Chapter 5: The Tell

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Mercedes' POV

I sighed from the back seat of Lydia's car while she and Jackson were fighting over what movie they were gonna watch. I was purposely ignoring them, since I was to engrossed in re-reading the report on the Hale fire.

"Mercedes, help me out here." Jackson said. I looked at the couple.

"I only agreed to come out with you two so Lydia can learn that there is no guy in my life." I told the boy. "Plus, you should know by now that you can't argue with Lydia." I added it as an afterthought, before turning my gaze back to the report. I kept looking between the electrical malfunction and then the additional note where the investigators suspected arson. Jackson sighed and finally got out of the car and headed into the video store.

"It's taking him too long." Lydia said after a few minutes. "Can you go help him?" She asked. I sighed and closed the report before putting it back in my messenger bag before getting out of her car and heading into the video store.

"I swear to god Jackson if you don't hurry the hell up and get the fucking movie so I can go home and go to bed I will gladly kick your ass tomorrow." I said as I opened the door of the video store and walked inside. I was stopped short when I heard growling and saw the glowing red eyes of the Alpha. "Son of a bitch!" I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and quickly called Derek before the Alpha even noticed it. Once he realized someone else was in the store the Alpha looked at me and growled. "The one night I take the fucking gun out of the bag," I muttered sarcastically. I was confused when he ignored me and instead turned back toward Jackson. I walked forward slowly toward the lacrosse captain, the Alpha again stopped when I reached the boy. "Jackson go outside."

"What about..."

"Just go!" I yelled at the boy, finally annoyed at the situation. Before he even had a chance to move towards the door the Alpha jumped on the both of us, Jackson face down and me on my back looking at the Alpha when he moved Jackson's collar he turned and ran off. I heard Lydia's scream as he ran out the window. I quickly got off the floor before leaving the store as well.

"Did you get close enough to touch him?" I heard someone ask.

"Son of a fucking bitch, Derek." I jumped.

"Did you?"

"No, but I think I know what he's doing." I told him.


"I think he's getting revenge on anyone who was connected to the fire." I told Derek. He looked confused. "That night I had you stop at the Sheriff's office; I went in and came out with the report on the Hale fire. I've been looking at it any chance I could get. The official report was an electrical malfunction but there was a side note where someone suspected arson." I continued walking. I knew Derek was watching me. "Take a picture!" I shouted over my shoulder before I took off for a run. Since the video store was only a couple blocks from my house, I got home within 30 minutes.

"Hey, how was movie night?" Mom asked as I walked through the door.

"Lydia wanted to watch the Notebook again, and I wasn't really up for it tonight, so I came home." I told her. "I'm gonna go on and head up for the night." I added before I ran upstairs. I tossed my bag on my desk and practically jumped as a hand covered my mouth. I elbowed the person in their stomach causing them to remove their hand. I turned around and saw Derek. "For fuck's sake Derek. Stop doing that!" I hissed at him.

"What did you see?" He asked. "You can't say you didn't see anything if he got close enough to you to knock you down."

"I didn't think to touch him." I told him. "The Alpha mostly ignored me, at least until I got next to Jackson." I told him before I sighed and plopped down on my bed.

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