Chapter 4

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Phoenix Pov:

"Xandarians" said Rocket. I scoffed. "What a bunch of losers" I said. "All of them in a big hurry to get from something stupid, to nothing at all pathetic" I said. "How wonderful" I finished. "Hey Rocket Look at this guy" I said and pointed to some random guys who had a really bad haircut. "Look at this Guy! Can you believe they call us criminals, when he's assaulting us with that haircut?" Said Rocket. "What is this thing? Look how it thinks it's so cool." Said Rocket. "It's not cool to get help! Walk by yourself, you little gargoyle, I did it myself when I was a hatchling!" I said. "Look at Mr. Smiles over here" Said Rocket. (Rest in Peace Stan Lee 😔) "where's your wife, old man? What a class-A prevert" I said. Both me and Rocket laughed. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath. "My guy I can't breath!" I said between laughs. After I calmed down I decided to tell Groot. "Right Groot?" I asked. "Groot?" Said Rocket. When we turned our heads we then saw Groot drinking the fountain water. "Don't drink fountain water, you idiot" said Rocket. "That's disgusting" I said. Groot shook his head as if saying he didn't drink fountain water. "Yes, you did. We just saw you doing it" said Rocket. "Why you lying" I asked. Right before me and Rocket could say anything else our little electronic things started beeping. "Whoop" said Rocket. We then checked them just to see we got one. "Looks like we got one" I said. "Okay, humie, how bad does someone wanna find you?" I said. After looked at the guy he was obviously a wanted criminal who's name was Peter Quill and if you found him you could get at least 40,000 units. "40,000 units!" Rocket said with shock. "Groot we're gonna be rich" said Rocket. "That's what you said with me but I was only 20,000 units" I said. "Yeah but I mean was it worth it, I mean that's only 20,000 units but this is 40,000" said Rocket. "Guess you gotta point." I said. Me and Rocket then turned our heads towards Groot just to see him drinking fountain water again. Rocket sighed. "What it's basically a Groot sized water- whatever their called" I said. Rocked just shook his head. I then closely observed the one known as Peter Quill watching as he was going to the pawn shop. "Rocket" I said. "Yeah" he said looking towards me. "That Peter guy went in the pawn shop" I said. "Well what are we waiting for, come on!" Rocket said running but I grabbed him by his collar on his clothing and pulled him back. "No you idiot, let's bring back a little history" I said. "What the fuck do you mea-" it then took Rocket a quick second to realize. "Oh, I see what you mean" he said smirking. I let go of him and grabbed both electric guns. "Ready to make some history" I said throwing him one of the electric guns. "Oh ready as I'll ever be" he said powering on his gun.

No One Pov:

Peter walked into the pawn shop with the orb hidden. "Mr. Quill" said the pawn dealer. "Broker" replied Peter. Grabbing the orb. "The orb" was all Quill said then put it on the desk. "As commissioned" said Peter. "Where's Yondu?" Asked Broker. "Wanted to be here, sends his love" said Peter. "And told me to tell you, that you got the best eyebrows in the business" said Peter. Broker scoffed. "What is it?" Asked Peter. "It's my policy to discuss my clients, or their needs" said Broker. "Yeah, well, I almost died getting it for you" said Peter. "An occupational hazard, I'm sure, in your line of work, some machine headed freak, working for a dude named Ronan" said Peter. Broker then looked at Peter. "Ronan? I'm sorry, Mr. Quill. I truly am but I want no participation of this transaction if Ronan's is involved" Said Broker. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!" Yelled Peter. "Who's Ronan" asked Peter "a kree fanatic outraged by the peace treaty, who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence!" Broker yelled. "Whoa, Whoa! Come on" said Peter. "He's someone who's bad side I'd rather not be on" said Broker "what? What about my bad side?" Asked Peter. "Farewell Mr. Quill." Broker said shoving Peter out the shop. "Hey we had a deal, Bro!" Yelled Peter. Peter then looked off to the right to see a girl with green skin and black hair the slowly faded to red at the bottom. Peter looked at the girl then at the ground in awkward silence. After a good minute in awkward silence the girl spoke up. "What happened" she asked. Quill tilted his head. "Uh, this guys just backed out of a deal on me" Peter said. "There's one things I hate, it's a man without intergrity" said Peter "Peter Quill. People call me Star-Lord" Peter said introducing himself. "You have the bearing of a man of honor" said Gamora. "Well you know, I wouldn't say that people say it about me all the time but it's not something I would ever say about myself" Peter said as he was throwing the orb and catching it just for it to get taken by Gamora. Gamora then kicks Peter in the ribs and runs away with the orb. Peter then throws something at Gamora making her legs get tied up making her fall face flat to the ground. Gamora unties the rope grabs the orb and kicks Peter back in the ribs. And next thing you know having a whole entire fighting scene on the ground. "This wasn't the plan" Gamora said as she grabbed a knife and pointed it at Peters neck. 

