Chapter 7: Wolf's Bane

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Mercedes' POV

Scott got home an hour later and told me what happened at the school. I hit him with the baseball bat when he told me that he had told the cops that it was Derek that had attacked them. He also told me that school was canceled the next day.

While Derek slept that night, I was reading over the Hale report again. After my third attempt at reading over the report I got up and to my closet ad grabbed the box that I knew held some memories of the Hales. Most of it was pictures of myself and the family. There were some clothes that Cora had left from a sleepover.  Derek woke up while I was still going through the box. Once I reached the hoodie, he instantly recognized it. After going through the contents of the box we both went to sleep.

Later on, the next night Derek had me driving his car with the two idiots. He had found the Alpha attacking Mr. Harris. Before he could catch him, the cops had showed up. I glanced in the rearview mirror and suddenly wished I was in my own car as I drove Derek's with Kate Argent following us.

"Mercedes, I don't think you understand the concept of a car chase!" Stiles yelled.

"Shut up." I told the spastic kid as I revved the engine even more. When I glanced in the mirror again, I realized she was gone.

Following my instincts as Stiles turned on the police scanner, I quickly found Derek at the Ironworks, where Argent was shooting some flash bombs, trying to blind the wolf. I pulled up to where he was hiding, while reaching for the little crossbow I had Stiles holding. I grabbed the arrow from Scott and shot it at Chris Argent, while Derek jumped in the car.

"I told you to lay low." I growled at the grumpy wolf, as I drove away.

"I almost had him." Derek said, defiantly. "at least until the cops showed up."

"Hey, they're just doing their job." Stiles said. I glared at the two idiots.

"Well, he wouldn't be on the run if it wasn't for a pup." I said. Derek quickly explained what had happened the last time he spoke to Laura. When he showed the drawing of the necklace I groaned. "Son of a fucking bitch!" I yelled.

"It's Allison's necklace." Scott explained. I dropped Stiles off at his house before I drove to mine.

I hid the car once more as Scott walked inside. Derek and I were both trying to come up with a plan when he suddenly disappeared. When I saw my mom pulling in, I figured out why.

"Merce, what are you doing out here?" Mom asked as she climbed out of the car.

"I had gone out for a run. I wanted to clear my head." I told her. "I better head on up and get some sleep. I've got school tomorrow." 


"Night!" I called over my shoulder as I ran inside. I made my way into my room. Derek and I talked quietly still trying to figure out a plan for Scott to get the necklace from Allison. By the time we finally got tired it was 12 AM. 

The next morning, my alarm woke me up. I quickly got dressed and did my makeup. I left my hair down as I grabbed Derek's hoodie from his basketball days. As I was slipping it on over my head Derek woke up.

"I know telling you to lay low probably won't do any good." I told him.

"You'd be right." 

"At least stay out of sight." I told him as I grabbed my phone, keys, and bag. "I'll be home after the game tonight." 

I shut my bedroom door behind me. I ignored Scott as I walked out to my car. I didn't want him to ask about the hoodie. 

I met up with Lydia and Allison when I got to school. "Hale?" Lydia questioned, when she saw Derek's last name on the back of the hoodie.

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