Chapter 31

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Zelda wasn't able to hide her horror.
     First she had to look on when Link was overrun by a wave of monsters, while his true enemy just sat there, waiting.
Then there was that first clash, sending them both to the ground and making Zelda hold her heart in fear.
Even from this distance she could see Ganondorf towering over Link, looking so dark, so evil.
But when Link got to his feet she couldn't contain the gasp leaving her mouth. She clasped her hands over her face, unable to watch as the blade flew at his unprotected neck.
A collective sigh went up from the people around her, who were all engrossed in watching the battle play out.
The army below had dealt with the last of the monsters and had resumed order, looking out over the fields as well.
Even the monsters that had come with Ganondorf had stopped their advance, as if he was too distracted to order them forward.
The entire world had stilled to watch the battle unfold.
A battle that seemed to be over before it had even truly begun.
She couldn't believe it was this easy. Link was the strongest warrior she knew. He was just so capable. Good at everything he tried. There was no way he would be defeated in just two blows. No way.

Zelda felt the smallest sliver of hope return to her, just enough to make her peek through her fingers.
It was enough to see an orange light burst to life, pouring out around her knight a split second before his neck would be severed.
Ganondorf's sword hit a solid wall of that strange light, and once again they were both thrown back.
Gasps, screams and cries rang out all around her, but Zelda could only watch the way Link spun through the air.
He managed to land on his feet in a half crouching position, the sword still in his hand and held out to the side. It took no more than half a second before he was up and running again.
Zelda couldn't make out his face from here, but his entire body radiated the determination and fierceness that she knew would light up his eyes.
People around her and on the ground below were now actually cheering, spurring him on and shouting their encouragement. Excitement was palpable in the air and Zelda felt goosebumps rise on her arms as that feeling soaked in.
This was what Link had been talking about. He gave them hope. He made them believe. She could feel the truth of his words. She could feel it in the way her own heartbeat picked up, ready for action.
By then Link had reached the tall Gerudo male and swung at him with a vicious speed, hardly even halting his sprint.
Ganondorf caught the attack on his own sword, but only just in time. He stepped back, giving Link enough room to swing at him again. And again. And again.
The knight was raining down hits, one after the other, but no matter what he tried, they all seemed to bounce off on that giant sword.
Zelda watched in growing anxiety how Ganondorf slowly but surely stopped stepping back, and instead started throwing his own hits.
Link defended just as fiercely, catching every single blow at the exact right time. But now it was going back and forth, with neither of them winning much ground.
Their people were still cheering Link on, until Ganondorf sent them a vicious glance. That was all it took for the army of monsters around him to continue pressing on.
They were careful to give the Demon King and his opponent a wide berth. Soon hundreds of monsters were speeding right at them.
Zelda's heart thumped in her chest, but she desperately held on to that feeling of faith and excitement.
'Teba!' She called out, noticing him a little to her left.
He grinned at her, before nodding. In a loud voice he called out to the archers under his command, who all readied their bows as one well-oiled machine.
He held up a winged hand, looking over at her and expectantly raising his eyebrows.
Zelda watched the monsters run across the fields, judging the distance and their speed, ignoring the anxious flutters in her stomach.
'Now!' She yelled, watching in satisfaction how Teba threw his hand forward, repeating her command loudly. The thrumming of bows sounded, followed by dozens of dark arrows speeding through the air.
It was like a dark cloud flew over their own people, before it burst open and dropped a deadly rain on the oncoming monsters.
Zelda couldn't even tell how many of them fell under that first assault, before wave after wave of arrows was loosed.
Chaos erupted among the mass of monsters, and they lost all semblance of an army as they each stormed forward on their own.
Their own army stood still, a silence having come over them. The air was heavy with anticipation, with dread and fear, but there was still some of that excitement left. A belief in their cause, a love for their people that made them different from these monsters.
Zelda noticed Sidon and Riju standing in front of their ranks, some distance away from each other, waiting for the first enemies to arrive.
The Zora Prince exchanged a glance with the Gerudo Chief, and Zelda could clearly see the flash of sharp, white teeth as he grinned at her.
This wasn't their first battle. These people were trained warriors. They had fought together before, and had absolute faith in their abilities. Looking at them, Zelda almost forgot to fear for their safety.
But then the first monsters were upon them, and both Sidon and Riju disappeared in the chaos of the fight.
Before searching for her friends, however, Zelda cast her eyes out further, to where two lone figures were still dancing around each other. They were on an island of green, surrounded by monsters, yet unbothered by them.
Her eyes darted everywhere, trying to take in everything all at once, but every two seconds they returned to her knight.
Link didn't show any signs of fatigue, his blows smooth and fast, his sword always raised and ready for defence.
     Seeing him like this, it was like a new peace settled over her. Zelda had been lost without him, desperate and alone, unable to carry her grief. But she knew it had been for a good cause.
     Link had found a cure. He managed to get rid of the effects of Malice, and was finally fully back to normal. He was stronger than she had seen him in over a year.
     She might have suffered in his absence, had hardly believed she would survive it, but she had. And it had been worth it.
     He would never have been able to fight like this. So smooth, so fast, so effortless.
     That didn't mean it was easy though.

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