CHAPTER 111-120

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Chapter 111 Peeking at the Third Prince of Floating Cloud Country
    Tang Jiuge stopped. She looked at the team of Blue Ocean Academy that was getting closer, and at the man in white. A familiar feeling came to her mind instantly.

    Is he... is he Mo Xun? !

    Tang Jiuge's eyes widened.

    Although it is slightly different, his figure, posture, breath, and exposed lips are clearly Mo Xuan!

    With a thump in her heart, she couldn't help holding her breath, just staring blankly at him getting closer.

    However, just as she was about to walk over to find him, her teammates grabbed her arm, "Jiuge, why are you standing there stupidly? Hurry up!"

    Tang Jiuge blinked and took away her teammate's hand, "You go first, I Go find him."

    Tang Jiuge turned around and was about to walk behind.

    The two teammates looked at her and looked at the third prince of Floating Cloud Kingdom. They were shocked and quickly pulled her back. The two dragged her and hurried forward, "My ancestor! No matter how good-looking he is, don't do this. It's time to talk to him! Look at those girls! Believe it or not, they can eat you!?"

    "Yes! He is not something ordinary people can provoke! Let's go! You really like us to find him secretly in the future. Try it!"

    Tang Jiuge slapped her arm between the two of them, frowning impatiently, "No, I know him!"

    She didn't directly say that he was Mo Xuan, she felt that there might be something wrong with his identity, so she couldn't easily exposed.

    It's a pity that the two teammates didn't believe it at all, "Don't be ridiculous, how could you know him, this third prince stays in the temple all day and doesn't come out very much at all."

    "I really do know, you let me go, I will be with him. Say a few words!"

    "A few more words?! One sentence will kill you!"

    Tang Jiuge and the two teammates kept pulling, but they didn't believe it, they thought she was blinded by someone who didn't even show her face.

    Suddenly, the two teammates covered Tang Jiuge's mouth, held her tightly, and pulled her up the aisle.

    Tang Jiuge was stunned for a moment, and then saw the Blue Ocean Academy team walking past them.

    She opened her eyes wide and looked at Mo Xuan, she didn't struggle anymore, just a little nervous, her round eyes were full of anticipation, hoping that he would stop, look at her, or talk to her.

    However no.

    The man in the white robe walked over without looking away, surrounded by his teammates, his eyes didn't tilt towards her at all, and his footsteps didn't stop at all, as if she didn't exist in his eyes.

    "..." Tang Jiuge's whole body seemed to have been taken away, and his body relaxed.

    She thought that he hadn't replied to her any messages for three days.

    At first she thought that he might be in a place with no signal, but if he came to the competition, how could there be no signal on the road.

    In other words, he saw those messages, but still did not reply.

    Just now he looked like he didn't know her at all...

    He didn't like her anymore.

    Tang Jiuge lowered her head, mist began to form in her eyes, but she could only bit her lip to suppress the sourness and pain that rose in her heart.

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