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𝗡𝗶-𝗸𝗶'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩
Yesterday I bumped into a random girl and after that, I immediately went away from her because she might be one of the crazy fans who likes stalking their favourite idols, but she keeps on popping into my mind out of nowhere but I just shrugged it off.

Today our Dance Teacher has an announcement so I woke up early and leave the house immediately.

I arrived at the Dance Classroom and as expected I'm early again. A minute later other students arrive the same as the teacher. Our Dance Teacher was already at the front of the room and ready to announce something. When all the students arrive the teacher started speaking "I have an announcement" she started "our Team got chosen to be one of the backup dancers in one of the global idols that hybe label holds" she stated "so please be prepared, that's all" she ended.

I'm so excited about what our dance teacher announced. 'Which group from hybe are we gonna work with?' 'What if it's en-' my thoughts were cut off when my phone suddenly rang. It was Areum. I answer the call and Areum started speaking in a loud voice "EYYY how's my Y/N huh?" Areum said, "I'm alright and can you not talk that loud you're gonna ruin my eardrums," I said, "eyyyy why so serious?" She said, "be straight to the point, why did you call?" I asked with a stern voice, "oh yeah, I and Jang-Mi will have a sleepover, wanna join?" She said being excited, "oh yeah sure I'll go home first to get some stuff and ask mom for permission," I said, "hsbshsbsh ok ok, me and Jang-Mi will wait for you, see youu" she said being happy bubbly. After a minute of talking, we finally ended the call.

I immediately stood up and leave the building, I went home using a bus and went to my house when I open the door I saw my mom watching something on the TV, I guess she went home from work early. When she turn to see who's the person who opened the door she immediately smile at me and of course I smiled back and I greeted her "hi mom, you came home early" I stated while taking off my shoes, "oh yeah, we just had a meeting at work and our boss said we could already go home after the meeting" she stated, "oh that's nice mom, anyway, mom can I join Areum and Jang-Mi in a sleepover tonight?" I asked her "I, Areum, and Jang-Mi will go to school tomorrow together if you'll agree with that" I continue, "oh, of course, you could join them for tonight's sleepover," Mom said making me smile.

I went to my room and put some stuff in my bag that I need for our sleepover, I also bring my school uniform so that I don't need to go home tomorrow early in the morning just to change into my uniform. I grab my bag and went downstairs, I put on my shoes and before I leave I bid goodbye to my mom and leave the house.

While walking to Areum's house (her house was near to mine so I just walk to go there) my phone suddenly rang and it was my brother. Yes, my brother Kang Taehyun of TXT. I answer the call and asked why did he call "hey brother, wutsupp" I greet him, "nothing, I just heard your team got chosen to be one of the backup dancers in one of the groups that our label holds" he said, "oh yeah, that's right",
" congrats then sister," he said, "thank you," I said nicely, "I gotta go now, bye," he said, "oh yeah bye" I stated lastly before I ended the call.

Few Minutes of Walking:
Finally, I arrive at Areum's house and I click the doorbell to get her attention for whatever she's doing, a seconds later her gate opens revealing Areum and Jang-Mi. They greeted me and let me walk inside her house and we went upstairs to her room but before we go to her room, we grab some snacks in her kitchen.

Jang-Mi started speaking "Yah, HYBE will have their Christmas Concert soon," she said, "are you guys gonna attend?" She asked, "of course, I'm gonna attend," Areum Said being Excited, "how about you Y/N?", " oh me? I'm not sure because I have to prepare for something" I said, "And what are you preparing for?" Jang-Mi asked, "Oh, are team was chosen to be one of the backup dancers in a kpop group so yeah I have to prepare for that" I stated, "ohhhhh do you know what group are you working with?" Areum asked, "no our dance teacher didn't tell us yet" I reply to her while laying on her bed.

After a few more hours we keep on talking about random things until we shifted to our dreamland.

Hellooooo readers, this chapter was longer than the first one but not long enough so I'll do my best in the next and future chapters. There's not much Y/N and Ni-ki interaction yet but they will interact soon so please bear with it for now. Hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you for reading muah😚😚😚

Word Count:905

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