Chapter 3

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No one Pov:

"Peter?" Asked a woman who came out of a vent and was panting like crazy. "What happened?" She asked. "Hey, uh, uh... I..." Peter stammered out. "Bereet!" She yelled. "Bereet! Look, I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I forgot you were here" said Peter. Bereet just gave him the are you kidding me look. After that awkward situation Peter then started flying the ship yet again. As Peter was checking something Bereet then heard a beeping noise knowing it was probably a call for Peter. "Peter, you have call" Bereet said. "No, wait don't!" Whisper yelled Peter. Although before Peter could stop Bereet there came up the person who took Peter. "Hey, Yondu" said Peter. "I'm here on Morag, ain't no orb, ain't no you" Said Yondu. "Well, I was in the neighborhood. I thought I'd save you the hassle" said Peter. "Well, where you at now, boy?" Asked Yondu. "I feel really bad about this, but I'm not gonna tell you that." Said Peter. "I slaved putting this deal together" said Yondu. "Slaved?" Asked Peter. "Making a few calls is slaved? I mean really?" Asked Peter. "And now your gonna rip me off!" Yelled Yondu. "We do not do that to each other. We're Ravagers. We got a code" said Yondu. "Yeah, and that code is "steal from everybody" remarked Pater. "When I picked you up on Terra..." said Yondu. "Picked me up" mumbled Peter. "These boys of mine wanted to eat you" said Yondu. "Yeah?" Asked Peter. "They never tasted any Terran before, I stopped them. Your alive because of me!" Yelled Yondu. "I will find you, I will..." said Yondu.

(With Yondu)

Yondu grunted. "Put a bounty on him!" Yondu yelled. "Forty K" he said. "But I want him back alive" Yondu said. "Yeah, cap" said one of Yondu's henchmen. "Alive?" Asked one of the henchmen. "That's what I said." Said Yondu. "I told you when you picked that kid up, you should have delivered him like we was hired to do!" Yelled one of Yondu's henchmen. "He was cargo!" He yelled. "You have always been soft on him" he said. Yondu then shoved him. " pyour the only one I've been soft on!" Yondu yelled. "Now don't you worry about Mr. Quill, as soon as we get him back here, I'm gonna kill him myself" said Yondu. "What we do need to worry about, is who else out there wants that orb!" Said Yondu.

*At the Dark Aster*

"They call me Terrist" said a deep dark voice. "Radical," "Zealot," "because I obey the ancient laws of my people, the kree, and punish those who do not" said the voice. "Because I do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him." "A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten!" "You can't do this! Our government sighed a peace treaty" said a man. "My government knows no shame" said Ronan. "You Xandarians and your culture are a disease" said Ronan. "You... will never rule Xandar" said the man. "No... I will cure it!" Yelled Ronan. He grunted then killed the man. Ronan was now in a room where the man's blood was flowing in that room. "Ronan, Korath has returned" said Nebula. "Master, he is a thief, an outlaw calls himself Star-Lord" said a henchmen. "But we have discovered he has an agreement to retrieve the orb for an intermediary known as the Broker" said the man. "I promised Thanos I would retrieve the orb for him, only then will he destroy Xandar for me" said Ronan. "Nebula, go to Xandar and get me the orb" ordered Ronan. "It will be my honor" said Nebula" "It will be your doom" said Gamora. "If this happens again, you'll be facing our father without his prize" said Gamora. "I'm a daughter of thanos, just like you" Said Nebula. "But I know Xandar" said Gomora. "Ronan has already decreed that I..." said Nebula. "Do not speak for me" said Ronan. "You will not fail" Ronan said as he looked at Gamora. "Have I ever?" Gamora asked.

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