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Chapter 71 Mark
    It was not until the aircraft took off that Mo Xuan looked down through the window.

    He watched her gradually become a little bit, farther and farther away, never to see again.

    Yu Bai sat opposite Mo Xuan and couldn't help but move a seat to the side.

    The boss is now full of low air pressure, and he is afraid that he will take his anger out if he is upset.

    Although he is so old, he is afraid that an underage child will look funny.

    Back then, when Mo Xun was young, almost all the people in their department were the proud sons of SS-level superpower families, and many of them were destined to become SSSS-level in the future, so after the establishment of the new department, everyone learned that he was appointed as the commander-in-chief. Always dissatisfied. As a result, they were abused by Mo Xun one by one, and they willingly called the youngest "boss".

    The painful experience was unbearable to look back on, Yu Bai reached out and wiped his face, and only dared to be presumptuous when Mo Xuan's breath finally returned to normal.

    He sat down beside Mo Xuan, pointed his finger in the direction of Chi Lei Academy, his eyes were full of gossip excitement, "No wonder you don't want to come back, so you are with your little girlfriend! When will it be good? Let's talk about it. !"

    In the villa just now, he almost thought that the boss's soul had been exchanged, but looking at the gentleness, he was so stunned that he didn't dare to make a sound.

    Mo Xuan glanced at the person next to him, then lowered his eyes halfway, and said in a low voice, "Not a girlfriend."

    Yu Bai's eyes widened, his head full of question marks, and his voice became a little higher, "It's all like that! You tell me Not a girlfriend!? Are you kidding me?!"

    Mo Xuan pursed his lips, his private relationship with some of his subordinates has always been good.

    We are brothers born and die together, and we can say almost everything to each other, but his private life has always been very boring, and he usually has nothing to share, mostly listening to them talk.

    So now that Yu Bai will have such a big reaction when he finds out about his condition is also expected.

    He rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little helpless, "The situation is a bit complicated. I do like her, but she doesn't like me and treats me as a family member."

    Yu Bai scratched his head, feeling that he heard the most magical thing ever. He guessed randomly in his mind, "Wouldn't that be your half-sister? Reorganizing the family? Are you afraid of being beaten up? By

    the way, how old is that girl? It seems to be quite small, although you really are It's very good, but we can't be human in this respect!"

    In fact, everyone is not very clear about the family background of the boss. All I know is that he is the eldest young master of a hidden family in Liu Yunxing. He is accompanied by an elder to take care of him all the year round. He himself never mentions his parents and relatives.

    Yu Bai remembered the girl's appearance and height again, and suddenly realized that the girl seemed to be very young, otherwise she probably wouldn't want to kiss the boss.

    Mo Xuan glanced at him faintly, afraid that the more he thought about it, the more crooked he could only explain, "She's 17 years old, and she is the daughter of my eldest brother."

    Yu Bai was stunned for a moment, then smiled "puchi" and patted Mo Xuan on the shoulder. "Boss, you're more outrageous than I thought! Hahaha goose..."

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