I care about you, OK?!?

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"Alright. Jesper, you take the left, Inej you cover me. We need to do this quick before they have time to get reinforcements." ordered Kaz.

"You got it boss." replied Jesper, Inej settled with a subtle nod. They started making their way around the dock, surrounding the small plot.

Inej jumped up on top of a shipping container. Out of sight of everyone, but able to see everyone. She gave the signal, a small pebble hitting Jesper on the back of the head. Kaz's idea of course. Jesper looked around confused, quickly understanding what she meant.

The dock started to fill up with Dime lions, when Pekka Rollins showed up. "Mister Brekker. What a surprise." He said quickly clapping his hands together.

"I very much doubt that. But I'm sure I don't need to explain why I have come, or go over a meaningless deal with you. We could save alot of time and people if you would just nicely hand over Fifth Harbor." Kaz replied.

"I don't think that I will. Now Brekker, you can leave now alive, or later in a bodybag." Pekka threatened.

"The only way I'll leave in a bodybag is if your in one next to me." Kaz snarled. Walking forward with his cane clanking on the hard wood.

The gangs quickly ran at eachother, drawing weapons and attacking every thing that moved. The moon seemed to illuminate Inej, Kaz getting distracted by her skill. She darted her eyes at him. They made eye contact for a brief moment, what normally would be awkward was odly comforting. Paying off her indenture was the best, and most noble deision Kaz had ever made. But he wouldn't admit that.

Inej watched as Kaz fought the Dime Lions infront of him, how he was able to fight so elegantly with his leg would always bewilder her. She had only wished that he would open up to her, show her what all he was hiding. He was a mystery, and she wanted to solve him.

She threw Sankta Alina at one of the men behind kaz, he sent her a thankful glare. She heard a shot ring from Jespers gun, hitting a young boy between the eyes. Subtly hearing him yell BangBang every time he shot. She made a mental note to make fun of him for that later. She had gotten close to Jesper, valuing him as a brother.

She looked back down at Kaz who was now against a wall, held atleast a foot above the ground. His cane pushed against his throat choaking him. Inej looked toward the person holding it in place. Pekka she said bitterly to herself. Kaz had some obsession with him, it seemed more than just proffesional. It was personal.

She leaped off the container, landing near where Jesper stood, trying to fight his way to his friend. She saw the glint of the moon against the knife in Pekkas hand. She screamed at Pekka, but all the noise drowned out as everything around her became so surreal. That was the moment she realized. She loved Kaz Brekker.

Kaz knew this is how he would die. Well, not in this exact situation, but something Violent and bloody. There was no 'light at the end of the tunnel', no 'peaceful, happy ending' for him. He would die like he lived, a crow. "Full of regrets and unpaid debts." as Jesper had said, unaware of how true this statement would become.

He struggled against the cane, kicking Pekka with his good leg and trying to push him away with his gloved hands. He reveled the slight mercy that he was choaking him with his cane, and not with his bare hands. He looked to the side, trying to get a breath by moving his neck, he got a slight breath before Pekka grabbed his chin and forced him to look towards him. Kaz forced down the vommit and tried to ignore the flesh he felt on Pekkas hand.

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