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whenever brothers bring up the topic of women not covering themselves according to the Qur'an and Sunnah, women retalliate with the statement:

"and YOU should be lowering your gaze, brother."

for some reason, making this 'counter argument' is the end of discussion where the women think they've "won" the argument.

for a moment, let's consider a world where all the Muslim men are lowering their gaze, does that mean women can continue to dress however they choose to?

of course not. why?

because REGARDLESS of men lowering their gaze, women have to cover their 'awrah as that is a commandment from Allah swt!

even if ALL the Muslim men were lowering their gaze as the sisters keep insisting, there will always be non Muslim men lusting over the beauty of sisters who don't cover their 'awrah offline or online.

do the sisters now expect even the non-muslim men to lower their gaze before they accept that they have to cover their 'awrah regardless of men lowering their gaze?

let's turn the tables for a moment and imagine a Muslim brother is showcasing his 6-pack abs, barely clothed and showing off his body.

if at that point, Muslim sisters ask him to cover his 'awrah online as he should, imagine him saying: 

"sister, YOU should be lowering your gaze."

see how pointless the argument is?

retaliating with what the other gender is failing to do, doesn't solve the ongoing fitnah.

lowering the gaze is a command for BOTH genders. covering the 'awrah too is a command for BOTH genders.

the only difference is that what is defined as the 'awrah differs for the two genders.

why? because the two genders themselves are different from each other, hence different rules for each.

if Allah swt asks the sisters why they didn't cover themselves, will their answers be: "but the brothers should be lowering their gaze"?

and when Allah swt questions the brothers on why they didn't lower their gaze, will their answers be: "but the sisters should be dressing appropriately"?

do you see how ridiculous it sounds?

it's about time that we stop shifting the blame whenever each gender is advised to observe what is fardh (obligatory) for them.

we need to accept what is lacking in our Deen, because the excuses we give to each other here, won't protect us on the Day of Judgement.

Oh Allah, protect us from the tricks of shaytan and help us all in lowering our gaze and covering our 'Awrah.


IG: @working.4.jannah

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