there was a sheikh who was teaching his students aqeedah (faith).. he taught them - 'la ilaha illa allah' and explained its meaning to them. the sheikh loved keeping pets, so he was given a pet by one of his students as a gift (a parrot). and as days passed, the sheikh started to like the parrot.
he used to take it to his lessons, until the parrot leant to say 'la illaha illa allah' and would utter it day and night.
one day the students found their sheikh crying and sobbing. when they asked him the reason, he told that a cat attacked the parrot and killed it.
they said: "is this the reason why you are crying? if you wish we would bring another parrot better than that one." the sheikh said, "i'm not crying because of this. he did nothing but scream. because he used t osay it just with his tongue only, and his heart didn't learn it! so, he did not feel it. i am afraid to be like this parrot. we live our lives repeating 'la illaha illa allah' with our tongues, but when death comes, we forget it because our hearts do not know it..."
when he told his students this, they started crying in fear in lack of honesty in saying la illaha illa allah.
this is really a clear reminder to those who are reading it right now. our condition may be similar to that of the parrot.
so we need to fear Allah, fill our hearts with the love of Allah, and be sincere. we are not here to impress anyone but the Creator. this world is a place of mere illusion!
reminder: you will die the way you lived!
ya Allah, make our last words la illaha illaAllah!
IG: @on_tawheed_
1000 days of Da'wah (pt 1)
EspiritualThis book is intended to give my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters tips and knowledge on their journeys to become better Muslims along the way. Each day you can refer to this book and read a new chapter to learn something new. Let's all strive to b...