deep down we all know what is right and what is wrong - remember this one thing...
sisters, you will die one day. everyone has to die.
remember that one day someone else will wash you. your hair will be braided into three. anything as small as a nosepin also won't follow you along. you will be shrouded in 5 pieces of clothes.
remember this day will come upon you, sister. by Allah, this day will come upon everyone. don't you fear what Allah will do with you on yawm al qiyamah for posting these pictures of yourself for thousands of men to see?
all the things you're doing now. going against the commandments of Allah and the Sunnah. plucking your brows, doing tabarruj, showing yourself before thousands of men on social media, wearing clothes that are haram. none of these things will matter the day you die, sister.
there have been cases where the families had to run pillar to post to undo the sins of their daughters. i remember this Muslim woman who was an MUA died. her pictures of tabarruj were over 3000 posts. she died. nothing could be done. these things accumulate her sins even after death. other sisters had to strive very hard to get her account deleted somehow.
fear Allah and do not showcase yourself to men.
you've been honored sm that you can't even be seen by someone who is not your mahram.
Allah has granted you complete autonomy over your modesty and no man can compell you.
He has given you a status way higher than being categorized into beautiful or not beautiful. like a showpiece of flesh.
don't lose the honor given to you. don't tell men to lower their gaze bc Allah commands us justice. not equality. Allah commanded you to cover yourself and commanded the men to lower their gaze. Allah has made all of you an 'awrah which designates your high status.
every glance that falls on you after you uncover yourself, gains you a sin.
as well as the man.
do not become the helper and assistant of shaytan.
learn the commandments and rights given to you exclusively by your Lord.
there is no success in this dunyah or Akhirah by leaving off the book of Allah and the Sunnah.
this address was specific to women bc the world runs on them.
profits on them.
if women are removed from the equation, neither films, nor music, advertisements, or the entertainment industry would work.
bc there is no greater weakness for men than women. power, land, gold, couldn't win over men as women did. they truly are a creation that leaves men in amazement.
like Rasoolallah sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, "i'm not leaving behind a greater fitnah for men than women."
this doesn't mean women are a creation of fitnah. no.
this means a woman who doesn't remain in the hudood of Allah is a fitnah.
our women are our strength, our halves, our most important need in islah of the ummah and tasfiyah wa tarbiyah. if they're going astray, it is a must to advise them. because a corruption in the womenfolk is corruption in the generations to come by.
IG: @working.4.jannah
1000 days of Da'wah (pt 1)
EspiritualThis book is intended to give my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters tips and knowledge on their journeys to become better Muslims along the way. Each day you can refer to this book and read a new chapter to learn something new. Let's all strive to b...