Chapter 6

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|No calm before the storm| 

As soon as the even ended and everyone left hell broke loose, Chanyeol was livid. He was angry at his parents for announcing that they're turning the law firm over to Chaeyoung and not to him - the least he thought was a shared ownership but no. Chaeyoung, her little sister is the future chairman 

Taehyung on the other hand was angry because Jeon Jungkook had blocked his way and demanded for a talk. He curses Chaeyoung under her breath as he joins his cheating ex inside the car

Jisoo and Chaeyoung retired to their room, the CEO was furious at what Sana Minatozaki told her, "Did you really ask Sana if she was angry at me? that was unprofessional and insensitive!" 

"What was insensitive about that? I didn't you two we're such best friends" Chaeyoung defends 

While Jisoo and Chaeyoung are arguing and Taehyung getting inside Jungkook's car and Chanyeol almost popping a vein from being angry at his parents - Jennie Kim was having a blast talking to Lisa Manoban 


"I cannot believe for the love of God you did not even think of informing me about Chaeyoung being the future Chairman" Chanyeol hisses 

His parents are calm and collected seemingly understanding where the anger is coming from, "Chaeyoung always had the leader potential - you are an amazing lawyer on your own right why do you care about being Chairman - it's not like you will lose your shares in the firm" Mr. Park reasons 

"My little sister will be my boss" Chanyeol states

"What's so wrong with that?"

"what-- are you insane, Dad? I do have some pride you know. She had always been ahead of me since she got her license - always ahead on cases, on success, on her personal life and--" 

"Park Chanyeol!" his dad shouts that echoed around the room, "I never treated less than your sister, I have loved you and I do love you both equally - I didn't fail to let you know that and I am sure of it. Do not blame your feelings on your sister." 

The conversation pretty much ended after that but it doesn't mean Chanyeol wasn't still livid. 

Taehyung on the other hand had a deep long talk with Jungkook - the chef had apologized and explained. 

"It was the worse thing I could've done in the moment - you were--" 

Taehyung cuts him off with a wave, "I forgave you a long time ago besides the slap from my sister helped" 

"Yeah - that was...painful to say in the least" 

"You should be glad Chaeyoung wasn't the one that talked - she would've destroyed your will to live in seconds" Taehyung laughs - this is better than what he expected 

"I gotta admit when she hired me I thought it was a prank - but she went to see me earlier" 

Taehyung was surprised to hear this, "She did?"

"Yep, to be honest I was really caught off guard - I think she was worried that I will poison Jisoo's food because of what she said back then" 

Taehyung would've laughed because Jungkook is a cheater not a murderer but seeing the serious look on her ex's face, "Did she really?" 

"Yeah, I think she tried to downplay it but the her face gives away her worried look when she asks if I was ever angry at Jisoo" 

"That is...weird"


Lisa took Jennie back to her hotel room, they just wanted some peace and quiet. 

"So...did you always want to be a reporter?" Lisa asks as they drink some beers 

"Yeah - I like snooping into other people's lives" 

"Are you related to the Kim's?" 

"God, no. If I was I wouldn't be working if I was - though I would kill to be part of the family" 

"Then how are you invited in the fundraiser?" Lisa asks because as far as she knows the fundraiser was a private event

"Taehyung invited me - we go way back" 

"Like an ex?" 

Jennie snorts, "Taehyung Kim is gay - much like her sister" 

"No" Lisa says not quite believing the reporter 

"Uh - yes and the caterer of that event is his cheating ex" 

"What else do you know that I don't?" 

"Let me tell you something I didn't know - that Attorney Park would give the his position of chairman to Chaeyoung" 

Lisa scoffs and takes a sip from her beer, "Why? because she's younger and a girl?"

"No doofus - because Chanyeol is a jealous giant baby" 

"What do you mean?" 

Jennie sits up straight, places her beer on the table and looks at Lisa intently, "Let me explain this as simple as I can - the Kim's and Park's have a lot in common, one of those is that the younger heir is the better fit to run their respective companies" 

Lisa sat back and listened as Jennie goes on and explains the dynamic of each sibling duo. 

"Jisoo is literally better than Taehyung at every aspect - she graduated in one of the most respected business schools in an advance course while Taehyung failed the to get his masters twice - Jisoo was the CEO long before Taehyung got his hands on the CFO title he has now" 

"How do you know all this?" Lisa asks, a little concerning that she might've invited a stalker in her room 

"Like I said Taehyung and I go way back - anyways Chaeyoung and Chanyeol are the same in terms of the younger being better, the only difference is that Chanyeol actually wanted to be a lawyer while Taehyung was just forced since he was the first born and he was expected to be part in the family business" 

"But Chanyeol - he really wanted to be a lawyer, he really wanted to be the next Attorney Park but Chaeyoung is built different. She was born to be a lawyer, before she worked for her father she worked for the government. The UN even offered her a job - the UN, she turned it down though" 

"Are you saying Chanyeol is gonna throw a fit because Chaeyoung is getting the law firm?"

"I know he's gonna throw a fit -" 


Jisoo had now retired to the bedroom to change while Chaeyoung ran her hands on her face - this is one of the worse fights they had and the fact that she is yet to catch her suspect is killing her inside - 10 days to go. 

Her mind is clouded with questions - she's desperately trying to find a new suspect other than Taehyung but she's coming out empty. 


A/N: So...this is the best I got lol AHAHAHAH :// 

anyways I'm busy at school and here's a spoiler (sort of): Z-E-X-K-V-B-L-I / A-F-A /  F-Q

It's a cipher :))

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