Chapter 6

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Third Person Pov:

It was now night time everyone but Peter was asleep. All Peter heard was just all the prisoners snoring until. "Take her down to the showers it'll be easier to clean up the blood there" said a guard.

Phoenix Pov:

I was just soundly asleep until I heard this. "Take her down to the showers it'll be easier to clean up the blood there" I heard a guard say. ::Damn even the guards are up on this:: I thought. I then knew what was gonna happen so I slowly got up without waking up Rocket and Groot and or anyone else. After I had gotten up I then made and illusion of myself sleeping right near Rocket. I then turned in invisible and teleported to where the action was gonna take place. Once I got in the room I saw two men holding Gamora with knives pointed to her throat. The prisoners then walked out of the room and were going down to the showers. I then saw Peter get up since he had heard Gamora and saw the men take her. I then saw Rocket wake up and I started freaking out a little hoping he didn't suspect that the fake sleeping me was actually an illusion. "Quill, where you going?" Asked Rocket in a sleepy mumble. "Quill." Rocked whispered. "Quill!" Rocked said in a whisper yell. I then decided to teleport to the showers to go and help Gamora since I thought I was safe from Rocket since he didn't suspect a thing that the fake me was an illusion. Rocket then scurried to Phoenix and went to carefully shake her awake although the moment when he tried to touch her shoulder she then dissolved into nothing. "Phoenix?" Rocket whispered. He then realized that it was an illusion. After I had teleported to the showers I then saw a prisoner point a knife towards Gamora's neck. "Gamora consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy" said the prisoner. "As if you hadn't" I said turning visible. The prisoners then looked towards me. "You Dare?" I then looked behind me and saw those who they call Drax. "You know who I am yes?" He asked. "Your Drax the destroyer" said a prisoner. "And I'm pretty sure you already know who I am" I said. The prisoners looked at us with slight fear in their eyes. "Quill, Phoenix" I heard Rocket say. I then saw him come by and now I was probably going to have a long hour talk with him now. "Phoenix what are you doing here!?" He asked. "I'll explain later" I said. "No you better explain now" he said. I sighed knowing I there was no way out of this. I then started explaining to him why I had snuck out. I then heard Drax talk about how Ronan had killed his wife and daughter and Ronan just stood there and laughed. After him saying that he should kill Gamora the prisoner then gave Drax his weapon not wanting to get killed by Drax. The moment Drax was about to kill Gamora she then attacked the Prisoners and I did hear a few bones break. "Quill, Phoenix what are you doing" Rocket asked. "I'm no family to Ronan or Thanos" said Gamora. After slowly backing away she then dropped the weapons. "I'm your only hope at stopping him" Gamora said. Drax then attacked her. Then that's when I jumped into the fight. "Phoenix!" Whispered yelled Rocket. I grabbed Drax by the shoulders and threw him across the room. He then ran towards me and knocked me down to the ground. He then ran towards Gamora. "Your words mean nothing to me!" Drax yelled.  "Hey, Hey, Hey!" Yelled Peter. "Oh Crap" whispered Rocket. "You know, if killing Ronan is truly your sole purpose I don't think this is the best way to go about it" said Peter. "Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?" Asked Drax in a slight whisper. "Well I mean she's hardly the first woman to try and do that to me" Peter said and chuckled at the end. "Look, this is from a smoking-hot Rajak girl stabbed me with a fork didn't like me skipping out on her at sunrise I got, right here, a Kree girl tried to rip out my thorax she caught me with the skinny little A'askavariian  who worked in Nova Records I was trying to get information." Said Peter. I rolled by eyes and got up. "Okay great no one asked for your entire girl problem story" I said. "Yeah I knew that from the start but look, she betrayed Ronan so that means he's going after her and when he does that's when you..." Peter said then put his finger towards his neck and slowly tracing his finger across his neck. "Why would I put my finger on his throat" asked Drax. "What?" Asked Peter. "Idiot it's a symbol of you slicing his throat" I said slightly growling. "I wouldn't slice his throat, I would cut his head clean off" Said Drax. "It's a general expression for killing somebody you've heard of this you've seen this right?" Asked Peter looking towards me. "Of course I do bitch" I said growling. "See everyone knows" said Peter. "Anyways, what I'm saying is you want to keep her alive. Don't do his work for him" said Peter. Drax looked away from Peter then looked at Gamora who was now shaking. After awhile Drax then let Gamora go letting her fall to the ground coughing and regaining her oxygen. "I like you knife I'm keeping it" Drax said as he took a look at the prisoners knife. "That was my favorite knife" said the prisoner. 

Third person Pov:

"Listen!" Said Peter as he walked with Gamora. "I could care less Whether you live or whether you die" said Peter. "Then why stop the big guy?" Asked Gamora. "Simple" Peter said. "You know where to sell my orb" said Peter. "How are you gonna sell it when we and it are still here" said Gamora. "My friends Rocket and Phoenix here, have escaped 22 prisons" Peter said pointing towards Rocket and Phoenix. "Oh we're getting out" said Rocket with his arms crossed. "And then we're headed straight to Yondu to retrieve your bounty" I said. "How much was your buyer willing to pay for my Orb" asked Peter. "Four billion units" said Gamora. "What!" Yelled me and Rocket at the same time. "Holy Shit" said Peter. "That Orb is my opportunity to get away from Thanos and Ronan" said Gamora. "If you free us, I'll lead you to the buyer directly and I'll split the profit between the four of us" said Gamora. "I am Groot" said Groot as he was in a cage right by us this whole time. "Five of us" Rocket said. "Asleep for the danger" Phoenix said. "Awake for the money" said Rocket. "As per freaking usual" we said.

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