Phoenix Pov:

After I had told Rocket where the Peter guy was we then saw someone else try and take him so we did what we do best. Attack them. Rocket Tackled down the girl who was trying to take our prize money. I helped Rocket by using all my strength to keep her down. "Groot put him in the bag!" I yelled. Groot then grew his branches and started putting the women in the bag. "No! Not her, him!" Yelled Rocket. "Learn Genders, man" I said. The women let out a war cry and bit me and Rocket on the hand. "Ow" we yelled. "Biting that's not fair!" Yelled Rocket. "It's an entire street fight there are no rules!" I yelled. "Yeah but I at least didn't bite!" Yelled Rocket. I then saw Peter get away. "Take it easy!" Yelled Rocket. The woman then grabbed me and Rocket and threw us from a far away distance. We hit a glass window and next thing we know... we fell on top of each other. Him on the top and me on the... bottom. We opened our eyes just to see the position we were in. I blushed and teleported my way out of the position. "We never talk about this" I said. "Agree" said Rocket. I got a gun out and then let my wings out. "Hop on" I said. "Oh heck yeah!" Yelled Rocket as No got on my back. I then flew us back to the area we were at before. Me, Rocket and Groot watched from behind the two and saw Peter launch the woman from earlier in the air to  somewhere else. I then flapped my wings motioning them to sneak up on Peter and put him in the bag. I grabbed my gun and powered it on. Groot then slowly creeped up on him then put Peter in the bag. "Quite smiling you idiot. Your supposed to be a professional" said Rocket. "Rocket we got a code 69" I said. Rocket then looked forward just to see the woman from earlier. "Oh you gotta be kidding me" Rocket said. "Hey!" Me and Rocket yelled as she shoved us out of the way. The women then started chopping Groot arms off. I got furious by this and got up. I then kicked her from  behind and teleported behind her and blasted her with my gun. She then got up and kicked me across the area going back to the bag where Peter was. Peter then shot the woman making her fall to the ground. "We live for the simple things" Rocket said grabbing his electric gun. "Please let me do the honor" I said grabbing my gun. "At the same time" Rocket said. "Three, two, one!" I yelled and the both of us shot at the same time. We then saw Peter get electrocuted. Both me and Rocket laughed at the sight. "Yeah. Writhe, little man" Rocket said. Me and Rocke then saw Groot whimpering about his arms being cut off. "It'll grow back, you dash idiot, quite whining" said Rocket. I slapped him behind the head. "Ow" he said rubbing his head. "Quite whining the pain will go away" I said mimicking what he said. "Okay fine, I'll admit that was a  good one" he said. We then got lifted up in the air just to see we were definitely going to prison. "Subject 89P13 and Phoenix, drop your weapons" said one of the guards. "Aw Crap" me and Rocket said at the same time and dropped our guns. "By the authority of the Nova Corps, you are under arrest" said the security guy. "Fascists" said Rocket "And yet I thought things wouldn't get worst" I said.

Words: 1596

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