact, the first thing Lu Xiaowen did when he came back was to try to trigger the test and to revive the Shuanghua Palace after becoming the Palace Master. However, he failed. He originally thought that everything was really completely destroyed. Now it seems that he himself is not a person who is destined to be the palace master.


When she heard this word, Bai Yueli's heart was instantly horrified, she vaguely understood that this test was not ordinary.

"Okay." Lu Xiaowen's thoughts returned to the cage, and he waved his hand somewhat casually.

"My Shuanghua Palace's test is not so easy to pass. In a few years, she should not be able to come out. As for whether she can succeed or not, it depends on her own good fortune."

Perhaps, thousands of years later Today, Shuanghua Palace will have a chance to rise again.

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