Chapter 2: Second Chance at First Line

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Mercedes' POV

It was the end of the school day, so I made my way out to the field with Lydia as we watched the lacrosse team practice. When Coach yelled at Greenburg to take a lap I glanced around the field feeling eyes on me. I met the eyes of Derek Hale who was standing on the edge of the field close to the woods. I shrugged it off and watched the one on one round between my brother and Jackson. I rolled my eyes after a minute and went back to glancing at Derek. I was still curious as to why he said he was a friend of my brothers when I know for a fact that he's not. As if sensing my stare he turns and looks at me. I'm snapped out of the little staring contest when I hear the coach.

"McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" I glance back at the guys before seeing my brother tackle Jackson, who then lays on the ground clutching his shoulder in pain. I groaned as my curiosity got the best of me and got up to follow the two boys who were hoping that the distraction on the field would keep others from following them no doubt. I stuck to the shadows as best as I could while watching the boys. I finally decided to make my presence known when I heard Scott ask what happened.

"You tried to kill me." I heard his friend answer. "It's like I told you before-- it's the anger, it's your pulse rising. It's a trigger."

"Anyone wanna tell me what the hell just happened?" I questioned. My twin looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. "Now Scott or I'll tell mom you're on drugs." I threatened.

"You wouldn't." He replied.

"No one gets this good at Lacrosse overnight. Especially someone with severe asthma issues, little brother." I reply with a smirk. After a few minutes Scott sighed and told me everything.

"You can't tell anyone Merc. Not Lydia and definitely not Jackson."

"You can't play Scott. It gives you an advantage that no one else has. Plus Saturday is a full moon. Who's to say you don't shift in the middle of the game." I say to both of them.

"But I'm first line." Scott argues.

"Not anymore." Stiles and I reply.

Later on that night I found myself in Scott's room while he video-chats with Stiles. I mostly ignored what the two were saying since it was about lacrosse. I only glanced up when I heard Scott say, "What?" I sighed and got up from my seat and looked at the frozen computer. In the corner of the screen was a message from Stiles, 'It looks like--'

"When something's not right remember to focus on your surroundings, Mercedes." I think back to the advice my dad always gives me. I step back and look around the room and notice the figure lurking by my brother's window.

"Um Scott..." I started before the rest of Stiles' message came through. 'Someone's behind you.'

"What?" Scott sounded confused as I moved closer to him. I jumped back again, however, when Derek Hale grabbed my brother by the back of his jacket and pinned him face first into a nearby wall.

"Yeah... I'm just gonna head to my room Scott." I said before I grabbed the magazine I was flipping through and headed to my own room. I tossed the magazine on my bed before I walked into my bathroom and started taking off my makeup. When I walked back into my room I jumped not expecting Derek to be standing over by my desk.

"What the hell?" I questioned.

"You need to convince Scott not to play on Saturday." Derek said.

"I've tried. He won't listen."

"Then make him listen."

"How? By pinning him to the fucking wall and threatening him?" I asked. "That doesn't work for him. And threatening him won't either. If he plays, he plays and there's nothing you can do to stop him because maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to control it. Did you possibly think of that?" Derek looked down at the ground slightly ashamed that he hadn't thought of that. "Now if that's all you had to say you can leave." I added after a moment of silence. He turned and headed toward my window when I stopped him. "I'll try to talk him out of it though, but with Jackson out of it because of practice today he might have no choice." He nodded before he jumped out of my window. Once I was sure he was gone I changed into a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top before walking over to my desk to see what Derek was looking at. The only thing that really caught my eye was the FBI badge that I have from helping my dad over the past few summers. I picked up the badge and slid it into the drawer before shutting my window and laying down.

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