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Y/n's POV
Finally finally this day is finally over, but we still have Dance Practice tomorrow so this week is gonna be tiring. But practicing with your crush slash bais slash temple run monster slash idiot is literally heaven OMYGHAD.

I pack my things and walked down the building to reach the exit but before reaching the exit someone shouted my name "Hey y/n" it was Heeseung, "Oh hey Hee, what's up?" i said to him, "actually your brother told me to send you home since he can't go home together with you" he explained, "oh well if that's the case, i could grab a taxi or take the bus" i said to him, I didn't want to bother him tho, "are you sure? It's not safe for a pretty girl like you, going home alone at this time" Hee said 'did he just call me pretty?? I'm blushing gosh' i said to ng thoughts "oh um well I'm used to go home alone at this time hehe" i said trying to hide my tomato face, "well i insist, i will take the bus with you, or I'll walk you home, i doesn't bother me anyways" he said smiling, "ok if you said so" I agree to him because it seems like he won't stop.

Author POV
They where walking together to get in the bus stop. Y/n stop suddenly walking to look at the view and smell the city air, while Y/n was looking around and chilling, heeseung secretly took a pic of Y/n
The Pic:

Without realising, heeseung camera shot sound was on, so Y/n turn around to see what was the thing heeseung taking a pic, good thing heeseung didn't get caught by Y/n and he pretend that he's taking a pic of other things

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Without realising, heeseung camera shot sound was on, so Y/n turn around to see what was the thing heeseung taking a pic, good thing heeseung didn't get caught by Y/n and he pretend that he's taking a pic of other things.

10 minutes later they started walking to the bus stop and wait there until the bus came. THEN the bus came, they went inside the bus and then while seating at the bus, Y/n suddenly feel sleepy, because of tiredness Y/n fell asleep at Heeseung's shoulder, HONESTLY Heeseung was blushing. Heeseung let Y/n sleep at his shoulder.

I'm really sorry for the delay, I've been keeping this chapter and haven't finish it yet because i was too lazyyy, my friend rhianne encourage me to post this chapter even though i haven't finish it, huhu really sorry

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