Chapter eleven

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Half-way through the way to the Griever hole, Minho held up his hand, stopping all Gladers. Newt walked up to the front, looking at the Gladers. There're forty-one of us.'' He pulled onto his backpack. ''Make sure you've got your weapons. Other than that, isn't a whole lot to buggin' say - you've all come with us. We're going to fight through the Griever Hole, and Tommy here's gonna punch in his little magic code and then we're gonna get payback on the Creators. Simple as that.'' 

Piper looked over the Gladers, who were all already panting as they stared at Newt, Minho and Piper at the front. Minho turned to Newt. ''Shouldn't someone give a pet talk or something?'' 

''Go ahead.'' Newt replied as Piper tilted her head as Minho nodded and faced the crowd. ''Be careful.'' He said dryly. ''Don't die.'' If she could have, Piper would have laughed. 

''Great. We're all bloody inspired.'' Newt pointed further into the Maze. ''You all know the plan. After two years of being treated like mice, tonight we're making a stand. Tonight we're taking the fight back to the Creators, no matter what we have to go through to get there. Tonight the Grievers better be scared.'' Someone cheered, then someone else. Soon, shouts and battle calls broke out as Newt thrust his machete in the air. ''Hear that, Creators! We're coming!'' Piper and Minho took the lead, running towards the Griever hole with the other Gladers. 

After a long hour of running through the Maze, they ended up in front the turn towards the long corridor of the Griever hole. Piper noticed one of the Beetle Blades around them, one landing on her shoulder as she swatted it away. ''Oh no.''The Keeper groaned as he pulled his head back around the corner. ''Oh no.'' Piper flinched at the Griever sound, closing her eyes and raising her shoulders to her ears. ''There's at least a dozen of them. Maybe fifteen.'' He reached up and rubbed his eyes. ''They're just waiting for us!'' Newt and Alby had joined Thomas, Teresa, Piper, Chuck and Minho at the front of the line. ''Well, we knew we'd have to fight.'' Newt spoke, even though the tremor in his voice gave him away. 

''Maybe they've already taken a kid back at the Glade. Maybe we can get past them- why else would they just be sitting-'' Thomas was cut of because of the loud noise. Piper spun around as she closed her eyes for a moment, preparing herself. More Grievers were moving down the corridor, coming from the direction of the Glade. They came from all sides as they surrounded the Gladers. ''Got any ideas?'' Thomas asked to Newt, the Brit shaking his head. ''I don't understand what they're bloody waitin' for.''

''We shouldn't have come.'' Alby spoke, looking at the three Runners. Piper signed towards him, ''I'd rather die with everyone here, side by side, then by myself alone in the Homestead.'' A long moment passed before Alby replied. ''Maybe I should ... '' He trailed off as he walked towards the Griever hole, almost in a trance . ''Alby?'' Newt said. ''Get back here!'' 

Instead of responding. Alby took off running straight towards the Grievers. ''Alby!'' The boy had sacrificed himself for the other Gladers, Thomas holding Newt back as he tried to run into the pack himself. ''I can't  believe it,'' Newt whispered as Piper held him. ''I can't believe he just did that.'' 

Minho walked up to him, giving him a squeeze in the shoulder. ''We can't waste what he did. We'll fight 'em if we have to, make a path to the Hole for you and Teresa. Get in there and do your thing. We'll keep them off until you scream for us to follow.'' Thomas nodded as Minho passed the key to Chuck. ''Hopefully they'll go dormant for a while. We should only need a minute or so to punch in the code.''

''How can you guys be so heartless?'' Newt murmured. ''What do you want Newt?'' Minho asked him. ''Should we all dress up and have a funeral?'' Newt didn't respond as Minho continued. ''Alby didn't want to go back to his old life. He freaking sacrificed himself for us - and they aren't attacking, so maybe it worked. We'd be heartless if we wasted it.'' Newt only shrugged as he closed his eyes. Minho turned to the others. ''Listen up! Number one priority is to protect Thomas and Teresa. Get them to the Hole so-'' The sound of Grievers cut him off. Spikes were popping in and out of the Grievers as they moved forwards, slowly, but surely. Alby's sacrifice had failed miserably. 

Minho turned to Piper as he pulled her towards him, kissing her for a second before looking at her

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Minho turned to Piper as he pulled her towards him, kissing her for a second before looking at her. ''Stay close, and please be careful.'' He looked around, ''try to stay in my line of sight, you can't scream for help so I'll have to rely on sight instead of sound, okay?'' She nodded at him as she pulled her machete from it's holster, getting ready to attack the Grievers that came closer. 

The Gladers charged towards the Grievers as Thomas yelled something to Minho. ''Make a path for Tommy and the girl!'' Newt yelled as they fought. Pieces of her ponytail fell out as Piper fought, the hair falling in front of her face. She could hear the other Gladers yelling, some being thrown of the sides of the long corridor, most likely falling to their death. 

They tried to make an opening for Thomas, Teresa and Chuck as Piper jumped out of the way of a Griever sting ray coming towards her. She rolled to the side as she was pulled back onto her feet by Frypan. Chuck and Teresa ran forward with the key, opening the first door much like Piper, Thomas and Minho had days before.  ''Thomas! There's a code! Eight numbers.'' 

Piper had realized it before it was said, the sequence of the Maze. She pushed herself through as a Griever grabbed her waist, she gave a silent yell as Newt cut the arm of its body, the girl hashly falling onto the ground as he helped her up. ''Minho! What's the sequence?'' Minho turned to Thomas before he yelled over. ''Seven, one, five, two, six, four-'' He couldn't finish as a Griever landed on top of him, Piper stared in horror as she launched forward, Minho was pushing the Griever of him with his Pole while Piper pushed the blade into its face, pulling Minho away from the Griever. Then she signed towards Teresa. ''eight, three.'' The door opened as Chuck, Thomas and Teresa entered the hole while the rest stayed fighting, waiting for the signal. 

Piper heard her name being called as Jeff was thrown off the cliff, she was pulled by her arm by Minho as he pulled her away from another Griever coming her way. He grunted as they both used their machete's to hit the creature as it shrieked in, what seemed like, pain. It went towards them again, ready to grab them, when it suddenly collapsed onto the ground. All Grievers laid there, no movement at all as Piper looked at the long tunnel into the Griever Hole. She turned to Minho, ''they did it.'' She signed with a great smile on her face, running towards it alongside Minho, falling into a black hole as he screamed. 

Decided to update a bit early for the last chapter before the epilogue! I am so excited to start on that one and on the next book! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you on Saturday! 

-X Violet's-library  

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