Chapter seven

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Piper spent a lot of time with Nick, as he was the one to take her under his wing and to actually try to communicate with the girl through sign language, making up new words to communicate with the girl, teaching it to others in the Glade. 

The first big event in the Glade was where George had gotten stung, it wasn't even a day ago since Piper had arrived. She came running to the large group of Gladers, standing next to Nick, hoping the boy would watch over her, as it was only her second day. ''Listen up! Georgie and I were out in the maze, running the corridors, and he got up ahead of me. Something attacked him. He keeps saying he got stung. Anybody know anything about this?'' Piper didn't know why it seemed so familiar to her, she just couldn't put her finger on it. 

''Minho's seen some kind of creature out there,'' Alby said, ''Where's Minho?''

''Still running.'' another boy, Piper had not yet been introduced to, replied. ''Probably taking a nap in one of the Dead ends.'' 

''It was one of those creatures he talked about, though. Had to be.'' Piper didn't really understand what they were talking about, trying to catch up with everything going on. ''It doesn't really matter what it was.'' Nick pointed at the boy, who was curled into a ball, rolling back and forth. ''What are we going to do with him? All we have is a bunch of aspirin and bandages.'' 

''There was something weird in the cooking supplies they sent up last week.'' 

''What are you talking about, Siggy?''

''His name's Frypan!'' Someone called out, Piper remembering the boy had indeed introduced himself the day before as Frypan. ''You're the only one who doesn't call him that.'' A few snickers broke out as Piper looked at the boy in front of her, sympathy hitting her harshly. 

''It was at the bottom of a cardboard box, some kind of syringe, had the word 'serum' printed on it. Figured it was a mistake, threw it out with the sausage leftovers this morning.'' Alby stepped close to the boy, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him close. ''You threw it out? Didn't bother telling anybody? No wonder you wanna cook - ain't got the brains for nothing else.'' 

Frypan smiled as Piper looked at the boy. ''If that makes you feel smarter. Anyway, I'm telling you now, aren't I? Slim it.'' 

''Where'd you throw it away?'' Nick asked and Piper could see why he was the leader of the Glade. ''Maybe it's not broken. Let's at least take a look at it.'' 

''Be right back.'' 

Piper stayed next to Nick, trying to communicate with the little words they had come up with, as in the rush, she left her notepad behind. While it only took about three minutes the boy had gone from bad to worse. He had gone still, expect for his chest which moved rapidly, gasping for air. 

Frypan gave the syringe to Nick as he looked around. ''Anyone know how to do this? Where to stick it?'' 

''Anywhere!'' Alby yelled at him. ''Just hurry and do it! Look at him!'' No one else said something else and so Nick took the syringe and jammed it into his arm. He pressed the liquid out until it was fully empty as everyone stepped back to give him some space. 

Piper suddenly jumped back as George was on his feet, his mouth open and his face stretched in a painful grimace. An inhuman sound filled the air as he shouted in a strained voice. ''Griever! It was a damn Griever! They'll kill us all!'' The word was so familiar to Piper, she was trying to remember it when George suddenly ran at her, jumping on the girl, trying to claw at her throat as Nick and Newt jumped into action, the two boys trying to get the boy of him while Alby ran somewhere. 

Piper kicked her feet up, holding him away from her body with all her strength as Alby came running. ''Get out of the way!'' He yelled out as Newt and Nick jumped away while Alby thrust the makeshift spear into the back of George's neck. His cries turned into choking gargles as George died almost instantly, right on top of the girl, who was pulled away by Nick, letting her silently sob into his chest.

A month had passed and the Glade had found a routine. She had befriended Minho and Newt next to Nick and they had taken upon to learn the sign language. Next to that, Minho, the Keeper of the Runners, had made her a Runner just like her three friends after she had beaten both Nick and another Runner in a race. Next to that, her photographic memory helped her to remember all the routes of the Maze. 

Piper had the day off and was spending it with Nick, the two of them coming up with more words in sign language. ''Uhm, how about Griever?'' She made a gesture before Nick laughed, holding up his hand. ''Sorry, that just looks so stupid.'' Her jaw opened as she faked being offended, a hand on her heart as her other hand signed towards him, ''How dare you?'' He laughed as he looked at the girl, licking his lips as he shook his head, continuing with their routine. 

A bit of romance between Piper and Nick before Minho finds the guts to tell her! I had implied that Piper really cared for him and I want to expand that in this book. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you on Saturday!

-X Violet's-library

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