Chapter 7

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|Creeping in the shadows|

Going back to Seoul changed a lot of things, for one Chanyeol seemed to be fine with her sister being her new boss, Taehyung is acting way too suspicious and Jennie has Lisa Manoban's number on her speed dial while Jisoo and Chaeyoung are still on shaky grounds. 

Chaeyoung decides to go back to work - it's not like her investigation is heading anywhere and her work is piling up besides Jisoo is keeping herself busy with work too, it's like there's a civil war between them and it's derailing her investigation 

Lisa comes in her office instead of meeting in the cafe, she takes one look at Chaeyoung and she shakes her head, "Just tell her" 

The lawyer gives her a glare, "Trust me - it's better this way" 

"I don't think so - you look like a zombie who just wants to die" 

"Zombies are dead"

"Exactly" Lisa proves her point

Chaeyoung exhales loudly, all of this is driving her crazy. Of course she can't tell Jisoo - her bestfriend, her partner, her fiance and technically speaking her wife - what she's going through because no matter how much she rephrase it or whatever - saying that she's 9 days from the future to solve her murder case and that she ran out of suspects which is why she's pinning on Taehyung, her brother. She groans when she hears it in her head.

"What's so hard about this? just tell her" Lisa is getting frustrated too, "Think of me as Ms. Kim and then tell me that someone is trying to kill me" 

Chaeyoung stares at the detective undecided whether to punch her in the face or actually go with the suggestion, "Okay, fine" She relents 

"Great!" Lisa smiles 

"Jisoo, you died - 9 days from now you died-" 

Lisa falters for a moment, "That's not-" 

"And some crazy dude who happened to be the angel of death brought me back 14 days from when you died to save you and solve your future murder. I ran out of suspects so I think Taehyung - the brother you love and cherish and trust is the one that killed you" Chaeyoung paused to think about it before adding, "In the future - 9 days from now" 

Lisa Manoban's mouth hangs open, her eyes wide. She's working for a crazy woman

"And the Angel of death is Korean - weirdly" She continues to ramble on, "So?" Chaeyoung asks Lisa 

"You're - uh... You're crazy" 

"Trust me, it feels like that sometimes" Chaeyoung laughs but it was hollow, "So what do you say detective Manoban? How do you think Jisoo will react to that" 

Lisa faltered at the serious look on the lawyer's face - she was once one of the best detectives in the big city of New York and she knows when someone is lying - it scares her that she can't see any traces of lying on Chaeyoung's face. 

"Fine - I'll play this game as your P.I." She exhales not quite believing what came out of the lawyer's mouth, "If you are from the future as you claimed then you must know something that we can use - tell me about the scene" 

Chaeyoung closed her eyes trying to remember anything from the scene, "Jisoo...she was about to leave the office - no, wait. She did leave the office and went to get coffee from the cafe across her building and then a car came out of nowhere after she left the cafe" 

"Plate number?"

"There was no plate - the driver was wearing a ski mask which is the main reason why we knew it was a murder and not an accident" 

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