Chapter 34

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Link woke up from a series of weird and foggy dreams. It was dark in the room, but rain was still pattering on the stones outside.
     In his confusion it took him a second to realize the way his body was pinned down. Zelda lay on top of him, sprawled out so that her full weight was on his chest.
     He could only just make out her silhouette. Her head was nestled on his shoulder, her nose in the crook of his neck, where he could feel her deep, even breaths against his skin.
     She was so calm now, all the tension gone from her body. Just the thought of waking her broke his heart, so he kept lying there, listening to the steady flow of her breathing.
     The previous afternoon, after she had eventually come down from her panic attack, he had been afraid she would be too distraught to talk to him.
     But she slept soundly in his arms for nearly an hour, then woke up and smiled at him. It had been a weak smile, apologetic and fragile, but it had been there nonetheless.
He'd smiled back, despite his inner turmoil. Because most of all, he was glad that she was alright. Her health would always come first to him.
But he hadn't forgotten what had happened during their meeting, and thinking of the casual way she had wanted to leave him behind - again - felt like a knife being twisted in his heart.
He had been blind with rage. He wasn't proud of that. But the last time she had sent him away was still fresh and painful in his mind. She had meant well, he knew that, but he still couldn't quite shake the memory of her telling him he was too weak to protect her.
He had reluctantly agreed to go to Gerudo Town and leave her to travel to the castle with their friends, but only because he knew she was right. Because there might be a small chance of a cure for him there.
Now he had indeed been cured. He was strong and healthy again. He felt better than he had for a very, very long time. Physically at least.
Yet somehow she still found a reason for them to part ways. She had wanted to go out there alone.
Even now, Link could feel his blood boiling at the thought of how ridiculous that was.
Ganondorf was out there somewhere. People were getting attacked and murdered if they were unlucky enough to be on the open roads. By the Goddess Hylia and all Seven Heroines combined, he could not understand why she thought he would let her go alone.
And even if she had had a good reason for it, he resented the way she had mentioned it so casually, without discussing it with him first. It would have avoided a very awkward situation for the others in that room.
But Zelda wasn't herself. She hadn't been since they left the tunnels in Faron Woods. Not since they lost their daughter.
Link knew it was hard on her. Impossibly hard. It was unbearable for him too. But he had thought they would have each other through it all. They would support each other and take on each day as it came.
That was until they had split up. Maybe there was still more resentment in him about that than he first thought. Maybe he hadn't truly forgiven her yet.
Since they reunited they had been busy fighting this horrible war. Sure, they had talked in the few private moments they'd had, but never about this.
He knew the princess had been through hell during those days apart, that much was plain to see. She refused to talk about it, though. She pretended it was alright now. He was back, they were together, that was all that counted. But he wasn't so sure. She was not okay.
She was pushing him away, whether she meant to or not. But they had to talk about it.
Only when she had woken up and smiled at him, he couldn't bear to see that fragile smile disappear again.
So he had pretended it was okay. He had soothed her some more, promised her she was safe with him and that he wouldn't leave her side. She had seemed happy about that at least. Maybe she really did want him with her.
Link had pushed aside his feelings and they had gotten back to business. Zelda seemed to feel better, so they started planning out their trip to Korok Forest, discussing things that needed to be arranged.
Once that was done they had sent out messengers and packed their stuff, before having a last proper bath. Link had wanted to have a good meal too, making sure the princess got some much needed calories in her, but they were on rations like the rest of the castle. That would have to wait until he could maybe hunt something out in the wild.
After that Link himself had been exhausted, and he didn't feel like it was the time for a proper heart to heart about everything that had happened.
So they had settled into bed, and after a long time of staring at the ceiling he had finally drifted off.

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