CHAPTER 131-140

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Chapter 131 He Dare To Pinch Her Face (1/2)
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    "Impossible! How did this happen!?"

    "A monster!?" In the

    special auditorium, the principals of the various colleges couldn't sit still anymore. They stood up and stared at the big screen projected in front of them. , However, the picture above tells them that everything is true, and they are not dazzled.

    This child can actually perform exercises and spells at the same time!

    The principals opened their eyes wide in disbelief, shocked in their hearts.

    Only Principal Chi Lei sat among them leisurely, looked up at them, took a sip of water, waved his hand to signal them to sit down, and said casually, "Hey, I'm scared you, why are you making such a fuss?" Yes , isn’t it because our family Xiaotang puts his heart and mind into it.”

    The principals looked at Principal Chi Lei’s appearance and their teeth itch.

    How can this be the general dual purpose of one mind! ? It's just unreasonable! ?

    Even the principal of Blue Ocean College was not calm anymore, he grabbed Principal Chi Lei's arm and looked serious, "Okay, Chi Lei, don't be a fool here, how did this happen!?"

    "Yeah! How could anyone Face-to-face confrontation with alien species, physical impact and normal display of mental power without being affected?"

    Principal Chi Lei curled his lips, feeling quite bored with their questions.

    How else can they do it? Of course, because their Xiaotang technique has been so proficient that it seems like an instinctive reaction. Even if they are injured by a foreign species, they can unswervingly endure the pain and mobilize their divine power.

    "There is no special trick, it's just that this child's will is beyond ordinary people." Principal Chi Lei shook his head lightly, and said this sentence with a slightly heavy tone, without the feeling of showing off, and instead sighed with distress .

    "Can be tempered to S level with the dual elements of thunder and fire. The pain she has experienced is far more terrifying than you imagined. The shock and pain caused by fighting against alien species may be like a light drizzle to her."

    When he saw Xiaotang was able to do this, he was startled, no less shocked than they were, but after thinking about it and asking a little bit, he understood everything.

    Of course she is outstanding because of her genius, but behind this astonishing performance is more blood and tears that others can't match.

    Day and night, without interruption.

    Principal Chi Lei leaned back on the chair and looked up at Tang Jiuge who was fighting fiercely on the screen.

    The girl's side face reflected the flickering lightning, and her eyes seemed to be burning with red flames. The slightly narrowed eyes and the corners of her lips were extremely firm, and that petite body was waving the terrifying long scythe covered with thunder snakes. His technique is like the fire of hell and the punishment of heaven.

    The night was gloomy, and the howls of pain seemed to be piercing the sky.

    Principal Chi Lei stared fixedly at the picture in front of him, and suddenly uttered a word.

    "She will give new interpretations to the practitioners of the Art of War."

    "..." The

    other principals were silent, but they had to nod to acknowledge this fact.

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