Chapter 2

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Morag 2014

No one Pov:

It's been 26 years since Peter was taken away from earth. He had finally moved on from what happened back on earth and was now used for missions and I mean very special missions, like this one, recently he's been sent out on a mission to receive some type of orb that was on a planet called Morag. Peter then landed the ship and got out and started making his way on the hard rock floor. He made sure to put some armor on so he had a protective mask on and somewhat of armor. Peter then grabbed some type of device that then released a bright blue color then after that becoming a screen with people who were here before the planet became abandoned. The holographic people then we're almost guiding Peter to where this orb was. After he had reached the area the light showed a little girl with a dog then Peter shut down the device. When he entered the tunnel he saw that everything had nearly collapsed in here. Peter pushed a button that was on the side of his helmet revealing his face. Peter then grabbed his Walkman put the headphones on and put some music on. As the music played Peter then started vibing to it. 

(You can put the music on while your reading if you want)

Peter then came across a puddle and kicked the water. Then these little weird creatures came towards Peter but Peter then just kicked them out of the way since they were pretty small. Peter then saw another weird small creature then grabbed it and used it as a microphone. Peter then just started making his way through this entire heck hole without dying or getting injuries surprisingly. Just as Peter thought things were good he then came across a deep gap that looked like it had no ending to it although Peter then used his rocket boosters to get past that. Peter then came across a huge door and opened it knowing that the orb was in here. Once Peter saw the orb he then grabbed something to replace the orb with so it wouldn't turn off the alarm. Although little did Peter know that security was coming and was now going to take him for trespassing on this planet. Peter then put something on the ground that made the orb come out of the protection sheild landing on the thing Peter had put on the floor. Peter grabbed the orb although the moment he had grabbed it. "Drop it" said a security guard. "Uh Hey" Peter said. "Drop it, Now!" Said the guard. "Hey, cool, man. No problem" said Peter. "No problem at all" he said as he dropped the orb. "How do you know about this" asked one of the guards. "I don't even know what that is, I'm just a junked, man. I was just checking stuff out" protested Peter. "You don't look like a junker. Your wearing Ravenger Garb" said the guard. "This is just an outfit man, ninja turtle. You better stop poking me" said Peter. "What is your name!" Yelled the guard. "My name is Peter Quill, okay? Dude, chill out" said Peter. "Move!" Yelled the guard. "Why?" Asked Peter. "Ronan may have questions for you" said the guard. "Hey you know what there's another name you might know me by" said Peter. The guard then looked towards Peter. "Star-Lord" Peter said. "Who?" Asked the guard. "Star-Lord man. Legendary outlaw" said Peter. "Guys?" He asked. "Move!" Yelled the guard. "Ah forget this" said Peter then grabbed something that made an explosion. After it had made the explosion Peter aka Star-Lord then shot the guards and then grabbed the orb. Peter then heard one of the guards groan get up and grabbed their gun aiming to shoot and Peter but lucky for Peter he managed to dodge. Just before anything more crazy could happen Peter powered on his rocket boosters then left. Peter was now running for his life trying to escape the guard that was right behind him. Right when Peter saw his ship he then saw at least four guards surrounding it. Once the guards saw Peter they started firing at him. Peter grabbed the same thing he used to get the orb and it made all the guards stick together. Peter then saw another ship ahead and quickly jumped in it. He pushed the button from his helmet revealing his face yet again and started powering up the ship. As the ship started the guards noticed and started firing at him. But Peter was already far enough to get away. Peter laughed as he saw how hard the guards tried to stop him. Although he probably wasn't going to be laughing for long after this. Peter didn't even know that he was hovered over by a water gushed that then blaster Peters ship in the air. The ship turned upside down making Peter face plant to the screen of the ship. As the ship was crashing Peter was trying his best to grab the controls to the ship. Just before Peter was about to hit the ground he then pulled one of the levers making the Ship start flying again. 


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