Chapter 3

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It was barely light out when Zelda rode out the Main Gate and onto Hyrule Field.
     On the eastern horizon the skies started to grow lighter, but the world still seemed fast asleep. Barely anyone had been out and about in Castle Town when they had made their way through.
     Link was on her right, looking dashing in his blue tunic, with the hilt of the impressive Master Sword poking out over his shoulder.
     The best thing, though, was the excited glimmer in his eyes.
     He had effortlessly fallen back into his role as her appointed knight, and sat alert and vigil on his horse, his eyes flashing everywhere in search of possible dangers.
     She had missed it.
     Zelda remembered how much she used to hate this, the way he seemed so calm and collected, completely sure of his purpose in life and ready to fulfil his duty.
     Over time, however, she had grown fond of it. It reassured her.
They were trailed by two more knights, both young guys who had recently finished their basic training and would soon be knighted. This was their chance to prove themselves.
They were definitely excited by the prospect, and sat up straight in their saddles, hands clasped around the spears they were holding, their eyes full of anticipation and excitement for this adventure.
Zelda didn't mind them trailing along. There had been a time when she hated all the fuss, content to just travel the roads alone, but she knew how much depended on her now.
Besides, this gave her a chance to look at the progress their knights were making. To see all the hard work that Link had put in.
     They would take a couple of days to reach Hateno Village, after making a short stop in Kakariko Village. Zelda figured it would make sense to check out everything going on there.
     Since Impa's death she hadn't been back, and they too needed to adjust to a different person in charge. Dorian had been sending her letters to keep her updated, but it was best to see it for herself.
     The four of them now slowly set off towards the east, and she couldn't help but feel an excited flutter in her stomach.
     They were finally on the road again.
     When she glanced sideways at Link she could see him grinning back, his eyes reflecting the sun that was now creeping over the horizon.
     This was going to be great.

Their small party had barely made it to Rebonae Bridge before they were caught in a massive downpour.
     Dark clouds had swiftly gathered overhead, and before they could even so much as look for shelter they were already in the middle of it.
     Within seconds they were all drenched to the bone, shivering in their sodden clothes, while water ran freely down their backs.
     Zelda felt deeply uncomfortable, but at the same time she remained cheerful and positive. This was what traveling was about.
     Endai and Glendo, their two knights, were considerably more miserable. Their armour was burden enough already, but in this weather it was truly horrible, cold and heavy as it became with rain.
     Still, they bravely kept their heads up, looking ahead as if nothing was wrong.
     Link and Zelda exchanged amused glances, immensely grateful for their own light travel garb.
     Luckily the Wetland Stable wasn't far from the bridge, and they decided to shelter there in hopes of the skies clearing up.
     Zelda looked around in the small space, smiling at the memories. She had stayed here for almost two months, shortly after Link had come to help her defeat Ganon once and for all, back when he didn't remember her. When they were strangers to each other again.
     So much had happened since she was last here.
     She had spent many nights in that specific bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking over everything that had gone so horribly wrong, and wondering how she was ever going to fix it.
     Now she was back, and they had done it.
     Link had come back to her. Somehow their bond had not been broken, and they had found each other again.
     And they had survived another threat to the kingdom. The castle and its town had been rebuilt. Everything she had worried about, everything she had dreaded, she had done it and survived it. It had turned out better than she ever could have hoped.
     Link's hand trailed down her back as he turned to the stable owner, smiling at her before he walked off. It wouldn't surprise her if he knew exactly what she had been thinking.
     Her other two escorts dropped themselves on the stools around a table, sighing contently as they took off their sodden boots and heavy breastplates.
     A sudden thought struck her, and she stalked over, wanting to have a little fun.
     'Who told you you could slack off?' she asked fiercely, putting her hands on her hips as she looked down on them as strictly as she possibly could. 'You're still on duty!'
     The two guys gaped at her in shock, before shooting a scared look at each other and grasping for their stuff, struggling to pull their gear back together.
     'S...sorry, Princess,' Endai muttered, his cheeks burning bright red, contrasting strongly with his distinct green hair. 'We didn't realize...'
     Zelda chuckled, holding up her hand to make him stop his hasty fumbling.
     The young man looked at her in confusion, still holding one of his boots in his hand. He glanced over at his companion, but he looked just as lost as he was.
     'I'm just messing with you,' she chuckled. 'Please make yourself comfortable. We don't want you getting sick.'
     A weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders, and Endai slumped in relief, grinning at her awkwardly. He rubbed the back of his neck, before nodding and dropping back down on the stool.
     Glendo, on the other hand, laughed loudly. 'You should've seen your face,' he called out to his friend. He hadn't responded as fast as Endai had, and now tried playing it off as if he hadn't fallen for it.
     'Oh shut up,' Endai retorted. 'You almost fell off your stool in your hurry to get your boots back on.'
     Zelda laughed merrily, and luckily the two knights could see the joy in it as well, chuckling softly.
     By then Link returned, holding a tray with four damping mugs and placing it on the table. He handed them out before sitting down himself. He didn't take off his boots though, and skeptically raised an eyebrow at the sight of the two knights in their state of undress, shooting them both a dissaproving glance.
     They at once started shuffling around awkwardly, and Endai again went bright red, while Glendo tried to hide behind his long black hair.
     Zelda couldn't hold back a very unbecoming snort of laughter, knowing full well that Link had followed every word, even from that distance. The fact that he played along with her lifted her heart more than getting out of the castle had.
     They were simply able to be themselves again, away from responsibilities and the slug of life in the castle. Out here they could goof around a little.
     'Just relax,' she told the knights, starting to feel sorry for them. 'Try to get warm again, dry up. We still have a long way to go.'
     Endai nodded weakly, burying his face in his mug, while Glendo tried to lean back nonchalantly, but at least they did not touch their gear again.
     Slowly but surely they even started to relax, with their stomachs full of warmth and a comfortable fire heating the air, while Zelda and Link softly discussed the road they would take, and how this rain would affect their plans.
     It was cozy in the stable, where multiple travelers had gathered to wait out the rain, which was creating a lovely background murmur on the roof of the stable and the ground outside.
     Zelda almost regretted it when the rain eventually let up, putting an end to the soft muttering of voices and dripping of water.
     Their clothes had mostly dried up too, and she heartily said goodbye to the stable owner, who had been so kind to her in the past.
     Their two companions begrudingly put their still wet boots back on, followed by the heavy breast plates, and stepped back outside, blinking into the bright light of the sun starting to break through the clouds.
     'Hop on!' Link called out to them, already mounted himself.
     They snapped out of their thoughts and hurried to get on their horses again, struggling a little under the weight of their gear.
     Zelda watched in amusement, feeling only the slightest hint of guilt for seeing the guys so nervous and anxious to do well, while she and Link were just messing with them. It would benefit them in the end, she told herself. Once they learned how to compose themselves around royalty, and once they knew how to act like proper knights. They would be fine.
     Without looking back to check if they were ready, she started off again, trudging down the muddy road. She knew Link would be onto her like a shadow, for the first time realizing just how natural it really was for him.
     He had never struggled with finding his position. He had always kept up with her, done precisely what was needed, even back when he first started. Not everyone was so lucky.
     Still, both Endai and Glendo were merely steps behind them. They seemed to be determined to proof to her that they did actually know what they were doing. That they hadn't been chosen to accompany her without good reason.
     Zelda simply smiled to herself. Hyrule had Hylian knights again.

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