Chapter nine

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The bonfire sat in the middle of the circle as Gally was going around all Gladers, pushing jars into their hands as he held up his own. ''A toast ... '' The others raised their glasses as well as he smiled. ''To the Gladers!'' The Gladers went wild, cheering with each other as Piper clapped her hand on her arm, still holding the jar in her other hand. 

It was loud, everyone was talking, laughing, simply having fun. Piper took a small sip from the jar Gally had given her earlier, quickly spitting it out as Gally laughed at her. ''What is in this?'' She signed towards him, a frown on her face. ''Secret recipe.'' She raised an eyebrow before she signed again. ''Is it pee?''

''What? No!'' He sighed as he rubbed his forehead. ''Take a few more sips, you'll get used to it.'' She doubted that, but she still took a few more sips as she walked over to the Runners, where Nick was already waiting for her, jumping towards her as he threw his arm around her shoulder. ''Hey, the girl who made it all happen!'' She raised her glass and smiled at him as others cheered for her, being waved of by the girl as the bonfire continued. 

Gally had come up with another idea, a wrestling match between the Gladers until there was a winner. Gally was one of the strongest in there, beating everyone he went against. She turned to Nick as she started to sign again. ''How's the new Greenie?'' 

''Eh, not too great, I think he'll be a Builder or maybe even a Slopper if he doesn't get his act together.'' She nodded as Newt appeared next to them, ''hey Pipe, Frypan kept some bacon for us.'' Her eyes lit up as she quickly grabbed onto his hand, rushing over to Frypan with Newt.

Some of the Gladers had already gone up into bed and so it became a lot quieter around the bonfire, Piper sitting next to Nick as he was still sipping on Gally's drink. ''You did great, this idea was amazing.'' Her head turned to him as she took the glass from his hands, a small smirk on her face as his face turned into shock. ''You have some nerve.'' He chuckled as he leaned against a tree branch. ''But honestly, it was a great idea, Greenie seems better and all the Gladers had fun.'' She nodded in thanks.

''Well, I'm heading to bed as well, goodnight Piper.'' She signed a 'goodnight' back as she kept sipping on the glass, sitting close to the bonfire as she tried to heat herself up. She saw Newt heading towards his bed as well, waving at the girl as she waved back. Minho joined her not much later on, sitting down next to the girl as, he too, sipped on a glass. ''We should head in soon, we have an early run tomorrow.'' A small smirk appeared on her face. ''We?'' She signed as he nodded to her. ''Yes, dear Piper, you have been chosen to run with the great, the Keeper of the Runners, Minho.'' If she could, she would have laughed, signing to him, ''what an honor indeed.'' She tipped her glass back as she swallowed the last of it, placing it on the ground next to her. ''Well, than we should get into bed, shouldn't we?'' She signed to him as he nodded. ''Yeah, let's go.'' 

He grabbed onto her wrist, leading the girl towards the Homestead where they were both sleeping. He led her all the way upstairs, bidding her goodnight as he kissed her forehead. ''See you tomorrow Pipes.'' 

''Night, Minho.'' She signed to him. 

She was indeed very tired that morning, dragging herself out of bed before getting ready. She threw on her Runner clothing before putting her Runner shoes on. Her shoes were slightly too small on her again, she needed to go and ask for new ones from the Creators soon, making a mental note to remind herself. She moved down her bed, grabbing her backpack before making her way down to the kitchens to grab lunch and water. 

''Hey, morning She-Bean.'' 

''Morning Fry.'' She took her bottles and lunch from him, packing it into her bag as she bid him goodbye, meeting Minho in the Map room, waiting for the other Runners to arrive. Since there were more Greenies and more attention for leadership, Nick had taken on the leadership role he was no longer a Runner. Since then, they had Minho, Piper, Newt, Dan and Scott as Runners. All the Runners were by themselves for today except for Minho and Piper, as Minho had found something he wanted to check out with another Runner and so, Piper was chosen for the job. 

After the Runners had all parted their ways, Piper was running next to Minho when she suddenly stuck out her hand, stopping him in his tracks as he frowned. ''What's wrong?'' She pointed at something flying around them, it seemed like a small bug , but it had red eyes, softly blinking like a camera. ''They're watching us.'' She signed to him before taking out her notepad, writing something down before showing it to him. 'Beetle Blade' He nodded before looking at the creature flying away. ''Well, at least now we know.'' She nodded as he looked ahead again.  ''Come on, let's keep going.'' 

Piper had rushed towards the council meeting building with Minho after their run, intending to tell everyone about their discovery. Nick saw them coming, frowning as he waited for the two to rush towards him, leaning on their knees to catch their breaths. ''What's going on with you two?'' 

Piper turned to Minho, waiting for him to explain as it was hard to do with sign language and so Minho began. ''So, they're watching us?''

''Probably, it had cameras in its eyes.'' Piper signed towards him as Minho nodded. ''A Beetle blade.'' Nick frowned as Minho pointed to Piper before holding his hands up in defeat, ''she named it, not me.'' Nick chuckled as he nodded. ''Alright then, Beetle blades it is then.'He looked at the two Runners before nodding. ''We'll get the Gladers together, talk them through it.'' He began to walk away before turning back. ''Good work, you two.'' He nodded to himself, a small smile on his face. ''You make a good team.'' 

Piper nodded, turning back to Minho who looked at her with a smile. ''Yeah, we really do.'' 

I always had this headcanon about Nick having a small crush on Piper before finding out Minho likes her and sees that they fit together. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you on Wednesday!

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