Chapter 4: Magic Bullet

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Mercedes' POV

I woke up a few mornings later to a sharp pain in my left arm. I glanced at my clock and groaned when I saw what time it was. I sat up and turned my lamp on, glancing at my arm. I sighed as I got up out of bed and walked into my bathroom, I turned on the light and walked toward the medicine cabinet looking for the ibuprofen. I grabbed the bottle and opened it, taking three pills before putting the bottle back and going back to bed.

"Mercedes, get up or you'll be late." I heard mom call out as she knocked on my door. I got up and quickly got dressed before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my makeup. As I walked out of the bathroom I started braiding my hair, before I started to pack my homework into my bag before I glanced at the police report about the Hale fire. I put the report back into the folder and placed it in the desk drawer with the FBI badge before I slid the drawer closed. I grabbed my jacket and bag before I left my room. I grabbed my keys on my way out the door and walked by Scott who was getting on his bike. I unlocked my car and climbed inside, tossing my bag and jacket into the passenger seat. I cranked the car and headed to school.

I stopped by my locker and grabbed the right textbooks for my first few classes and slid them in my bag before I headed to my first class of the day.

"What's been going on with you, Merc?" Lydia asked as she sat down next to me at lunch.

"Nothing, why?" I asked.

"You haven't been hanging out with us as much as you usually do." Lydia explained. "Is it a guy?" I laughed.

"No Lyds. You know me, none of the guys around here can catch my eye." I told her.

"What about over the summer?" Lydia asked.

"No. You know I spent the summer working with my dad. No time for boys." I told her. "Just got a lot on my mind with all the animal attacks going on." I added as I rubbed my arm as the pain got worse. Luckily my next class was a free period.

Derek's POV

I staggered into the high school trying to find Scott or Mercedes. A kid shoulder checked me causing me to grimace as the pain got worse. I kept walking until I spotted a familiar teenager from the lacrosse game. I walked up to him.

"Where's Scott or Mercedes McCall?" I asked.

"Why should I tell you?" He asked me.

"Because I asked you politely, and I only do that once." I replied. 'Unless it's Mercedes.'

"Hmm. Okay, tough guy. You know, how about I help you find Merce? If you tell me what you're selling her brother?" I stared at him in confusion. "What is it? Is it, uh, dianabol? Hmmm? HGH?"

I frowned and internally groaned. "Steroids?" I asked him. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away when the kid grabbed my arm.

"No, Girl Scout cookies. What the hell do you think I'm talking about?" He asked. "Oh, and, uh, by the way, whatever it is you're selling, I'd probably stop sampling the merchandise-- you look wrecked."

I looked down at my left hand where I knew blood was dripping down my arm from the wound.

"I'll find him myself." I said and started to walk past the boy only for him to grab my left shoulder to try and turn me around. I spun out of his grip and grabbed his own arm and pinned him into the locker. I pulled my hand away from his neck only to realize that my claws had come out and were also covered in blood. I quickly walked away and stood in a corner before I focused my hearing, attempting to find one of the twins.

"Merc, you have to come shopping with us soon." Someone said.

"Lydia, I just went shopping. The day I got back." Mercedes replied.

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