Chapter 3

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|the list goes|

Chaeyoung is a lawyer not a detective, she defends people in court not solve murders - future murders

She starts with a suspect list, from high profile gang bosses to business rivals to people who she thinks hate Jisoo

Chaeyoung has 14 days to solve this and she was not about to slack off - on her investigation but not her work so she takes a week off

Jisoo didn't think much of it but she did ask if Chaeyoung was okay

"I'm fine"

"You did just full on bawl your eyes yesterday"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, she knows Jisoo is teasing her but there was a glint of slight concern in the businesswoman's eyes that made Chaeyoung hug her

"I'm fine, sorry for scaring you" 

She feels the vibration of Jisoo's laughter, "the only thing that scares me about you is that when I feed you good food and you cry"


Jimin Park is her first suspect. She remembers him from Chanyeol's desk, turns out he was the head of the 'apud mortis'  which is a gang of mercenaries

Apud Mortis roughly translates to 'in the eyes of death' - Chaeyoung guesses that whoever hired Jimin is the one responsible for the murder, so she pins Jimin Park on her office board

Later that day she realized that she has no grounds to interrogate another person - not that Jimin will even talk to her, she's criminal lawyer and he's a well known gun for hire - not that he was ever convicted

And so Chaeyoung hires a P.I., Detective Lisa Manoban used to be New York's finest until she figures out that she's never moving out of her rank thanks to her race and so she moves to Seoul as a private investigator

"Detective" the lawyer greets,

"Attorney, and just call me Lisa"

"Then call me Chaeyoung - before we start I need you to sign an NDA"

"A non disclosure agreement for an investigation? What exactly am I investigating"

"Sign the NDA and I might tell you"

Lisa looked impress at her tactics and signs the NDA, "I need 2 information only" The detective states


"Is this personal? If yes to what degree? If this is professional, I don't kill people"

The lawyer broke into a grin, "Personal and don't worry about breaking the law - I just need you to shake and bake some guys"


Lisa Manoban walks briskly into a sketchy neighborhood just outside Seoul, according to her sources Park Jimin stays there along with a couple of goons

"Park Jimin?" She calls out to a group of men wearing rugged looking clothes

"Who's asking?" A guy who stands a little shorter than her

"That depends" Lisa says calmly, "On how much information you're willing to give"

"That depends on the money you're willing to spend" Jimin counters and broke into a grin


300 dollars later, Lisa is leaving with a smirk - she was asked not to touch anyone but she has more ways of threatening someone without the use of her hands

Attorney Chaeyoung Park is waiting on the secluded area of a certain coffee shop she designated as their meeting place for information

"According to our mercenary friend - there is one, just one person who came looking for him to do a job involving a hotshot future chairman of a successful company"

Chaeyoung's heart rate picked up, "did he tell who?"

"No, he didn't meet with whoever it was - Jimin Park is smart he knows the job that will get him into a lot more trouble"

"How much did he ask for that information?"

"300 US dollars but it was worth every penny - he can't stop his crew from picking up jobs so most likely they will accept the hit on your fiancé but if it makes you feel better he'll blow the whistle on whoever hired them" 

"That doesn't not make me feel better" Chaeyoung sighs, "But I guess this is good progress" 

"If I may throw in my 2 cents in the situation - there's only two reason why someone would like to hurt your fiancé, one is for money and second is a personal vendetta or Jealousy" 

"Which bring us to our next person of interest - Sana Minatozaki"

"Who's that?"

"Japanese Heiress, basically a Japanese version of Jisoo"

"And she's a threat?"

"Probably - better safe than sorry right?"


Jisoo Kim is about to get her daily (sometimes hourly) dose of coffee when she sees Chaeyoung's car parked outside the coffee shop across her office

Since when did she like the coffee there? And so she walks towards the lawyer when she spots on her the side most area but stops when she sees a tall blonde woman sit across Chaeyoung

Jisoo is positive she never saw that girl before - and I thought she was on a week off work. Grabbing her phone she send a message to Chaeyoung

To: Chipmunk|
Where are u?

She sees Chaeyoung typing and then placing her phone back down to the table

You know I hate it when you type like that. I'm in the coffee shop in front of your office building - meeting with a friend

She laughs and walks to the coffee shop to greet Chaeyoung

"Hey" She greets

Chaeyoung stood up to kiss her, "this is Lisa, she's a private investigator"

"That you hired?" Jisoo asks

"It's for work and she's also a friend"

"Pleased to meet you, Jisoo Kim"

"Lisa Manoban"

"I'll just get my coffee, see you later?" Jisoo asks Chaeyoung

"Of course" Chaeyoung kisses her cheek and ushers her to the counter 

When Jisoo out of the earshot Lisa turns to the lawyer. "I take it she doesn't know about any of this?" 

The lawyer got her eyes trained on Jisoo and heaves a sigh, "Not a clue" 


When Chaeyoung goes home later that day she crosses of Jimin Park on her list and moves to Sana Minatozaki

She gets so caught up with researching about her new suspect that she didn't realize it was already dark out and Jisoo is already asleep probably not wanting to bother her in her work. 

And unknown to the lawyer, Jisoo had asked Chanyeol if he knew what case she's working on

"What case? I was told she's on a leave" 

"She is but earlier she was meeting with this PI about a case"

"PI? did she tell you anything else?" 

"No, why? should I be worried?"

"I don't know yet but if this is something personal to her then yes"

While Jisoo was peacefully sleeping Chaeyoung stayed up late wondering if anything she did in the original timeline would have to change now that she did something different, does her actions alter what will supposedly happen? and how bad will the repercussions on her actions affect both her and Jisoo and their future together 

A/N: couldn't update last night, I had an acid reflux from drinking too much coffee but here you go. This is more like a filler chapter really. Enjoy! 

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