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1week later
Ni-ki POV
Today is the day we are going to meet the new team of our backup dancers and start to work with them. Jay Hyung wake me up and told me to take a quick shower and eat breakfast immediately because we are going to be late at our schedule. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower and wear my blue hoodie being paired by my Black ripped jeans. I went to the dining room then eat my breakfast quickly. Me and my Hyungs are ready to leave so me, Jake Hyung, Jay Hyung and Jungwon  Hyung hopped inside the car while Sunoo Hyung, Heeseung Hyung and Sunghoon Hyung hopped in different car. Our car started to move and went to HYBE building.

Today is the day we are going to meet the boy group we are going to work with 'I'm soooo excited' just me being excited. I went inside the bathroom and took a bath and after that I wear my outfit

The Outfit:

I went downstairs and saw my brother Taehyun eating some bread I went to him and ask him "oh you're here?", " oh yes I got home late last night and you're sleeping already so I didn't bother to wake you up"he said, "ohhh its ok"i sad, " oh, and le...

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I went downstairs and saw my brother Taehyun eating some bread I went to him and ask him "oh you're here?", " oh yes I got home late last night and you're sleeping already so I didn't bother to wake you up"he said, "ohhh its ok"i sad, " oh, and let's go to the building together since you're going there too right?" He said while getting another bread, "yes, I'm excited to meet the artist we're gonna work with" I said being excited again, "I know who's your team gonna work with" he said while smirking, "ohhh really?tell me who is the group then. Is it BTS or Seventeen or NU'EST or Enhypen or Your group TXT?" I said grinning, "secret~" he said with a teasing smile, "ohh come on, I'm going to know it whether you tell me or not so why bother not telling me right now?!?" I said sulking, "its a surprise~" he said with a teasing tone,"aishhh"i said then started eating.

Me and my brother are done eating so we went to car and started driving away (taehyun is the one who's driving so yeah) we are finally near at the building and I told him to stop in front of the building because our team are waiting there, I went down the car and thank my brother for driving me here and he told me welcome and good luck.

I went to our team and ask them if I was late and they told me I was just in exact time. One of the staff went outside the building and said "are you guys the backup dancers?" The female staff asked, "oh yes we are" our dance teacher stated, "oh, follow me inside then" she said smiling at us. We follow her inside and while walking, all of us admired how beautiful the inside building was, it was pretty big and luxurious. The staff suddenly stop walking so all of us stop too, the staff opened the door and saw a big practice room, we went inside and the staff started to speak again "the boys are not yet here but let's just wait for few minutes until they came, you can seat on the floor while waiting to them" the staff stated then smiled.

Few Minutes later
A few minutes later the door of the practice room wide open revealing seven fine mens 'wait a second are they en-' my thoughts was cut off when the group of boys took of their mask and start speaking "1 2 connect hello guys, we are enhypen" they said sync. I was kind of shock 'am I really gonna dance with them!?!?' I said in my thoughts. We stood up and said "hello, nice to meet you" we all said, they smiled and I heard one of the member talked, "hey Y/N I didn't expect you to be here" heeseung said while smiling at me, "hyung you know her?" Ni-ki ask to his hyung 'omygoshh ni-kiii' just me screaming at my thoughts.

"Oh yes, I know her, she is Taehyun younger sister" he said smiling at me, "oh ok, nice to meet you then Y/N"ni-ki said also smiling at me, " nice to meet you too" I said smiling back 'omygosh did my bias just say my name?!?' Just me screaming at my thoughts, "um Y/N are you sick?" Heeseung suddenly ask, "um no I'm not" I said "why?" I asked, "because you're so red" heeseung said, "oh me haha it's just hot in here haha" I said while face palming myself, "um the choreographer will discuss the choreography so I think we should seat already" ni-ki said, "oh ok" heeseung said sitting beside his members while me sitting with my teammates.

A few hours later the choreographer was already done discussing the choreography and told us we could start practicing tomorrow, before the choreographer leave the room he gave us a copy of video that we would dance in the concert and then he already leave.

"I think you guys should rest because tomorrow is gonna be a exhausting day" Yang leader said, "and you need a lot of energy for tomorrow's practice so yeah" he said finishing his statement. We all agree at him and stood up ready to leave to go home because he said we should rest.

While walking  to the exit of the building, I spotted my brother with his members, he saw me then said "hey Y/N come here" he said while waving, I went to him and his members greet me "ohhh Y/N how was the feeling meeting your ult group?" Beomgyu ask with teasing smile, "you probably blush when you saw your bais" Yeonjun said while smirking, "y'all know me well" I said, "of course your brother always talk about you" Hueningkai said smiling, "he's right" soobin added, "don't exposed me" Taehyun said then we all laugh.

While me and  my brothers group having a conversation, someone called them from behind me, "hey guys oh and Y/N" it was heeseung, "oh haha hello" I said and of course TXT also greet them, "you guys seems having fun, with this girl here" Jake said smirking, "she's Taehyun younger sister so of course she's close with us" soobin said, "wait she's your sister hyung" sunoo asked my brother "oh yes haha she's Y/N"

"Ohhhh so she's the girl heeseung hyung was talking about" Sunghoon said while smirking at heeseung "shut up penguin" heeseung said while glaring at sunghoon. "Hi Y/N I'm Sunoo nice to meet you" He said smiling brightly at Y/N, "nice to meet you too" I said 'omygoshh sunshine' I said in my thoughts.

"Oh Y/N are you going home now?" My brother asked, "actually no, I'm planing to hang out with Areum and Jangmi eonnie" I said to my brother, "didn't I tell you guys that you have to rest because we will have an exhausting day tomorrow" Yang leader said while raising his one brows "oh haha yes, im just gonna go home and rest haha" I said not looking at him, "ok good" Jungwon said, "since your going home and I have to get something at home, let's just go home together" my brother said, "oh ok" I said simply

"We'll go home now guys bye~" my brother taehyun said, "bye guys" I also took a goodbye bid to them, "byee Y/N see you tomorrow" Ni-ki said and then they all look at him "I-i mean we will meet her tomorrow again so yeah" Ni-ki said while stuttering, 'ngl he's cute' I said in my thoughts. Then all of them bid goodbye to me and my brother then we leave the building.

Hello readers!!! This is the chapter4, and this chapter is longer than the other chapters so yeahhh, I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you for reading~

WordCount: 1344


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