Chapter six

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Thomas sat in the observation room when Teresa came rushing in, ''Thomas, you have to come with me.'' 

Piper stood in front of him, trying to scream at him, but not a single thing came out of her mouth. ''They made her mute,'' Teresa spoke as she turned to Thomas, Piper turning to her, mouthing something Thomas couldn't make out. ''They did what?'' He looked at the girl as she tried to speak again, throwing her hands up in defeat as Thomas turned to her.  ''Piper, I swear, I didn't want this for you, I didn't know.'' Piper stared at the boy in front of her, screaming at him again without a sound coming out of her throat. ''Pipes, please, calm down. I can't understand you.'' He used the nickname he had heard the others use before, hoping it would calm her down, but it made the girl only more angry as she started to hit him in the chest, still trying to yell at him when two guards pulled her away. 

The two months were mostly spent in the maintenance room for Piper, the room giving her some comfort as she sat there, remembering the times with her friends. She had shut herself down, not looking at anyone and keeping her head hung low, only leaving her room or the maintenance room to get something to eat, avoiding Thomas and Teresa at all costs. 

The boy had tried to walk up to her table one day, when she had noticed she got up, leaving her food there and walking straight to her room, ignoring the boy who called out after her. Two months later, a doctor stood in her room as he looked at the girl. ''Its time.'' 

Teresa was there, prepping the girl as her eyes looked everywhere expect for on the brunette. ''You aren't going to feel a thing, it's like falling asleep.'' Piper ignored her, pushing herself onto the bed where the procedure would begin at any moment. She tried to keep reminding herself of everything that had happened, who she was, who to trust, who not to trust. But, it didn't work, as she was knocked out within seconds. 

Thomas looked at the girl he remembered to be his friend. Her eyes closed as her body was laying limp on the gurney. He knew that she would have gone in much later, had it not been for the fact that there was a change of plans. Because they had muted the girl, there was now yet another experiment involving the girl.

Ava Paige had decided to make Jonathan, the only boy in group B , deaf in order to see how the two groups would adapt to a new situation. And since Ava Paige wanted results, the two of them were sent up in the Mazes a lot faster than anticipated. 

He stayed throughout the sent-up, moving with them into the elevator down to the basement where it would take place. He wondered what it would be like as he looked at the girl's face, remembering everything they had been through in the past two years, knowing she wouldn't remember a thing of it. 

They stopped right in front of the Box, which was about ten feet high. ''Okay, let's get her up the stairs. Everything should be set. They're all ready in the command room.'' Ava Paige spoke as the nursed grabbed onto Piper, her body giving in easily as her hair fell down, resting in the air. 

She was placed down rather harshly, her body crashing on the metal as the sound rang out, Thomas glancing at the girl one more time before the Box was sent up with the last of his former friends. 

Piper shot up at the loud sound of metal hitting metal. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness around her. It seemed like she was in a small, metal cage that was quickly being pulled up by metal cables. She tried to scream, but nothing came out of her throat. Panic rose in her chest as the cage came to a halt. Her hand grabbing on the side as she clutched it so hard her knuckles became white. She took deep breaths before pulling herself up, looking up at the sun as she shielded her eyes from the burning sun above her. She tried screaming again, noticing that even though her brain was pushing for her to scream, she simply couldn't. She looked around, seeing different crates and barrels with the letters WCKD written on it. Next thing she knew, she heard laughing from above her.

''New greenie boys!'' A boy with blonde hair jumped down into the metal box, frowning at the girl. ''Hey, it's alright, we aren't going hurt ya.'' He spoke with a thick, British accent. ''Minho, little help?'' A rope was thrown down as the blonde boy extended his arm and led her to the rope, helping her out of the metal box.

As the next part of what happens is history, I decided to keep it at this. I really liked playing around with the idea of Piper becoming mute and Thomas and Teresa reacting to it. If you did not catch on to it, Teresa definitely knew what was going to happen to the girl, where Thomas did not, and it makes me hate Teresa even more. I hope you enjoyed this (smaller) chapter, and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you on Wednesday!

-X Violet's-library

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