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Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason. Thats what everyone thought. That is before he met his crows, his family.

Kaz was sitting at his desk as usual, calculating the income of the week from the crow club. Slowly becomming a threat to all the other gang leaders, they all knew he was going to be sucessful. Already having the power that he had at the young age of 15. Kaz knew this best, he would get his revenge on Pekka, and get all that the cruel world had taken from him.

He had just gotten back from a job, it went well, as most jobs did with Brekkers help. He was particularly proud of this victory since he had taken over some of the Dime lion Terratory. Hurting Pekka and his gang was offcourse one of his favorite passtimes.

He decided to treat himself to a drink. Quickly walking next to Jesper and taking his shot. Jesper stared at him in annoyance, being Jesper. The most clueless person to exist sometimes, he decided to congratulate Kaz.

"I would be mad you just stole my drink, but I cant help but be really happy about our win, boss." Thats when it happend, and most certainly the last time it would ever happen. Jesper reached out and patted Kaz on the back, leaning in and hugging him.

Kaz jumped, eyes widening. He quickly got out of Jespers grasp, and smacked him away. Giving him a fearful glance. If Kaz were to be able to focus his breathing he would see Jesper looking confused, and quickly realizing his mistake.

Jesper jumped away, talking to Kaz from a distance, handing him his cane, and telling the dregs he trusted to help him lead Kaz to somewhere more private. He tried to move Kaz by force, which of course didnt end well. Kaz started grasping at his neck, gasping, Jesper looked around for anyone who would have a clue what to do. "Breathe Kaz Breathe! Your the Bastard of the Barrel, you cant let me see you weak. Come on Kaz."

He heard Kaz gasp something at him. A name, Jordan? Jackie? Jordie? He didnt have time to think about it, he needed to help his friend. Jesper saw kaz closing his eyes. He was slightly relieved that he would be able to help Kaz without freaking him out more.

Jesper tried not to think for this next part. Though Kaz would usually argue that Jesper wouldn't think for any part of anything. Jesper grabbed kaz's sleeved arm, and pulled him up, discretely manuvering him on his shoulder. Slowly carrying him up the stairs to Kaz's room.

After a long journey up those stairs, Jesper felt Kaz started to stir. He set him down on his bed and Jesper stood by the door, far enough away to not scare him, but close enough to support Kaz.

Kaz woke up in a cold sweat. Confused and Dazed, he saw someone in his door frame, "Jordie? Your supposed to be dead."

A look of confusion and recognition crossed Jespers face as Kaz realized what he had said. Mentally slapping himself for accidentally revealing a detail from his past. Over the short time they had known eachother, Kaz wouldn't admit the Brotherly bond he had formed with Jesper. Though he knew Jesper had thought more of him, but neither would acknowledge it.

"Kaz, What's going on, Who the Hell is Jordie, and what happened back there?" Jesper asked slowly. Kaz registered the question, and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

"No one, and nothing your going to talk about ever again." Kaz said gruffly, the last thing he needed was Jesper worrying about him, or any emotions being talked about.

Jesper shook his head in disbelief. "Kaz, you... you need some serious help. What happened, I deserve atleast some explanation." He walked over and placed his hand on Kaz's shoulder. Kaz immediately winced and pulled away. "Oh... it was me touching you. Why didn't you tell me, we could have avoided this entire ordel." Jesper says sympathetically. "Oh my, I could have been Gambleing!" Jesper jokes.

Kaz looks back at him unimpressed. "You would have lost 100 Kruge by now. If I anyone owes anyone anything, it's you owing me Kruge." Kaz says seriously. But in someway trying to distract Jesper from asking anymore questions. He thinks to himself that he wouldn't be able to lie convincingly at the moment, and prefers not to test that theory.

Jesper actually catches on to the cue, and laughs along to Kaz's attempt at a joke. Though it did have alot of truth to it. Jesper stays in the room for a while, until it starts to get dark and Kaz seems to calm down, well as much as Dirty hands can.

Authors Note,

Hi, if yall want me to continue this please leave a comment, I'm thinking of making this a one shot book of Kaz and his Trauma. Cause for some reason it's odly comforting to write it. Tell me what you think, thanks for reading!

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