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No One Pov:

It was just like any other day in the forest all the Phoenix's were starting to wake up and go on with their day.Most of the Phoenix's decided to go out and hunt for some prey for their families and themselves. Although of course Going outside had its rules. Because we never know when a human could be on our grounds and land. But little did we know that everything today was going to change. Mostly the men Phoenix's went out hunting for their families while the mother would be back at the forest with her children, although single females would go hunting anyway since they don't have any other mouth to feed but theirs. And here we have Willow our greatest Phoenix. Willow is a Phoenix who helps her loved ones and those in need. She's recently been training to use her power abilities and fight so anytime a human tries to kill her kind she can just fight them off and save them. They were all almost like a big team, a clan, a pack These Phoenix's helped one another no matter what. Willow was a single Phoenix who didn't really care whether she got a mate or not. Unless her family is fine then she's fine. Each Phoenix that was hunting would all go together in a group and each group would then go their separate way and then all the groups would meet in the middle of the forest. And back to Willow. She was just with her group a few of the talking about random stuff a few just looking for prey and a few stayed silent. Let's just say that Willow both stayed silent and was looking for prey. Willow was a quiet Phoenix didn't really like talking to others. She did try to socialize every now and then but speaking wasn't really her best nature. Now the thing absolutely these Phoenix's is that they have forms and what I mean by that is they can exactly have a human like body along with their Phoenix wings and they can just transform into their normal Phoenix form. Although for a job like hunting they had to use their normal Phoenix form. Just after a few minutes of Willow being silent she then saw a few mice,sheep,Rabbit and a little bit of duck. "Hey guys we got a nice load of prey right here!" Yelled Willow as she glided down to the area where the prey was. Next thing she knew the entire group then followed Willow. And let's just say these Phoenix's aren't going to have to hunt for at least a week. After hunting all the Phoenix's decided to go back home and a few feed their families and a few just feed themselves. Although from a good distance the groups of Phoenix's then heard screams of terror coming from the forest. All the Phoenix's dropped their prey and went to take a look at what was going on. Then what they saw terrified them. There were humans in their territory. The humans were then killing the Phoenix's one by one. Willow watched in shock then felt anger build up inside her. She then transformed into her other form then attacked the humans. The humans then started attacking Willow as well. The other Phoenix's ran up to help but then to hunters aka the humans just killed them with only one of them remaining left. Willow. Just as she was about to set one of the hunters on fire she was then knocked out by one of the humans.

*Small Time skip*

Willow Groaned as she was slowly waking up still remembering what had happened. Willow then tried getting up just to see her hands were chained. She then saw what she was wearing, she was wearing a white shirt and white pants. She knew this day would someday come. She then heard the door open and then saw a man who looked like he was in his mid 40's and who was probably a scientist. She slightly growled her eyes flashing a fiery red color. "What have you done!" She yelled. The man then looked her in the eyes then spoke. "We exactly needed a new experiment and decided to do it based of your kind, but of course we needed a specific one" he replied. "It doesn't give you the right to kill innocent Phoenix's though" Willow growled. "Well we had to make sure no one else took you so... we did have to" the man said. "This is why you guys are monsters" Willow replied. The man didn't say anything other than "testing starts at 2:00" then left and shut the door. 

*Time skip*

It's been a month now and Willow hated it here without her kind it just felt lonely. She hated being some pet some experiment that she was being used for. All she wanted was a normal life why couldn't she be born normal. Willow then heard the door open. She sighed with frustration. "Great is it time for testing" she said. "No actually it's time to get out" said the man. Willow listened to the voice and then noticed it wasn't the same guy who she had met the first day she was here it was someone different. She then looked to see a man who had a white shirts with a white trench coat some black pants and some black boots. The man also had silky black hair that somehow glistened beautifully in the light. "What do you want" Willow asked. "I'm gonna help you get out" said the man. "Why?" She asked. The man stayed silent then replied saying "I was forced to do this" he replied. Willow looked at the man with shock in her eyes. "Wha-" was all she was able to master. "I was forced to kill and experiment on other species" replied the man. "And I'm Jake by the way" said Jake.  "Willow" Willow replied. Jake then looked around to make sure there was no one around then opened the gate door. Willow looked at the door then at the man in front of her feeling her wings start to flutter slightly. Although alarms went off and that meant security was coming. Jake then grabbed a gun and pointed it at security the moment they came here. Security just stood there and Jake moved the gun to his right where stood a mirror. He then pulled the trigger and the guards thought he had missed but the bullet then starts hooting everywhere killing the guards. Willow looked shocked and surprised then looked at Jake. "Well? Come on!" He said. Willow then got up and started following Jake. 

*Time skip*

Ever since Jake and Willow had escaped that horrible place they then fell in love with each other. Then time went by and here came the second generation, which was me. Hi my name is Phoenix and my life it's kinda crazy (Comment below if you get it) I love both my parents with all my Phoenix heart but of course not all people live for long. My dad died due to a heart attack when I was four and my mom died due to a very rare Phoenix disease when I was five. I then had no one So I decided to learn by abilities that I got from my mother and use them. And here I am today a wanted criminal in the galaxy. All I see are wanted posters also having a beautiful cash prize. I knew that I would have to do things my parents told me not to do but here in the galaxy there was no other Choice... until I met him.

Words: 1286 

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